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Posts posted by Rize

  1. Hey, welcome on Monochrome Heaven :)

    It's alright to mention your friend who recommended you though :P No one would be against it :3


    You have some nice music taste here~ we do have some in common like MEJIBRAY, BORN, AvelCain & D'espairsRay :D


    Anyways, I hope you have a good time here and feel free to join us sometime in the MH chat :)

  2. Hmm...


    Well, from my view, I think you need to know each other better before asking her out like that.

    When she says no, it stays no. No good to ask her again when she clearly says she doesn't want.

    I think she likes to be good friends first, so 1# build a well friendly relationship up before doing anything else.

    Once you took the time and make her comfortable around you, I think asking that would be easier but idk. ^^


    Also, I don't think it has something to do with being chinese or something...


    But well, every girl is different and has their own view in life. ;)

  3. Hey welcome on the forum ^.^

    I like your music taste as well. DIV, Xepher, D'espairsRay, A... ( * o * ).

    Come join us in the MH chat sometime whenever you feel like to. :)


    See you around, have a good time here. :D

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