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Posts posted by Rize

  1. Hey, welcome on the forum!


    I checked your lastfm and~


    Your musical compatibility with starlight4life is SUPER

    Music you have in common includes MEJIBRAYDIAURARoyzF.T Island and ONE OK ROCK.




    Seems we have some in common :D

    Anyways, hope you'll have a good time here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask any user with a blue or red name. :)

    Also, join us sometime in the chat whenever you're in for a chit-chat :P

  2. Shortest: 2 1/2 months

    Longest: 3  1/2 months

    Current: none


    I just have 2 relationships behind me in my whole life x3.

    I seriously don't get both of them tbh


    1st one couldn't handle distance relationship while he knew from the beginning that we wouldn't see each other much, then he did things behind my back while I came a month earlier back from my holidays specially for him (fuck that shit).



    My 2nd relationship was like perfect, amazing... undescribeable but then out of nowhere he had doubts about our relationship (like how?!). When he told me he had doubts, we lasted for 2 weeks after that T_T.

    We talked.. and I asked him if he didn't made that decision too quick and he said he wasn't so then.. he wanted to be friends, well okay then. The day after he broke up with me he suddenly send me messages out of the blue with: Linh there you are! I've missed youuu, I love youuuu <33 *kiss emoticons* / like dafaq dude what do you want.


    Both guys are for me: Not understandable, seriously what's up with their mind.

  3. Wow, that's one of a weird case tbh.

    I don't think it has anything to do with your age, or being friends with certain men, so don't worry about that.

    Ehm, how about to try to catch some attention from them, talk about things they like as well > that would make the whole situation less awkward. Even if you're on the silence-side, try to open up yourself more (I know how hard that could be, but once you do that, you'll get comfortable with it and interacting would become more easier to you, really  :) )

  4. I don't think you need to worry much about downloading.

    It's illegal everywhere in Europe and still people are downloading xD

    As long you download and delete it afterwards it shouldn't be a problem.

    And about torrenting on Jpopsuki... Jpopsuki is a private tracker so they can't see much what you download so thats not a problem ;)

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