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Status Updates posted by Rize

  1. Happy new year everyone~! :3 Let's make 2014 a good year with smile! *special linh hearty pic* http://24.media.tumblr.com/0af78288bde267ee80067b6eca3238b1/tumblr_myofjf8OtE1rlsry9o1_1280.jpg ( ^_^ ) /

    1. Raburr7


      Happy new year to you too Linh ♥♥♥♥

    2. Gaz


      dont have a pic, but HAPPY NEW YEAR LINH! (^_^)/

    3. nekkichi


      happy new year! you look fab

  2. Happy Valentine's day?! Who's going to be your date? :D *holds a Tsuzuku hearty frame* lol. My lover for today. :D

  3. Having a lazy weekend~ feels good.\( ^_^ ) /

  4. Having the most stressful week in my life. Give me some free time plies~ *school sick* www

    1. Jigsaw9


      Ganbatte neeee~

    2. Rize


      Haha I hope so! ??り????????????(*^^*) ??ん??り????????

    3. Yasupon


      Have a chocolate chip oreo cookie cookie! http://i.imgur.com/2GNm9p6.jpg

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Having very strange dreams lately... Even today wtf a raincoat thief?!(;゜??゜)

    1. Jun_


      Someone wants you...wet [?]

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. Rize


      Lol. No :'D www

  6. How would Linh look like as a boy hmm... well like this! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgdMN8jIQAEF8o7.jpg *lol*

    1. Raburr7


      haha. what a pretty boy XD

    2. Rize


      hahaha thanks Rabur :3 XDD

  7. I couldn't wish better than such friend. :'D https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/1604852_689739951067377_1568697610_n.jpg My first gift for WHITE DAY and passing my exams. \( * o * )/

  8. I fell in love with this amazing songu~ DIV/ ゴールデンキ??マ劇場♪

    1. Jigsaw9


      Pretty nice song indeed! First one from them that caught my ear~ ♪

    2. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      I love that song too~ :D

  9. I finished that VK otome game in 2 days lol. :> All of them were pretty good, though the Yugiri/Daizystripper route felt like a no-no. XD How the heck could I even steal my best friend's boyfriend LOL. In reality it makes me feel the worst, but this was kinda weird though w All other character routes were emotionally and great in some ways :P

    1. Rize


      ^ Yeah agree. I've seen these a couple of times in dramas too, it's just so weird. The funny thing in this game version is, that ''best friend'' even accepts it lol. She must had been hitten by a huge rock on her head. > _ < )

  10. I found my soulmate/my pen-friend :D Unbelieveable to find someone with so many interests like I do www //happyface

  11. I have posted my blogpost about last Sunday's concert: Plunklock & Calmando Qual with pics www ameblo.jp/linhsan/entry-11534461450.html ♪

  12. I have some fan moment right now! (lol) MiA & Tsuzuku used my youtube linku for メサイア/MESSIAH PV SPOTTO on youtube, yay! (≧▽≦)

    1. kyoisKILLINGME
    2. GazeRockSnob


      bet you'll be fangirling even next week lol.

    3. Rize


      MAYBE...!! :P

  13. I love people who can see their own wrongdoings and apologize for it, even if it took them more than a year. Apologize & forgiving makes it all better. :)

    1. Bear


      See ones own wrong doings? Apologize? NEVER!

    2. Rize


      It all depends on the person, not everyone can easily forgive.

  14. I made this today for my kiddos ''Throw balls game'' https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BL7AU99CUAI-yq4.jpg don't these look cute? www took me like 3 hours XD

    1. Slsr


      wow, you seem to take it seriously putting so much effort XD... they look cute tho.

    2. Rize


      Of course, when it's about doing some creative things, it gotta be cuteee~!! & Thankies! ^^

    3. Raburr7


      Awesome Linh 0_0

      It would take me 3 hours just to make one....

  15. I passed my Dutch exam, yahoo www 3F/HBO ;'D ahaha www

    1. Jigsaw9


      Awesome, congrats~ ヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ

    2. Rize


      Thanks sweetties ;'D <3

    3. GazeRockSnob
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. I passed my Dutch plea exam! *\(^_^)/* Now some less stress! Time to enjoy myself with NEGA's best album and Korean/Japanese dramas<3

    1. Gaz


      congratulation ^_^

    2. Jigsaw9


      Congrats! And now have fun~ ;3

    3. Yadora



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  17. I seriously lolled about those beliebers rofl. This: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/529411_607018522691874_2087908051_n.jpg // PWN'D www FEEL THA DEFEAT. :D Isn't this the first time that an Asian MV wins on youtube? Glorious moment! :3

    1. ricchubunny


      Actually Girls Generations fans would do the same if JB had won...lol

    2. Rize


      Hmmm.. I wonder lol. Not sure about their fanbase ww

  18. I so love strawberry pocky's and panda cookies omfg <3

    1. colorful人生


      that and toppo, yan yan, and koala cookies = my childhood :D

    2. Rize


      Yeah totally agree :3

    3. Biopanda


      panda cookies are the best cookies.

  19. I studied 40 chapsters of didactics in less a week~ woohoo!♪ Over-motivated. :'D I almost finished 400 questions on the test-yourself :'D *nerdy*

  20. I think I really need to share this submarine kei version of MEJIBRRAY - Akercock LOL:

    ... brings back some good memories www
    1. Slsr
    2. CaRaN


      it was awesome hahaha

  21. I turned back and became a White Foxy again~ Wanna see my yokai powers?! :3

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