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    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from usuxorz in 25 Days of MH-mas Discussion Thread   
    Cyclamen proudly announced your pick on their facebook
  2. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Ito in 25 Days of MH-mas Discussion Thread   
    Cyclamen proudly announced your pick on their facebook
  3. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Ito in random thoughts thread   
    wow, this mixing desk looks nice, how much?
    only about 1,5 million, but it's only so cheap because half of the channels aren't working since 1978...
    (and then we haven't even started with video.... )
  4. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Wonrei in THE NOVEMBERS to release new album "zeitgeist"!   
    New music video, 

    10/10 this is insane
  5. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    sweet jesus, now that's a shitton of shows but thanks for the descriptions!
    based on those and watching the corresponding openings/trailers i might add Magi and Kyousougiga to my current showlist that so far only consists of KillLaKill and LogHorizon (which i agree is pretty much SAO, but the first 5 or 6 episodes of that were absolute killer too, so maybe LH has it's downfall coming too )
  6. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Ito in HEADPHONES   
    whao, thats a VERY good deal, for very good headphones! don't know about overseas shipping tho and taxes etc...
    EDIT: straight cable seems to be out, but the code applies to the coiled cable too (which is way cooler imo anyways) and shipping to UK is 27 dollars, that's in all still pretty darn cheap (about 90 pounds...)
  7. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Zeus in HEADPHONES   
    If you still want headphones there's a very good deal here.
    With the promo code SWIZZLE you can steal these for about $95. STEAL.
  8. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CAT5 in downy to release new album after 9 years!!!   
    and they just posted a song on their youtube-channel...

  9. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Champ213 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Well, that's the internet for you. It pretends to be a place of tolerance and personal freedom, but the collective hive of the internet is actually rather small-minded, conformist and reactionary.
    Either you conform to a very narrow ideal of appearance and conduct - or you're meme material.
  10. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Tell the staff what we've missed in 2013!   
    EDIT: Haaaha, jig was faster than me, double post all the way accross the board, lolz
    the only japanese album  that made the rounds on my ipod that isn't of the usual suspects (hurrr, checkout "the unraveling" durrrrr) would probably be the new
    Church Of Misery - Thy Kingdom Scum

    it's a uber-solid down to the ground stoner-doom riff-behemoth with the occasional psychedelic innuendos in between. i know it's not your typical MH-Material, but a band with such heavy grooves surely is worth considering for some 2013 list
    and i just remembered that the new Soutaiseiriron (Town Age) came out this year too

    and i haven't read anything about it on here, which i found weird since as i understand it they're a pretty big deal in Japan and apart from the annoying steeldrums this album is just another perfect example of what beautiful music this beautiful band can pull off...
  11. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Zeus in 大橋トリオ - White   
    Score: | Color me shocked, I actually am impressed.

    Not that I started this experiment with the intention to bash releases or anything...

    For me, jazz is a musical style that I can only enjoy when I'm in the right mood. I don't yet consider myself to be sophisticated enough to throw on jazz whenever and immediately enjoy it. I also haven't been in the mood lately to listen to jazz, even struggling to put on the flawless Shiina Ringo for more than a few minutes. So when I say that I enjoyed this album, I enjoyed this album.

    Stylistically, this album is a lot more downtempo and sparse than the usual fare I review. The main attraction for me is the vocal work, with the instruments taking more of a relaxed, backseat role. They're still there, but they don't steal the show. The vast amount of guest features and the styles they bring to each song do. For some people, so many different artists contributing to one release can be a positive aspect because of diversity. For others, it's a negative because there are too many cooks in the kitchen and ideas from one track clash with ideas from the next. I only notice when one track has Engrish lyrics and the following track has more pronounced enunciation - it's very distracting. It's not something that happens very often, so I'm willing to let it slide. I can say that no track is as left-field as some of the contributions on the SOIL&"PIMP" collaboration album from earlier this year, so if that turned you off this will work better.  
    Lyrically - since for once I can understand a great deal of the message - this is a very positive album. Topics range from love to happiness and all of the other positive topics underneath that rainbow and sunny sky. I'm not used to hearing people sing about such positive topics (or even giving two shits about what they're singing about anyway because hey, I don't pretend like I understand Japanese). I like that this album focuses on positivity without sounding contrived, so it gets points for that.
    If you're feeling down, this album should cheer you up. If you're feeling upbeat, this album may make you melt from happiness. If you're not into jazz, this can be a hard pill to swallow. Try it out - it's worth it.
  12. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to TheStoic in I'm excited to join this community!   
    My name is Ryan, but I go by the moniker "TheStoic" as I use it in most blog/forum communities I take part in.
    My love for Japanese Rock and Japanese culture originates from 2001 when I moved from the U.S. to live in Okinawa, Japan.  My best friend, whom was half Japanese-half American, introduced me to Japanese music through Arcade games, anime and manga and before you knew it, I was heading to my local Tsutaya Record Store to buy my favorite "introdcutory" artists I fist came to know and love, such as Bump of Chicken, The Blue Hearts, L'arc en Ciel, Siam Shade, Luna Sea, Hide, X-Japan, and Gackt.  However, as I started buying new CDs of artists I would see in Shoxx, Fool's Mate, and Cure magazines, I came to grow and fall in love with darker, heavier acts like Dir en grey, Mucc, D'espairsRay, and The GazettE.
    Today, over half of my music library is strictly Japanese, and I have been lucky enough to see several of my favoirte acts live both in Japan and in the United States.  I have been a part of other J-Music communities before, and after reading the review section of this fourm, I saw I liked the layout, quality and discussion and have decided to join in the mix.
    I look forward to meeting everyone!
    Thanks for the great content here.
  13. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Miasma in MYSTIFY SAI   
    Have you received 5 albums already? I only count 4 in this thread, so I'm posting my recommendation anyway. U BETTER LISTEN TO IT CUZ I DIDNT UPLOAD THIS 4 NOTHIN

    I'm sending you j-rock-jazz-pop gods Tokyo Jihen's sophomore album Adult. I love the way this band tackles rock and pop tunes with a fresh sounding jazzier edge. Their first album and the albums after Adult all play with a certain smoky lounge atmosphere, but it's this album that truly embraces it. It's the perfect place to start if you haven't listened to them yet; there is a lot to love here.
  14. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Aion in MYSTIFY SAI   
    oh, one of the best albums EVER =)
  15. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Original Saku in Offical YouTube Thread   
    so this exists, let's just think about that...

    Edit: and it is -PART THREE-  o.O
  16. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from orangetarts in [SOLVED] Mac computer related question!!   
    jup, the cd-drive to harddrive switch is possible for all macbook-pros that have a cd-drive (hence not the retina-models, which sucks for me )
    here is the kit (or one of them, i guess there exist multiple ones) http://www.mcetech.com/optibay/
    depending on the year/generation of your macbook you will have to let a specialist do the swap, because the macbooks became increasingly user-unfriendly and now use screws that need specialised tools to use with it etcetc #applefuckshitcunts
    here's a video of that... 
  17. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Gaz in the GazettE - BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY   
    accurate depiction of my feels to this album

    to be fair, only to the first half or so of it. i had to stop there because of severe boredom, i doubt i missed the "interesting" bits...
  18. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to usuxorz in Music and Memories   
    If this post is tldr, then skip to the last paragraph.
    Music has always been my outlet. Linkin Park and Papa Roach are two examples of artists that I could listen to and somehow manage my out-of-control emotions, but my heart was always with metal. A friend of mine introduced me to jrock, but I never paid it much attention because American artists were so much easier to access (besides, she sent me a picture and I wondered wtf was wrong with the vk band members XD). Slayer was always my last resort when it came to music because their music never failed to help me stabilize.

    Slayer was almost an integral part of my life back then. Actually, I even met my daughter's father at a Slayer concert. He was also an avid fan, even covering several of their songs on guitar and using their titles as his screen names. We had quite a whirlwind start for our relationship, but in the end he was just using me the way I used music. We broke up on my birthday, but still went to see a Slayer concert together a few days later. Kinda funny how we both met and parted at a Slayer concert. ;; I was already unknowingly pregnant when we broke up (not that knowing would've changed anything).

    Despite drama and stress from him and his friends, I had a very happy pregnancy. I never needed music to make me feel better because just putting my hand on my growing stomach was extremely soothing. Unfortunately, my pregnant sister and her family (then husband and her 2 sons) had been living with us. My sister and I never really had that great of a relationship and things only got worse this time. Her husband kept getting fired from the easiest of jobs (even ones where he was hired as a favor), was stealing from the household, wasting her hard-earned money, and went out of his way to NOT do any household chores. She couldn't get mad at him (she was in a custody battle with her ex over their sons and courts prefer stable marriages to single parents), so she'd take it out on me; mentally, emotionally, verbally, financially, and even physically. I could only endure it because of the little miracle growing inside of me.

    My sister was further along than I was, so she had her kid before I did. That just made things worse because her husband didn't really want to be a father and never did anything to take care of his daughter. My sister expected my father and I to take care of all 3 of her kids for her, including feeding, bathing, entertaining/supervising, and tutoring them. Because my sister is the stereotypical blond bimbo, she'd often leave for work without expressing milk (and was adamantly against formula) so I ended up having to wet nurse my niece at various times over a span of 2 months (because the only other option was to let her starve ).

    My sister's husband left her on December 26th, after receiving several hundred dollars in presents from her. About 2 weeks later I had my daughter. My sister's abuse only intensified after these events. She moved out in February, after telling her church that I had thrown my barely 1 month old daughter against the wall. Some elderly bitch at the church called me and tried to get me to confess my "sins" to her over the phone. I told her A. I have no sins to confess and B. she is legally required by law to report suspected child abuse otherwise she could be face charges as well. She eventually shut the fuck up and called the police like I told her to; an officer was at my front door no more than 10 minutes later. I still remember him to this day: in his late 30s, slightly husky, white in his beard, and not a single hint of maliciousness in his eyes. He commented that my daughter didn't even have scratches on her face, unlike his own kid. He found out it was my sister who started the false report and put a giant, comforting hand on my shoulder before leaving. No matter how much music I listened to, nothing could stop my from shaking in anger and betrayal.

    Not even my daughter's crying could jolt my soul. With just this information, some people would think it was "just" postpartum depression, but I had already met with my doctors to check for it (and met with them again after that incident) and I was given a clear bill of health (both times). I don't know how much later, but days later I just put my music on shuffle, hid under the desk, curled up into a ball, and cried while listening to the music. Linkin Park meant nothing. Pink meant nothing. Papa Roach meant nothing. Slayer meant nothing. Slayer was useless to my soul. Slayer, my last resort, did nothing. And then it happened, a song came on that helped wash away the hurt, pain, anger, and numbness. I'll be damned if I remember which song, but I'll never forget the band; it was Dir en grey.
  19. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Original Saku in Anime/Manga Recommendation Topic   
    totally missed this thread, but here is for my first contribution an anime that is a few years old (2006) and perhaps went a little under the radar for some people.

    i added the OP to the post, which can give a quick impression of the general "feel" of the anime if that's ok. otherwise i'll just remove it again
    EDIT: btw it is completely streamable (Japanese with english subs) on the funimation-channel on youtube as i see it...
  20. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Raburr7 in SHINee   
    soooo new SHINee track out, any thoughts?

    although i don't really dig this song in particular (the "everyybooody, eeeeeverybooody" singalong chorus doesn't really do it for me) i think the complextro genre could be extremely well fitting for them!
    also these looks and the new choreography are pretty dope too, stoked for the upcoming album...
  21. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Senedjem in DEAD END Tribute -SONG OF LUNATICS-   
    Holy shit uomth just get the fuck over yourself

    How can someone be so smug and self-righteous about a bunch of old japanese men in makeup?
  22. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Senedjem in DEAD END Tribute -SONG OF LUNATICS-   
    wuh oh we've got a self-important look at me I know everything manbaby, delivered fresh from the degbox
  23. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Zeus in Any old school bands?   
    did i hear touhou?
    you need some demetori in your life! fast super-cheesy fistpumping guitarwank-shred-powermetal

  24. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Miasma in Show Your Desktop   
    as of today this seems to be my ne wallpaper *cough*

  25. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Umi_Niwa in Best VK/Jrock Album Art   
    i always verymuch enjoyed this one by MUCC

    the lack of bandname and albumtitle make it sortof special, and this whole minimalistic pencil on white theme goes through the whole booklet+cd+case
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