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  1. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Zeus in COHOL second album 裏現 announced   
    COHOL has announced that their second album 裏現 will be released winter 2014. It will be both CD and vinyl release with 8 tracks on both.
    In related news, they have also released a vinyl press of their split album 刻光 on July 11th through Moment of collapse records. It has a red and white cover instead of the black and white cover.
    Here is the album flyer:

    Source: http://www.cohol.info/posts/2nd-album「裏現」2014年冬に発売決定!-2014712/
  2. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CAT5 in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    looks like not that much has changed, only the avatars switched to a different kind of ugly
    curious if it'll be a bit more stable tho
  3. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from DogManX in Dir en grey   
    dipping a little bit into black metal territory maybe? would be pretty cool and sort of fits their current narrative quite well.
    i'm intrigued (dammit and that just for the title, curse you DEG-hype-machine!)
    from their facebook
  4. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to nekkichi in DIR EN GREY - TOUR14 PSYCHONNECT -Mode Of "GAUZE"?-   
    they're gonna spend 2015-2017 releasing this tours documentaries alone tbh
  5. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Original Saku in Show off your Rig   
    as saku already mentioned, there really is no need for the extension monitor to be big at all, if the main purpose is multitask (and that is pretty much the biggest benefit) then the monitor with your skype/facebook/MH-BroChat can be fairly small, the main-monitor for gaming and movie greatness substantially bigger (24-27' or so).
    also, as i already mentioned i the chat, maybe think a bit more vertically, to have a bit of room left if you should (and you should) decide on a pair of speakers.
    here's my place for example

  6. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Champ213 in Funkômas (My Funk/Rock/Pop Band)   
    yay, i'm finally making money, my parents will be so proud
    at lives we usually ask for 10EUR, but it's basicly pay what you want, so anything is fine i can PM you my bank-details together with a download-link, if you send me your adress i'll mail you a physical copy on monday
    thanks very much for your interest 
  7. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Ito in Show off your Rig   
    Zess's desk be like:

  8. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Miasma in Funkômas (My Funk/Rock/Pop Band)   
    Hey guys,


    as some might already know i also play in a band as saxophonist (or atm bassist) 



    (me is bottom row orange shirt btw)




    it was mainly a backgroundmusic-swing-coverband when i joined, but we now have changed towards only playing original self-composed material that borders into the aforementioned genres (i'd like to think it compares a bit to Tokyo Jihen, but that's probably a stretch/wishfull thinking)


    we released an album back in march (i think) and here is a little trailer of that




    here are some of the songs in full if you are interested in having a listen 


    Friends Of Drug Abuse



    Happy Violence



    Modern Schizophrenic



    Rise Again



    Your Brother



    most of these songs (all save for 'brother') have been written by me, but the CD also features a bunch of songs from other bandmembers too.

    thanks in advance if you took the time to listen to some of the stuff, and even more thanks in advance if you decide to leave some feedback or sth

  9. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to sai in Sai's Blast from the Past - #1 - D - 7th Rose   
    D - 7th Rose [2010]



    fuck why am I doing this to myself


    Okay so the first installation in this trainwreck series will be the one album I wasn't able to shut up about for approximately 2 years and I hereby want to apologize to all of you. I had to listen to this at nighttime and stay up until 4AM because it's goddamn hot outside and people are actually being hospitalized. I couldn't move a fucking muscle without sweating from all possible locations. FUCKING GLOBAL WARMING KIDS.


    I'm listening to my own Lossless rip, fully formatted for the best torture listening experience. ANYWAY, HERE WE FUCKING GO. ALSO LOL WHAT IS FORMATTING.


    1. 7th Rose ~Return to Zero~

    Okay so basically just an interlude leading up to the actual title track of this album. Not sure if this is a build up to hype you up or to have the holy spirit protect you from the monstrosity following this interlude. Pope Francis/10


    2. 7th Rose

    Jesus fuck. Asagi's either suffering from sincere bronchitis or the main avex guy was ill and hired Maria Cross to do the retake on the harsh vocals, who probably just was like "well at least it sounds better than whatever I do" and gave it the thumbs up. The harsh vocals are atrocious and I have absolutely no idea why anyone in D thought this was a good idea. This entire fucking song is a mess because literally NOTHING adds up and everyone's just heavily ramming around on their instruments while Asagi sounds like he just shat a lego garage. The good thing about this song is that the chorus is actually good and it isn't poppy, which has been a trend lately. Then again this album was released before MEJIBRAY even formed so idfk. But whatever, I fucking love this song anyway. Holy shit why do I still like this, probably nostalgia/10


    3. 花摘みの乙女 ~Rozova Dolina~

    A wild studio formatted synth string appeared! Always love me some of those. D, you were major at this point in time, couldn't you hire a guy to do the actual recording of these strings I mean holy shit. Apart from that this song is actually pretty fucking cool. Asagi's dramatic vocals are actually placed really well, the accoustic work is perfectly executed and everything just sounds fantastic. If only it weren't for the synth strings/10


    4. Tightrope

    This song somehow relates to some other D or ASAGI solo song but all I remember from this was that PV that included dogs and Asagi being chained to a wall with ropes and singing about freedom.



    Tightrope was actually the song I expected to really hate by now but fuck it's really catchy. Since I'm more of an individual song kind of person I'm sort of glad I gave this one a fair relisten. Everything else that somehow slightly sounds like this sucks. I actually really enjoy something for once/10


    5. Crimson Fish

    This is the song with the most individual plays according to iTunes. Then again, "according to iTunes" my most played track is a song that I haven't even played like 10 times so yeah iTunes fucking sucks. Apart from the fucking horrible synth strings and the misplaced echo-y intro, this song is actually still really good? Holy shit. This song still fucking rules/10



    6. Independent Queen

    Obligatory heavier middle song comes in right at the middle point of this album and it's really not that surprising. Welcome to fucking VK, kids. OBLIGATORY GUITAR SOLO RUINS EVERYTHING. Does D have a fucking contract that obliges them to put a fucking guitar solo in every song even if it doesn't need one. Obligatory Engrish as well, lovely. Eh this song is whatever, I can't even be bothered to make semi-decent comments about it. I'M INDEPENDENT QUEEN/10


    7. 13月の夢見丘

    The year doesn't have 13 months, that's fucking silly. What are they teaching kids in schools these days.



    Folky song of the album that I actually really like because it's so overly fucking cheesy. The synth strings don't really sound that horrendous here so who fucking cares. My review, my opinion. Sort of want to skip through a field now/10


    8. Day by Day

    Day by Day is, I don't know what it is. It's an okay poppy song I guess but why the fuck is it on this album. It's placed at the worst fucking place too, right in the middle of where this album is starting to bloom. It's like someone finally being able to buy that car they always wanted and then accidently setting it on fire. This is leaving aside that Toki no Koe is going to fucking kill anything good going on until this part though. Why was this necessary/10


    9. 絡繰り絵巻

    Could've done without the heavy bits. Starts of good, then gets progressively worse. It's like eating a Subway sandwich when halfway through the lettuce starts to get gross and sulky because the fucktard who made your sandwich put three fucking bottles of ranch sauce on your sandwich. That's how this song feels to me. Overall it's still good, I just wish I could take some bits out. Subway needs to use less ranch sauce/10


    10. 鬨の声

    This is where I can unleash all my inner fury because this album was actually going really well up until this monstrosity. I HONESTLY THOUGHT THE ALBUM FLOW WAS GOING TO BE PICKED UP AGAIN AFTER DAY BY DAY AND THEN THIS FUCKING HAPPENS.



    Who the fuck approved this. These 5 guys sat around a table and thought "well this sounds good enough to print on disc". Multiple avex guys could've fucking approved this. The harsh vocals are once again fucking atrocious. The instrumentals are awful, this song is too long for the kind of song it tries to be. The obligatory guitar solo is actually the best part here, for the rest it's as big a train wreck as this current review. Hope burned before my eyes/10



    11. Sleeping Beautiful Beast

    Thank fucking god for a decent ballad. This is what I'm talking about. Is there software that deletes certain tracks from discs because that's what I'd like to do to Toki no Koe. Sleeping Beautiful Beast would be even better placed after Karakuri Emaki (or whatever the fuck it's called). This review could've been called "Toki no Koe ruins everything". Pretty fucking good/10


    12. 三日月揺籃歌

    Outro sort of thing? Idk sounds pretty good to me though it would've been better to end with Sleeping Beautiful Beast because this sounds more of an intro than an outro to me. UNLESS IT'S LIKE AN INTRO TO 7TH ROSE. BUT DIDN'T THAT ONE ALREADY HAVE AN INTRO THOUGH.



    Actually sort of yes. Depends on which version of the album you have. If you have type A and B it's pretty neat. If you have type C this one doesn't make any fucking sense. GOOD OLD VK STRIKES AGAIN. Depends on which version you have/10


    13. 風がめくる頁

    BONUS TRACK DESU. Okay this song is nice and it works as an outro but not this sort of outro. It's a goddamn single on an album that's nothing similar to it, why the fuck is it even on here. Like I know this one's at least optional but jesus. Liking it more when it's not a fucking closer/10









    For the amount of hate this album gets by fans of the band, it's actually really good. I still consider it their best major album, because it really just is a good record. Toki no Koe is like the only thing that really makes you cringe on here, that's basically it.






    Alright, that's it I'm fucking done. I'll be keeping how many times i want to punch myself in the throat for liking what I did. So far that score's on zero, HA.





    NIGHTMARE - majestical parade

  10. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Jigsaw9 in Funkômas (My Funk/Rock/Pop Band)   
    Rad stuff, man!
  11. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Champ213 in Funkômas (My Funk/Rock/Pop Band)   
    You showed me some of you stuff before and I was as impressed back then as I am now. How can I buy that album?
  12. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to indigo in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    Kagero's new song is fucking AWESOME imo

  13. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from DeithX252 in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    regarding BABYMETAL
    besides the main "something new and fresh" i think this is basicly the point. lots of metal-fans are quite a fan of blasphemy and pretty annoyed by the whole religiousness that surround everything metal, so when something as honest and unapologeticly manufactured as this comes around and prooves that this can be pretty kickass too it is quite a pleasant surprise. all that honesty has quite some charme to it (and it probably helps that i sort of like the music too. wouldn't listen to it too much, but i can see that it really is quite creative and well done...)
    yes i would perhaps classify as some sort of metalhead, "heavy" music is at least the largest portion of my library.
  14. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from sai in X JAPAN important announcement   
    opening the state religion of donation-based hide-necromancy with your spiritual master yoshiki. every other sunday: riding a dead horse
  15. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Ito in X JAPAN important announcement   
    opening the state religion of donation-based hide-necromancy with your spiritual master yoshiki. every other sunday: riding a dead horse
  16. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Zeus in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    regarding BABYMETAL
    besides the main "something new and fresh" i think this is basicly the point. lots of metal-fans are quite a fan of blasphemy and pretty annoyed by the whole religiousness that surround everything metal, so when something as honest and unapologeticly manufactured as this comes around and prooves that this can be pretty kickass too it is quite a pleasant surprise. all that honesty has quite some charme to it (and it probably helps that i sort of like the music too. wouldn't listen to it too much, but i can see that it really is quite creative and well done...)
    yes i would perhaps classify as some sort of metalhead, "heavy" music is at least the largest portion of my library.
  17. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    just depends. X-2's story is ass but the battle system is really fun and addicting so lots of people play it just for that alone. X had a good story and a semi decent battle system, that's why most people consider it to be better than X-2. I always considered XII to be the best PS2 FF because it was the one that got both the story and the battle system completely right, the story and setting are amazing and way more interesting than X and X-2 and the battle system is really good, probably my favorite FF battle system... but you know I'm a sucker for real time battle mechanics so that might be why XD
    Anyways I'm currently playing UNIEL (Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late) since yesterday when it came out on the JP PSN store. It's really good so far and definitely a fun and addicting fighting game.
  18. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Flame-X in Emulators, yes or no?   
    this is where i got it from...
  19. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CAT5 in Things you never (or seldom) hear in Japanese music   
    there's also gomnupers

    (hey, his t-shirt even says "stoner" )
    and perhaps knellt

    but both border pretty deep into metal i guess, and i suspect it's damn hard to find any releases by them
  20. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from God in Any old school bands?   
    i'll start with the obvious choice...
    Tokyo Jihen

  21. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    hmmn, i'm a bit torn i have to admit. i'm discussing with my friend if we should either continue the story with x-2 or go on with xii. it obviously has an appeal to complete the story of x, the game we already finished, but x-2 seems to get a lot of shit (at least in western countries, where as in japanese rankings x-2 seems to be miles in front of xii...)
    any recommendations with that in mind? i might add i'm totally fine with the main-cast beeing all female and singing in a girlgroup, i liked lulu as a character and yuna and rikku were ok too, so no problems there...
  22. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from relentless in BABYMETAL   
    yeah the discussion had a few points, but it's like running against a stone wall of unfounded misconceptions which just forces repetition, because a reasonable answers has yet to be given.
    how would me writing a song/choreo/concept, but not performing it myself lessen my "authenticity"?
    how does Leonard Bernstein performing a symphony by L.v.Beethoven lessen his "authenticity"? (or beethovens for that matter...)
    do we all now get our "artist"-cards revoked?
    what the hell do you mean with authenticity anyways and how is it in any way related to music? where do you get the impression that either the idols or the songwriters/producers are it not?
    from the very get go they made clear that the songs where written/produced by some full-fledged metal producers (that damn well know their shit) and performed by idols who didn't know anything about metal in the first place but now probably have the time of their lives performing for huge crowds all over the world. 
    going by the definition of
    Fake = Pretending sth you're not
    this is pretty much the very opposite of "fake" and in-authentic.
    fun-fact: a quality indicator for a non-sensical argument is usually the phrase "This is not [genre]"
    EDIT: and before you'll go with "i clearly stated TO ME" again and the usual "just MY opinion" stuffs, nobody would say anything if you'd just posted "meh i don't like'em, i like sweat, beards and tattooes better", but randomly throwing buzzword accusations (famewhores, sellouts, puppets, businessmen, pop-idiots etc.) revokes your freedom of personal opinion and make it a general case
  23. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Youko_o in BABYMETAL   
    Right now the logical part of my mind and the metal fan part are discussing if I should try and accept BABYMETAL or still say they are not really metal. There are no rules for making any kind of music, but I still don't feel comfortable with BABYMETAL way of making music cause it's not what metal bands have been doing through decades. It's not the way metal always been. I don't know dude, I'm kinda confuse now XD
  24. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to CaRaN in BABYMETAL   
    The fact is that these bitches are killing it, so we should forget all the haters and enjoy our fake music produced by sellout businessmen and performed by fame whore puppets
  25. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CaRaN in BABYMETAL   
    yeah the discussion had a few points, but it's like running against a stone wall of unfounded misconceptions which just forces repetition, because a reasonable answers has yet to be given.
    how would me writing a song/choreo/concept, but not performing it myself lessen my "authenticity"?
    how does Leonard Bernstein performing a symphony by L.v.Beethoven lessen his "authenticity"? (or beethovens for that matter...)
    do we all now get our "artist"-cards revoked?
    what the hell do you mean with authenticity anyways and how is it in any way related to music? where do you get the impression that either the idols or the songwriters/producers are it not?
    from the very get go they made clear that the songs where written/produced by some full-fledged metal producers (that damn well know their shit) and performed by idols who didn't know anything about metal in the first place but now probably have the time of their lives performing for huge crowds all over the world. 
    going by the definition of
    Fake = Pretending sth you're not
    this is pretty much the very opposite of "fake" and in-authentic.
    fun-fact: a quality indicator for a non-sensical argument is usually the phrase "This is not [genre]"
    EDIT: and before you'll go with "i clearly stated TO ME" again and the usual "just MY opinion" stuffs, nobody would say anything if you'd just posted "meh i don't like'em, i like sweat, beards and tattooes better", but randomly throwing buzzword accusations (famewhores, sellouts, puppets, businessmen, pop-idiots etc.) revokes your freedom of personal opinion and make it a general case
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