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Status Replies posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. hide and seek with myself

  2. And today, I offically turn "old"

  3. And today, I offically turn "old"

  4. perfect hair forever

  5. gimme my leak

  6. Can anyone tell me what thunder scorpions are because I've been wanting to know for over 2 years.

  7. Damn... Fuckin' shocked and speechless... Jeff Hannemann's dead. May he R.I.P. Gonna blast Slayer all night tomorrow~ ._.

  8. why is saturday so far away

  9. system disk failure... that's something you particularly don't want to see when a big project is due to tomorrow... fuckgoddammit

  10. Nigga you can't quit me i fuckin' fire!

  11. i fucking hate indian rapists!!!!!

  12. its still 1:20PM but in 20minutes i'm gonna leave for the toilet, don't be too sad :'(

  13. I want a pet goat

  14. On August i wanna leave MH & I'm Going Back To SH

  15. SAI, I LOVE YOU ^______________^

  16. I might Stay here in MH up to August only

  17. why the did i never watch adventure time?? shit is brilliant!!

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