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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Ryuuji from Re:dis. AOMypfS56_s !CAUTION! I will not be held responsible for any mental, and possibly even physical damage that this video may inflict upon you. Yeah, because you've definitely been here long enough to get to know us all.
  2. BRB, CRYING.If I'm not mistaken this is Mitsu's Last.fm account. Somebody should invite him to join TW again!
  3. Miasma

    'Twas dwelling in the "Show Yourself" thread. DEM ARMS I SECOND FOR SHIRTLESS PLZ.
  4. Miasma

    Kai and Manda make such an adorable couple! And sorry guys, couldn't help myself...
  5. I MISSED SOO MUCH; nonetheless, good riddance. You don't know how much this made me laugh in real life.
  6. Miasma

    I wanna be a V.I.P. too. I have 478 posts (479 with this post), that's kind of a lot. If I recall correctly, I've been a TW member since early-2008(?) I've uploaded some 5 or 8 releases, most were on TW.net. And I'm positive I have a clean record; I've never gotten into trouble or warned by any mods?
  7. Miasma

    do we have such thing? We do now.
  8. Miasma

    Expected. It's really about time though. I haven't even considered giving their 'recent' releases a try. Anyway, wish 'em the best.
  9. Miasma

    HOFUCK! It's getting dark outside, I'm home alone, and I'm in the f**kin' garage watching this... I WANT MOAR!
  10. Miasma

    Haha this is really cool! I just really hope that they know how much danger they're putting themselves into, it'd be pretty sad to watch the news only to hear: "Real-life Superhero Group Murdered, Execution Style". I can't help help but admire their bravery though! Best of of luck to all of 'em!
  11. Great news! Hope they announce a new release soon. Also, glad to see that they're Akira Yamaoka fans! They completely ripped off "Insecticide" for the song playing on their website!
  12. Miasma

    Dude, I just found out that Gackt was the voice actor for Seishirou Kirishiki! He ain't that bad, although his character's role throughout the anime was confusing to me? Tatsumi's his name. And I'm pretty sure a pack of dynamite would have been enough to kill those two. Really hope they do in fact make a second season, but it's doubtful.
  13. Miasma

    lol u so mad. i didnt know my pm would hurt you that much @_@ sry bby The fuck? I didn't even read that shit. I did delete it though.
  14. Miasma

  15. Miasma

    Will doesn't care about the rules though! Nobody minds if he has insulted a couple of members and a mod, he's a free-spirit! Plus the dude's an outstanding citizen, a team leader, selfless, lol... a sex god, pursuer of the absolute truth and justice, volunteers at the soup kitchen (aww), a great role model, a kind and gentle soul, excels at the call of duty, a sado-masochist, a passionate lover lmao. Who wouldn't make this guy a mod? Anyway, I should stop being a sarcastic bitch before he changes his sig to "Champ+Miasma: 0 Will: 2" Because there's nothing better than letting all of the internet know how much of a winner you are!
  16. Miasma

    Yes, it is. Do you consider DJing an actual profession?
  17. Miasma

    Except this isn't a "COMPARE VOCALIST.A TO VOCALIST.B"-thread. As much as I adore D=OUT, I legitimately think Kouki is bad live: HA5qC-4g3eA
  18. Miasma

    Looks interesting, despite the fact that the vocalist from Re:dis is there...
  19. Miasma

    Just listing some off the top of my head... - Rayka from Synside is pretty bad, couldn't bear how horrible he sounded on their semi-recent mini-album. - Riku from chariots. It's weird, I feel as if he forgets how to sing good when he's in chariots, but I really don't mind him in Rin or Phantasmagoria. - Ai from DEATHGAZE. It's more or less his singing that bugs me, dude sounds like a cow. - Kouki from D=OUT. Sounds horrible live. Love the band, I really do, but he could sound A LOT better if he took some lessons.
  20. Miasma

    Really not expecting anything good to come from this; their previous three singles were a fuckin' joke. Even so, I'm still probably gonna give this try.
  21. Miasma

    WII ARU BERUSAIIIIII!!!11!1! I really hope somebody subs the episodes!
  22. Miasma

    People think he looks European!
  23. Miasma

    Nope, my phone's pretty stupid. Are you cold right now?
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