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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    DELUHI 18 Versailles 20 Megaromania 8 D 17 Matenrou Opera 20 Awoi 15
  2. Probably sound like a broken record, but that was amazing! I only wish Asagi would sound more like... Asagi. I know it's a cover, but did he have to sing the exact same vocal melody Gackt sang, note for note?
  3. I remember I was a huge D'espairsRay fan back in middle school, then upon entering high school my HD crashed so I had to download my entire music collection again. When I finally got around to downloading the D'espairsRay discography, I just couldn't bring myself to do so? For some reason I don't like their music any more. inb4 Some nub: LOLZERZ ITZ CAZ U NO LYKE GUD MUSIK!!!1! I wouldn't say I loved them, but I was a really big SCREW fan back when they release "Gather Roses". Everybody always seems to think the band turned for the worst after "X-RAYS", but I think they seemed to get worse after Yuuto's departure. This new Rui guys isn't bad, but I haven't heard a decent bassline, or song, since Yuuto left the band. Then there's Sadie, dear god, I used to cum buckets whenever I would hear "Meisai". I could care less if everybody else thinks Sadie is just a Dir/Gazette copy band, I still think their early discography is amazing and unique. But I believe the band has started slipping since the release of "Ice Romancer". Now they sound like a heavier Nightmare! And people actually like this heavy-Nightmare sound of theirs!? I love the band, I really do, I just don't want to. (I don't care how cliché that sounded.)
  4. Miasma

    I don't get it?
  5. Miasma

    What album is this? (yes, I'm one of those people who might buy a CD judging by its cover) SCREW's "DUALITY". I'd suggest you just keep the cover and have it at that; the album isn't that spectacular...
  6. Miasma

  7. Versailles Matenrou Opera Deathgaze D'espairsRay Deluhi Plastic Tree Kagrra, Dir en grey LIX. The Underneath RENTRER EN SOI
  8. Miasma

    DELUHI 18 Versailles 18 ZODIA 3 Megaromania 11 D 16 Matenrou Opera 19 Awoi 15
  9. Miasma

    lol, Dog. DaizyStripper -or- THE KIDDIE?
  10. Miasma

    Meh, kick. Divination?
  11. Miasma

    Occasionally, yes. Like lasagna?
  12. Miasma

    It really is a beautiful cover! I hope the entire booklet and single is just as great, if not better.
  13. Miasma

    Looks like they borrowed the GazettE's art director for the PV shoot. Anyway, the preview was mediocre at best, hope the full song/mini-album is much better.
  14. Miasma

    DELUHI 16 Versailles 18 ZODIA 5 Megaromania 11 D 14 Matenrou Opera 17 Kiryu 8 Awoi 11
  15. Miasma

    I hope you meant Kiri, because I haven't seen anything about Iori departing?!
  16. Miasma

    Is probably as much of a tag-nazi as I am. I realllllly haven't liked anything they've previously released, but I'll give this one a try... will download it soon.
  17. Miasma

    Nope. Ever been to a J rock concert, that wasn't Dir en grey playing?
  18. Miasma

    I'd figure it's much more cheaper to rent the textbook, so keep. Ambient rock?
  19. Miasma

    4/10; don't particularly like that Lycaon look.
  20. Miasma

    Malice Mizer. TIME SECTION # -or- König?
  21. D Versailles Matenrou Opera Deathgaze Megaromania Lareine Kiryuu Moi dix Mois Sugar D'espairsRay R-Shitei
  22. Miasma

    DELUHI 15 Versailles 16 ZODIA 7 Megaromania 11 D 14 Matenrou Opera 16 Kiryu 10 Awoi 11
  23. Miasma

    ↑ lol. Really enjoyed the new Moi dix Mois album.
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