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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Thinks the guy in his ava is hot. Who is he anyways?
  2. Miasma

    EDIT: Ninja'd me... Received a Last.fm shout from me. Well, I can say he's handsome. I don't think he's hot though.
  3. DELUHI Sadie Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ D'espairsRay Phantasmagoria Shinkou Shuukyou Gakudan NoGoD Matenrou Opera EAT YOU ALIVE hurts HIZAKI Grace Project Virgil
  4. Miasma

    No. I was about to sneak into it with friends, after seeing HP7, but once we walked into the movie the credits began to roll. Have you seen the new Harry Potter movie?
  5. Miasma

    Didn't say anything about Gin.
  6. Miasma

    Keep. I need to go see "Burlesque" soon... Oh! That's not good! Megaromania? loledit: Gin ninja'd me, but my response still fits.
  7. Miasma

    How dandy of them to get us all excited for their non-visual career, and then pull this out all of a sudden! I'm gonna be honest though, they were my favorite UC band. Best of luck to the members.
  8. Miasma

    No. Do you have a Wii console?
  9. Miasma

    Keep. The "Toy Story" movies?
  10. Miasma

    I really don't know what I'd do? Probably do a bunch of crazy stuff that I've always wanted to try! What would you do if you were to find a diamond ring lying on the street.
  11. Miasma

    Brave. SIVA -or- cocklobin?
  12. Miasma

    8/10; I like the yellow hue change. That, and he looks a lot like my uncle.
  13. Miasma

    Nicki Minaj. Alice Nine -or- ViViD?
  14. Miasma

    Stab it to death. What would you do if a bizarre old lady came up to you and told you that you would die in two hours?
  15. Miasma

  16. Miasma

    Umm, keep? I don't know much about accounting... Milk tea?
  17. Miasma

    No. Can you do a back-flip?
  18. Miasma

    Listens to König.
  19. DELUHI Sadie MUCC MaveRick Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ D'espairsRay Phantasmagoria HISKAREA Shinkou Shuukyou Gakudan NoGoD Matenrou Opera EAT YOU ALIVE
  20. Miasma

    It's a great anime though; quite cliche when it starts, but gets much more interesting by episode four.
  21. Ghosts, spirits, entities, possessions, extra-terrestrials, cryptids, ESP, clairvoyance, telepathy, psychics, etc.? Personally, I do... to an extent. Okay I believe in such things as ghosts, spirits, extra-terrestrials, and such. But most of this "psychic-ESP-telepathy" stuff just doesn't click with me. You know, like those "ghost hunter" shows where the paranormal teams invite a "psychic" to see if there's a ghost in the house? And he/she just puts her hands in the air, appears to have had an orgasm, and says "Yes there are so many ghosts here, I can feel them tickling my-" okay well you get what I mean. I just don't buy any of that... Another question: have you ever had a paranormal encounter? Well if so, than share your story! I for one love a good scary story. I've only had small occurrences happen to me: ever so often I would hear a child's footsteps outside my bedroom in my old house, seeing what to me appear to be horned chimp-sized animals outside my grandmother's house in Mexico, and having seen my aunt's porcelain dolls *shivers* move their heads. Anyways... discuss, share, speak.
  22. Miasma

    Oh okay then! Give the GazettE's "傀儡絵 (Kugutsu e)" a try, here it is live (just because I think it sounds much better live) and .The song is heavy, dark, and keeps it's momentum steady.
  23. Miasma

    "VENOM" - -OZ-
  24. Miasma

    I can tell, just by looking at that list, that you don't know what kind of music half of those genres incorporate.
  25. Miasma

    Alice Nine.
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