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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Yaoi, yaoi, and some more yaoi!
  2. Miasma

    Is in the mood to hurt random people!
  3. Miasma

    I wanted to post this, but I was to lazy. Much more excited about the new single; their previous single was excellent, no doubt this one will just as pleasant, if not better. The drama sounds interesting though, I'd love to see it, might have a laugh or two.
  4. Miasma

    Saki's pulling a Kyo! Haha, joking. They really look cool though, I barely recognized Ryuuto (and only because of his guitar)! +1
  5. Miasma

    Just watched the final episode, and although I had already predicted the story would end this way, seeing it was still entertaining. Overall, the series was a-mazing. It took quite a while for it to pick up my attention, but it got there buy the four or fifth episode. Going down as one of my favorite animes ever! (not like I've watched many anyway...)
  6. Miasma

    FFFFUUUU- Why Texas?!
  7. Miasma

    Hope you have a great time, and a Happy New Years!
  8. Miasma

    9/10; Haha love the expression, made me smile! EDIT: lol I thought this was the "rate the ava" thread! Oh well my rating still stands!
  9. Miasma

    I don't like 'em, kick. Shuu in boogieman?
  10. Miasma

    9GOATS BLACK OUT - "sink [remix]"
  11. Miasma

    I'm gonna talk to her even if it's 3 a.m. right now!
  12. btw boogieman recruited their new Vo. through audition... Strange, seeing as how Shuu was in Heartless, a band completely different from boogieman, it's kinda hard to imagine him auditioning for the vocalist, nonetheless get the part! But I really hope the band slightly changes it's musical direction, I really don't want to even imagine Shuu singing some of the crazy songs Junno has sung.
  13. Miasma

    6/10; I agree with Hanako, it'd look a lot better if you used a higher-quality image.
  14. Miasma

    D's "Glow in the sun". Welcome to the world of K-pop Bakteeri!
  15. WHAT! This is really surprising! I'd love to see how Shuu does in boogieman, congrats to him and the band. Definitely looking forward to that single of theirs!
  16. Miasma

    Well that was fast! Hope it isn't leftovers and more of "an album without fillers" like Mr Bacon stated. > JUDGING MATERIAL BY THE RELEASE DATE HERP DERP.
  17. O sea, quien cres que eres hablando en groserias aqui? Voy a decirle a tu mama!
  18. Miasma

    I could careless which label they choose to join next; I just want them to join one that can provide them with a good production value. I'd love to see this play out.
  19. Miasma

    Is there a Kagerou fan out there that would be willing to recommend me some material of theirs? I remember listening to "XII dizzy" a long time ago, but that's it, I've never really given them a good listen. Somebody want to point me in the right direction?
  20. Yeah... that made no sense whatsoever.
  21. Miasma

    amber gris - "悲????暮れる黄金丘陵"
  22. And "Kugutsu e". The real set is horrible though, why would they choose their SR songs over their DIM songs? I don't even want to see "Miseinen" anymore. Yes, it's a nice song. But they play it at, nearly, EVERY damn concert of theirs. Show some variety the GazettE! Your encore set-lists are always the same! :x
  23. Miasma

    I don't recall ever crying to a live performance, but I admit Dir en grey's performance of "ain't afraid to die" made me feel very emotional. And there are many others that have given me "the chills" due to how emotional the performance was, but I've never cried to one before.
  24. Miasma

    Been wanting to watch this since the trailers came out! But I'm drained of money, thanks Christmas! So I'm downloading it right now... can't wait!
  25. Miasma

    Sorry to rain down on your parade Mr Bacon, but I'd be very, very careful with this girl. Everybody who dates a younger partner always says, "They're mature for their age though." But as Kaye has stated before, this simply really can't apply to a thirteen year old. I'm currently living with two thirteen year olds, one male, one female (cousins of mine) and as hard as they try to be mature in certain situations they simply aren't. Most of my female friends who've dated older men, tell me they're only doing it to "experiment" or something along those lines. Not trying to be Dr. Phil here, but I'd end it if I were you. If you two truly are in love then wait, wait five years for her to grow up. Do it for her safety and yours.
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