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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Back off bitchez, he's mine.
  2. Miasma

  3. Miasma

    Gotta say, the preview has grown a lot on me. I fucking love how Mashiro Minaj forces his voice to sound that crazy.
  4. Miasma

    Paper clip. Sticky notes -or- write on your hand.
  5. König Rin Derail DuelJewel Matenrou Opera Asobi Seksu LOUDNESS Thin Lizzy D'ESPAIRSRAY envy Metis Gretel Sugar Deleted two, because there were eleven.
  6. Miasma

    Changes her ava and sig a lot.
  7. Miasma

    That's mah birthday! They better live up to the hype.
  8. Miasma

    Denial, so much denial.
  9. Miasma

    NOOOOOO!!! ヽ(??`皿′??)ノ UnsRARs have full original music! Dir en gru copy Unsrah bcuz Yuuki make this song in 1999. Guhguh is the true copycat, she copy Madomma for BORN THIS WAY. Get new ears.
  10. Miasma

    König - "in chains."
  11. Nice Castlevania backing music.
  12. Miasma

    Depending on the ticket prices, I'd say that sounds much more reasonable than spending 8400yen on three copies of the same album for some 'special CD' that's probably just a comment-track. (2500 x 3) + 3500 > 8400. I researched it again and it turns out it was three lives and not two. Jesus, when did scheme take place. Still, concerts > 3 copies of the same album. Yet, it's still not as stupid as ViViD's "WAER OUR TSHIRT @ ALL OF OUR TOUR LIVES+FINAL AND U GET FREE COMMENT-CD!*"
  13. Miasma

    Depending on the ticket prices, I'd say that sounds much more reasonable than spending 8400yen on three copies of the same album for some 'special CD' that's probably just a comment-track.
  14. Miasma

    So you'd have to buy three copies of the mini album to get that 'special CD'?! Fuck you, Lycaon.
  15. Miasma

    Nostalgia. Tranny Satan + Lobster-fusion is the best.
  16. Miasma

    Has a funny avatar.
  17. Miasma

    - Chugging guitar riffs (the new OBSCURE was delicious) - Strophic form in metal - Muffled chanting - Chirping birds - Echoing piano keys (best example I can think of are those found on , beautiful)- When that effect where music travels from one head/earphone to the other adds to the song's already great atmosphere (e.g. and
  18. Miasma

    Wow, Kamijo actually sounds good. I'm really liking Masahi's basslines too, can't wait to hear the whole thing.
  19. Miasma

    Yes, they are good. Now, have you ever listened to Chemical pictures?
  20. And those were great, but I just want more new songs I'm just greedy.
  21. Miasma

    Never had a job, so no. Do you like Chemical pictures?
  22. Miasma

    Is mad about something? And still hasn't been saying anything about any of the users above her, more or less she's using this thread as a means to spam smileys and facemarks. @Gin: Oh I see. I must say though, it looks fucking intense; definitely gonna go watch it.
  23. Only two new songs? Has "I WannA GEtAway" even been released before? Not as excited as I was for this anymore.
  24. Miasma

    Is a Deadpool-fan! Have you seen the trailer for the new X-Men movie yet?
  25. Miasma

    Should read and follow that topic D.L.S. recommended to her. Just to let you know BloodRoses, your sig is 359p in height which is nearly double the allowed height of 180p. You should at least remove one of the pictures, or else you could have your sig deleted.
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