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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    lmboo at jin's hurrdurrshoutyscreams during the intro.... HRRRRRBRAAABAABWAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! HRRRRRBRAAABAABWAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! HRRRRRBRAAABAABWAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! song was really cool though, however the flat chorus was embarrassing.
  2. Miasma

    ded. buying this. ive always wanted successful love advice from asian drag queens.
  3. i really doubt they're releasing this in a limited amount because they "like" it, my bet is that shimizuya doesn't have enough money for a bigger release. especially for a small, and not mention horrible, band like this.
  4. Miasma

    Let me clarify this up because Shaolan got this all wrong. This is one single released in three types, all with different bonuses. TypeA comes with a PV DVD, and Types B & C come with different re-recording bonus discs. TYPE-A [tracklist] 1. (Unannounced) 2. (Unannounced) [DVD] 1. FABLE IN THE COLD BED PV --- TYPE-B [tracklist] 1. (Unannounced) 2. (Unannounced) [new recording bonus disc "EVOL" tracklist] 1. BORN 2. ラヴェイトレッド 3. lover ---- TYPE-C [tracklist] 1. (Unannounced) 2. (Unannounced) [new recording bonus disc "DOOLB" tracklist] 1. 被害妄想??記憶 2. nightmare 3. 魂泪??紅??血??
  5. Miasma

    Choose DaizyStripper. lR6n0OBkWYo
  6. Miasma

    ttly loving the glowing alien look this gurl is werqing.
  7. Miasma

    I only really enjoyed the second half of Apples but I'm so fucking glad these guys are back, can't wait!
  8. Miasma

    I remember that from TW.net. even now i still don't see it. just looks like a bunch of liquified/shopped buildings. im trying to make out a human-ish silhouette but is not happening.
  9. Miasma

    we got a breakthrough! your denial only further suggests that you really do enjoy the song. we r here 4 u
  10. GRAVARII SAOS~ GRAVARII SAOS~ you'd think at least 1 of the 2 vocalists would be good not saying theyre that great of an instrumental band either. also, gross wtf is this
  11. Miasma

    情欲??アクメ By far, the most creative thing Lycaon has done in a long time. Absolutely loving Yuuki's reverberating vocals when that first verse kicks in, gives the song a sort of ominous middle-eastern atmosphere. Still feels rather unfinished though, and for that I'll give it a 3½/5. Jesus Even with this 128 rip I can clearly hear that the song has been remastered, the drums and both the guitars sound a lot more crisper than the single version. Yuuki's vocal rhythm during the pre-chorus verse (1:09 - 1:24) is quite possibly the song's highlight, as he doesn't sound as whiny and there isn't really anything instrumentally interesting going on here. You have your basic enjoyable Lycaon-song formula going on here; 3½/5. 二番目??女 Ugh, go away sex-kei Lycaon, pleeeeeeeeeease. Couldn't help but lmao irl at I LAV SEX I LAV DLUGS I LAV LOCK'A'LOL. Anyway it's a terrible song, 1/10 because of the cool basslines. I love sex. I love drugs. I love rock'n'roll Like Zesshoku has mentioned already, there's a lot of similarity going on with this song's intro and the one from Acme. The song looses it edge really quick though, the chorus really brings the song down. 3/5 because of the intro. マリーゴールド Average vkei ballad where, for the PV, all the members are filmed gazing at the sky, then their hand, and then they shake their head because some person doesn't love 'em. I've heard this song so many times already, Lycaon could have at least made it semi-interesting. Did they? No, 2/10. Time Enough for Love omg their new support drummer is so uninteresting, anyway the guitar work is great. I'm getting lazy, so I'll just end this with saying that the song would have fit in perfectly as a Royal Order b-side. 3½/5. Eh I'll give this a 3/5. The first track would have been amazing if they had worked on it more, praise Jesus, and TEFL did a great job at saving the album from a lower score.
  12. brb, packing my bags to go to France.
  13. It just looks so menacing and powerful when compared to Danchou's. We're all afraid, that's all. A vagina, let alone anything else, looks menacing and powerful when compared to danchou's clitdick.
  14. What are you people talking about? His dick wasn't even that big. & jon plz stop lying to yourself and us, and come out already bb. <3 guuuurl. you lost your innocence the moment you clicked the link to this thread.
  15. we all know ur the one whos in danger bb. conspiring with him and all. i always knew u were shady.
  16. Miasma

    ugh This whole time I was crossing my fingers hoping they'd expand on what they did on the latter half of GEMINI, but to my disappointment Blue Flame sounds so cookie-cutter-anime-opening, unimpressive, and expected from A9.
  17. Miasma

    Its' apparent people just mistook what the whole point of Far East Kanojo was, a one-night thing. My bet is some vk news blogspiff out there mistranslated the bands announcement for FEK to make it seem as if the band was changing names, because I've seen a lot of people, on various other sites, leave comments like "dont worry guys theyre coming back as far east kanojo! *o*" Anyway, I haven't been a fan of theirs for a long time, but I love everything that I've heard of theirs. There's no doubt in my mind that I'll enjoy this any less. Also, this is their last single, but maybe it isn't their last release? Hopefully they can release an album later?
  18. Miasma

    Actaully, I think the PVs might be similar to those of Kiryu's (I'm not sure if any other band does this) where the entire video is focused on just one member throughout it's entirety. e.g. lgCKSacZ3lA Or, as you've mentioned, it's possible that Versailles will have all the PVs connect to tell a story or something?
  19. Miasma

    Is at a library?
  20. Miasma

    needs to get sum internet. I CANT HANDLE THE SEPARATION miss u bb <3
  21. Miasma

    i need 2 see abs before i can say anything nice about em. also CL, bbqurl, please fire your hair stylist and get out of this band asap. kthnx.
  22. Miasma

    Guitarist from Lolita23q / Noomi Rapace
  23. Miasma

    Fuck yes. The previews for the first two tracks are marvelous, can't wait.
  24. Miasma

    DELUHI 13 Versailles 9 Megaromania 11 D 30 Matenrou Opera 32 Awoi 3
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