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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Her lyrics made me cry tears of joy, she's a fuckin' poet. Has she ever done any acting? She looks awfully familiar...
  2. Miasma

    NO MORE LAPE! NO MORE LAPE! NO MORE LAPE! LAPE! LAPE! Sick beat, yellow penises and sperm, two autotuned divas; sounds like my kind of music!
  3. Miasma

    That video of the flood and all the debris engulfing the farming town in Sendai was really hard to watch. I can only send deepest sympathies to all of the people affect by the disaster.
  4. Miasma

    It's make up, my friend Danny who's a queen gets that done whenever he's going to a club. Also, notice when he raises his arm, the "boobs" stays intact. Where as, if they were real, or foam, you'd see some movement there. Anyway I've never really liked any of his stuff, besides that "Hydrangea" song, but I'm definitely gonna give this album a try!
  5. Miasma

    夢幻鳳影 The song has really grown on me since the previews were released. This is just that hectic sound I love and expect from these guys, the main riff and Mashiro's vocal mayhem during the chorus are what hit me the strongest from the song. I like how the keys and synths are placed through out the song, and don't drown everything out. My only problem with the song is the occasional muffled breaks where Mashiro begins to chant and the poor drum recording. Junji's excellent, but dammit his bass and snare drums sound like a bunch of tiks and toks! 4½/5 紫?? (??録) Not much of a difference than the original, apart from a couple of minor details: Throw in some chanting in the verses, replace the awesome growls from the original with some horrible RIKU-sounding ones, and call it a rerecording. Not bad, but is lacking that "spark" from the original. 3½/5 雨夜ニ笑ヱ?? The drums sound rerecorded, but not any better in recording production. I love the way the song forces you to keep up with it. Great chorus, cool rhythm, and an excellent mischievous atmosphere. 4/5 ??カ彼方ヘ… The intro was interesting, however the song's progression is kinda iffy. I didn't like the transition from the main verse into the chorus, Mashiro's vocal rhythm sounds really misplaced amongst the rest of the song. I find the song to be boring, but not necessarily bad. 3/5 丑刻?? Glad they're incorporating more violin, or what ever that ominous-sounding instrument in the back is, in their songs. However they have too much going on in this song, and it isn't all working together. I can hear hear the chimes, keys, and flute more than I can the band at times. Might have been more enjoyable if they had toned it down with all the extra instruments. 2½/5 屡?? I see this song as "Ameyo ni wablabla"'s sequel. Same pace, just slightly less "heavy". I'm quite fond of that falsetto/opera thing (I'm not gonna pretend to know what it's called...) Mashiro graces us with during 3:24 - 3:35. ~WoooOOOOOooooOOOOOHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! 4/5 ?? Like the use of static in the intro. The songs traditional Japanese rhythm and dark melancholic atmosphere make an interesting duo; however, the song is a tad-bit boring and lacking something that can make it slightly memorable. 2/5 眩暈 Finally something interesting again! I was starting to believe that the new songs, sans the title track, were all going to be flops. Their use of the Gameboy synths in the post-chorus verse was really cool. The songs flow is smooth Yet another one of Kiryu's frantic, dramatic, and fun songs! 4/5 別レ日和??仄カニ染マル Really upbeat fuzzy pop-rock song of theirs that doesn't lose their traditional sound. I'm really enjoying the guitar work throughout the entire song. 4/5 見セ掛ケノ飴ト自己満足ノ鞭 (??録) This has to be one of their best intros and rerecordings yet. This would have made a hell of an instrumental, although I don't mind the vocals. Also digging the addition of that groovy section after the second chorus. One of the more structurally interesting songs on the album. 漣 Oh god, their cheap synth orchestra and piano chords sound so bad. The song becomes gradually better as it advances though. It isn't as great of a ballad as it could have been if they left out the use of every synth instrument in their sight. 2/5 Still waiting to hear "怪??". Overall, I'd give the album a 3/5. There's some really solid tracks here ("Mugen houyou", "Memai", the "Misekake..." rerecording, and the previously released songs) but as an album Mugen houyou just isn't as synchronized as Meikyou shisui is. There's just too much variety going on here, and as a result most of the new tracks are real letdowns. I wouldn't ever recommend the album as a whole to anybody, but I'd sure as hell recommend the highlights to any new listeners. tl;dr: Meikyou shisui > Mugen houyou.
  6. Still giving it a thorough listen before I comment on anything, but I must say I'm enjoying every bit of what I've heard so far! Mashiro Minaj and the rest of the Super Sentai never disappoint. <3
  7. Miasma

    Pardon? I think he's just as equally speechless as I was when I read about that guy using Gameboys as musical instruments.
  8. Miasma

    Pokemon White <3
  9. Miasma

  10. Miasma

    OBVIOUS COKENOSTRIL IS OBVIOUS Also dude's an egotistical dick, get off your high unicorn Sheen.
  11. Miasma

    Where can I hear the samples? *crosses fingers for Libido/Gekkakou 2.0*
  12. Miasma

    己?? - "蟲"
  13. Miasma

    Way to exaggerate the situation. Oh please, how is undercode pissing on the fans? It's not like kisaki is there writing on that german forum or w/e. It's the promoter, blame then. fuck. /end rant. It pisses me off when a band goes to a country and all people do is whinge, at least they are visiting overseas. They don't have to. Yeah telling it how it is, is definitely 'exaggerating'. When you announce something like this you should already have everything set, all the dates planned, and all of the locations ready. I mean honestly how stupid is it to announce a tour when you don't even know how long it'll last, and where and when the concerts will be held. As I mentioned before, it's ridiculous to tell fans, "Hey, there's a possibility we might go to your country, but if we end up choosing another country for that date then we aren't visiting you guys. Sorry. :>" That is pissing on your fans. And I'm no just saying UC is to blame. Both UC and the overseas promoters are to blame; UC for not having settled this earlier and the overseas promoters for not keeping their mouths shut about this before UC had everything planned.
  14. Miasma

    Whoa. It's a shock to see that it's Yuuki who's leaving, but to be honest I was expecting for them to have disbanded long ago. The band's had a bunch of tribulations to deal with these past years, and as much as they tried to work around them this really seemed to be the best answer for them this whole time. Props to Shou and Tetsu for keeping strong all these five years, and it's great to see that the other two aren't giving up either. They haven't been doing very good lately, although "WINE" is spectacular, but I'm still a fan and quite sad to see 'em go.
  15. Miasma

    Don't ya think they should have had all of this business settled before they announced a tour and gotten their fans' hopes up? Seems as if they're just picking countries at random now. HERP IF WE PICK COUNTRY-A, WE WONT PICK COUNTRY-B. STAY TUNED WE MIGHT PICK YOUR COUNTRY AND DISMISS THAT DATE LATER. Way to piss on your fans UNDER CODE.
  16. ????????~~~~~!!!! スマーフ??????!!!!!!4! wwwwwwwww
  17. Lukrecia's Aristocats avatar is the cutest thing ever:
  18. Miasma

  19. Miasma

    At first I though SUBLIMINAL was slightly exaggerating on her earlier comment about Gaga looking unhealthy. Gotta say, I take my doubt back. The look she's trying to pull off is really ugly, and not sexy. I don't know what those jutting bones on her face and body are supposed to represent, neither do I care, but it seems like she's trying to achieve this bizarre anorexic look. Which as SUBLIMINAL already stated isn't a good thing, because her little "monsters" are going to try to mimic her in every possible every way. I can already see it... LADY GAGA MAKE-UP TUTORIAL BORN THIS WAY: MUST BE 90LBS TO ACHIEVE DESIRED LOOK. Eat a burger, Gaga. [2] Oh, and the video was alright.
  20. Miasma

    Don't see why everybody's all: THERE IZ NO HOPE 4 VK NEMORE!!! They aren't really a vk band, or at least I don't see them as one. Anyway, this is incredibly unexpected nonetheless. Not a big fan, but wish them and their fans the best of luck.
  21. Miasma

    Didn't know HHime was at TW. Well I know for a fact that she's much more active over at TW, than she is here. She's even advertising TW on her Last.fm page? Plus, she hasn't visited MH since Feb, 9th 2011? She was a sweetheart, hope she comes back soon.
  22. Miasma

    Label: Glossolalia Records Artist: THE IT Band Members: Vocalist - ミサ (Misa; ex. ??ビロン) Guitarist - HIZAKI (ex. Versailles) Guitarist - Ruiza (ex. D) *I landed on his solo project page* Bassist - 紫苑 (Shion; ex. JE*REVIENS) Drummer - EBY (ex. ZY:KILLL) Release: SCIENCE IS HIS CLUB Limited Edition (10 songs + PV for "WAY REALITY") Regular Edition (10 songs + 1 bonus track) _________ What an amazing line-up... This was a really fun time-killer, I might do another one later!
  23. Miasma

    Likes SCREW. Didn't she just hop on over to TW?
  24. Miasma

    Welcome to MH, Mia! Hope you have great time here.
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