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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    yas expose ha, nyasagi
  2. fucking up this semester dropped almost all my classes and failed the last one u__u

    1. Biopanda


      I know how that is, unfortunately :(

    2. nekkichi
    3. Miasma


      @piis - I got to lazy to take 4 6week fast paced summer classes together so I kept one, but I went out a lot during the first weeks of class, fell behind, and was too late to drop it so i had to take a letter grade

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. yaasss slay a bit Margaret. hft gratuitous shots of Kenzo's back too
  4. Miasma

    reporting for duty, cislord /s
  5. Miasma

    No means no, not try again later. Also did you just spontaneously ask this random girl out? Or have you known her from work/class/etc?
  6. I will never undersatnd why people act like tumblr is the source of all evil when shit like this get's posted on reddit on a daily basis http://www.reddit.com/r/rage/comments/2abmhe/paedophilia_is_natural_and_normal_for_males/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. digi


      Tumblr is just filled with a bunch of kids who think they're entitled to everything. Nothing seriously bad about it. Reddit is just all-around awful though.

    3. Zeus


      all of this hate accomplishes nothing

    4. nekkichi


      still feels good to vent out :>

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  7. Miasma

    man you know I'm always gonna pick Remigai! cali gari - Good bye Julie London - It Never Entered My Mind capsule - open DIablo Swing Orchestra - Porcelain Judas TOMOKO Death - Nazca cali gari - -Tou- Opposaum - Au jour levant SEKAI TEKINA BAND - LONDON Smells - SUCK ME Nahoko Kakiage - Bread and Wine dang I haven't listened to a lot of these artists for so long now, and I'm not really feeling a lot of them. I knew I was gonna pick cali gari's goodbye from the beginning, such a good song!
  8. I tried watching ATOT on netflix but Eren is so annoying and made me stop also when does it get good?

    1. Biopanda


      You'll be waiting until the end of the season... sorry :( The show is one big cocktease where you think something cool will happen, but instead you get a full episode or two of some kids crying.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      It's still worth the watch for just the soundtrack though XD

    3. sai


      Try putting that opinion about Eren and tumblr and get 30 posts dedicated about how you misinterpret his character :'D

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  9. Miasma

    Since you're only a show watcher, bonsai, I'm curious about what it is you found inconsistent in Arya's behavior?
  10. Miasma

    Samples sound nice especially the last one. This band is really under-appreciated
  11. babymetal's impact
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I was going to be like 'wow' but then I realized that this is exactly what vkei metal is so I can't say anything.

    2. nekkichi


      "Plenty of metal idol units out there already, need new ways to bring on the darkness!" oh japan

  12. Miasma

    Some moderate piercings. And by some I mean only 1-3 ear piercings. Nail polish or lipstick?
  13. Miasma

    See, I do think Oberyn was an interesting character. He was basically the stepping stone for introducing Dorne which I think is fascinating, and the POVs there are some of my favorite. We learn about his daughters, his combat prowess, and little bit of history including his education at the Citadel. His sexuality? Mentioned in the books literally once, and it was only a rumor. I really like how they introduced him in the show, but I don't think the scenes that followed like it were necessary. In fact I thought they were out right ridiculous and just pandering to the audience with the whole "hypsersexual exotic foreigners" cliche + BEWBS. And I'm not talking about the sept scene after Joffery's death, I was talking about the scene in the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard chamber that happened shortly after. I know that the show butchered the sept "moonblood" scene into a rape scene, and I caught some flack earlier in this thread for calling it out. It's like the show writers can't get anything with Jamie and Cersei right. Surprise, surprise D&D continue to commit character assassination, because no one cares about trying to adapt a story as accurately as possible when you can have another half-assed sex scene for Buzzfeed to put on their "Hottest Game of Thrones Sex Scenes" list.
  14. Miasma

    ASOS/BOOK 3 SPOILERS - SRSLY DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS Anyway my nitpicks with the show are just that. The show is great and one of my favorite things on TV right now. I just think there's a lot D&D could do better.
  15. I'm really upset right now bcuz someone spoiled the new Studio Ghibli movie for me :'(

  16. Miasma

    here's what we know so far according the scans, from Serebii aw man I was hoping for a cool ability for Sceptile like Protean or Adaptablity, but Lightingrod? wtf. I guess it'll be sort of useful on rain teams, but I don't even see those anymore ever since weather got nerfed. I'm really surprised Diancie's getting a mega evolution, I thought we weren't getting any Gen 6 mega soon hopefully other Gen 6 pokes get mega evos too. I actually really like the male charachter. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but Brendan is my fave playable male charachter. I'm so happy they kept the iconic white hat too. I never liked May, and her redesign didn't change my mind. And I really hope GF/Nintendo reveals more! I'm so hyped for this game. don't you mean α and Ω??
  17. Miasma

  18. Miasma

    who the fuck is simon? and eww sansa x shittyfinger is hella creepy no thanks
  19. Miasma

    yeah until you watch the last two episodes you definitely want to stay the hell away from the Internet. Literally no place is safe, I was playing BL2 on steam the other day and someone's username was a HUUUUGE spoiler. I mean I already knew but if any show-watcher saw that it'd ruin a lot for them.
  20. Miasma

    S4E8 spoilers
  21. Miasma

    what the fuck. poor girls I'm glad they're ok. this reminds me of that time some guy almost dragged an SNSD member off-stage while they were performing. scary shit, violence against women/misogyny is a very real issue.
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