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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    its amazing how lady gaga keeps finding new ways to out do herself! wearing meat is sooo 2010, fucking meat is whats happening and now! this better be a tokyo jihen's "恐るべき大人達" reference. if so then i <3 u!
  2. Miasma

    cold blood was pathetic. really hoping they shape up and take their time to make this single decent, but tbh im really not expecting this to be any good either.
  3. Miasma

    could somebody please translate this article: http://mfound.jp/news/2011/07/010132.html maybe it says something about a new release? all i understood was that they're having some sort of a party/live(?) to celebrate their major status, and they're asking everybody who attends to wear a mask. sounds fun. + the band is looking fierce as fuk in their new promo shoot.
  4. Miasma

    nope we dont, nobody does. <3 so is this going to be live streamed?
  5. Miasma

    fix'd. he got A LOT better as the band progressed.
  6. Miasma

    yes. all vk bands r out to get u V____V
  7. Miasma

  8. Miasma

    I cant take this. please tell me this is a fake track list.
  9. Fix'd +1 ahahahahaha
  10. Miasma

    what lovely album artwork!
  11. cant stand the new boyz, but dev is a goddess. soo excited for her album release on september. + 1
  12. the chorus sounds cool, the shoutyscreams b4 it weren't. but this sounds so much better than anything i've heard from the new AYABIE, which isnt a lot. anyway, this just seems like AYABIEs lame attempt at a Frantic emiry tbh
  13. Miasma

    oh my god these are beautiful. GFOPOgkYQck my fav. one, i fucking lose it every time.
  14. Miasma

    fuck yes Haikara is one of a9's best songs pre-Gemini. cant wait <3
  15. the scrolling text can be turned off by clicking the speechbubble button on the bottom right of the video player.
  16. Miasma

    the regular edition cover really does look tacky :I i prefer the covers for the limited editions instead:
  17. Miasma

    nothing. 15 year olds think their tacky as fuck gimmicks are funny, and their indie status appeals to indievk-dogmatists.
  18. +1. i still think the song overall sounds a bit unfinished and empty at certain areas, but its still really enjoyable. their performance was the best of them all imo. (im not bothering to say up to watch ayabie and goldenplopper though)
  19. Miasma

    wow that was really boring. the song grew on me, but this is just bad. + lmbo at all of the "If don't like the video...you don't understand the message" comments her little monsters are leaving behind. there is no message to this, its just her prancing around in a bondage suit and a jacket.
  20. +1 seriously wtf is this? mahiro sounds like shit and the instrumentation is soooo sloppy. b-sides better make up for this.
  21. Miasma

    *hides his Gravitation DVD boxset under his bed so his parents won't find it* ^.^;; OMG OMG OMG [2]
  22. Miasma

    At their live show today in Tokyo, 女王蜂 (Zioouvachi) announced that they'll be making their major debut through Sony Music! However no other news, such as a new release, was announced. http://natalie.mu/music/news/51094 or at least that's what I google translator understood from that article. anyway, I'm stoked! I really hope they release something new soon. I have no doubts that anything new from this band will be just as or even more enjoyable than their first album.
  23. Miasma

    wtf twilight beans? lol irl
  24. Miasma

    i wouldn't say that nobody cares about them, but they haven't done anything relatively interesting since they released "Gashu", not to mention that song was brought down with junno's vocals. this band is still young, and in listening to these past releases of theirs it's obvious that they are still experimenting to find "their" sound. but tbh they've taken a really long time, and some people just don't feel like waiting anymore.
  25. Miasma

    sounds cool, but i don't want to go through the hassle of having to upload all of my music library. plus i just finished moving my music from my old computer to my new one, so im not up for another round anytime soon.
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