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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Actually it's against our rules to do the PM for password thing. We strictly believe in the notion of "Share openly or don't share at all" and thus we base all our decisions regarding the download forums on that. That's why we did away with the MH exclusive option i believe...
  2. Original Saku

    Yes. this needs to happen. Developers trying to juggle between two different generations is really holding back games with what they can accomplish mechanic wise and it shows. and I'm a little perturbed with them releasing a new AC game every year but I realize that's just what the industry has evolved into and I have to live with it, and besides it's not like they only spend a year on each game so it works out that Ubisoft has such a wide range of studios to work on different AC titles while others are working on the current AC. As for AC IV I respect what it accomplished with the naval combat and the new scope of how open worlds in AC games should be, but I would be lying if i said I wasn't a little disappointed with he lack of Assassins vs. Templar plot. but overall i did enjoy it as a pirate game with the AC combat mechanics but I don't think it deserved a numbered title within the series, it was more overall like a side story... I did however like Kenway as a character a whole lot more than I did Connor XD when it comes to unity I think there is no doubt that it will be a proper AC. btw i don't know if you heard Sai, but there's also another AC game in the works codenamed "comet" which is supposed to be for 360 and PS3 only so there's still that for people who haven't mad the jump to next gen yet... although there's no information what "comet" actually is, only thing we know is that it's supposedly gonna come out around the same time as unity this holiday.
  3. Original Saku

    So i downloaded this but haven't listened yet.. I haven't listen to anything A9 related since Gemini (which I thought was surprisingly good) so that means every song on this album is new to me... so my question is; is it worth the listen? will i like it if i like Gemini? Pretty much I want to know is it worth my time?
  4. Original Saku

    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return. For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit. I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  5. Original Saku

    YEAH! PLS CAT USE THE SPOILER TAG! I mean that's why it's there right? xD
  6. Original Saku

    I use Underwater subs for KLK, tbh I don't recommend using commie subs lately they've been very shady when it comes to how they do "business" and some of their editors are just stupid to the point where you get a lot of shit choices and mistakes in the script slipping through...
  7. I'm live at justin.tv/original_saku

  8. welp I'm gonna be streaming the ending of baccano! tonight... I wonder if anyone will show up or not...

    1. Tetora


      Is it still on Justin.tv?

    2. Flame-X


      You chose the wrong day to stream.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Yeah its still on Justin.tv and Idk what day would you recommend then? I chose Thursday because of ito's schedule but he has already jumped ship on the whole thing so really I'm free to go with whatever day or time I want now.

  9. Original Saku

    No I think people don't like it because it has a shit plot.. lol like seriously it went to hell after the first game. I really don't think Square had any idea whatsoever where they wanted to take the story after the first game because they literally just screwed shit up with throwing in that time travel bullshit and then continued the theme with this end of the world time paradox shit where no body ages in LR. It's just not good writing and they executed it horribly. It has nothing to do with the female dominated cast which btw really isn't that dominated i mean theirs about the same number of significant male characters as there are female.. Hope, Snow, Sazh, Noel. that's four right there so no I don't buy that bullshit about it being because they're all female xD I liked XIII because of the characters and the story, it actually did hit me on an emotional level. the battle system I could take or leave it. XIII-2 had a horrible story but a great battle system (imo it has the best out of the three games). I feel like all these sequels did was make people hate the characters which is a shame because the characters were just about the only thing this trilogy had going for it in the first place. People have faith in XV because for one it's not being handled by the shit XIII team and for two we've been waiting for it for almost a decade now. hype builds and regardless of assumptions based on teaser E3 trailers we never know what stuff will be different when the game releases. Little is known about Knoctis or the story in XV so there's no point in trying to compare him to any other character in the FF series.. there's just to many unknowns involved and trying to draw conclusions is pretty much a waste of time right now.. I however am hopeful that we get some more info on the game this E3 btw nobody liked X-2 because the story was godawful I mean even more so than this trilogy... like srsly go back and play it, it's like banging your head against a wall repeatedly. If it wasn't for the superb battle system and the ability to skip cut scenes in that game nobody would even bother playing it. because it's actually fun to play if you skip every single bit of story content XD not shitting you I know people who play it like that.
  10. Original Saku

    Naw I've been too busy with other games... however I did play the demo and I really enjoyed the real time battle system and stuff. I was planning on waiting six months and then pick it up for twenty bucks XD Also I heard the story is as awful as XIII-2's story so... yeah I'm in no rush to play a FF with a shitty story no matter how fun the battle system is As far as games I'm playing right now... DARK SOULS II holy shit this game is taking over my life right now, I'm level 105 and have about 45 hours invested and I still feel like I'm no where near finishing. But it's so good and it's just as challenging as the first DS. Exploration and discovery are still cornerstones of the experience and I'm so relieved that From Software and the new director were able to pull it off so good.
  11. Original Saku

    ^ When it comes to Bravely Default you have to ask yourself a few questions first... Do you like turn based RPG's like final fantasy IV? Do you like the grind? Are you interested in investing a lot of time on a single game? Is a class system similar to FF Tactics that is implemented in a traditional JRPG worth experiencing? If you answered any of the above with yes then Bravely Default is definitely for you, but if you are not an experienced JRPG player then I couldn't really say if the game is for you or not, because this game is hard and if you don't like to grind then you are gonna have a terrible time with it because this game is extremely grind heavy almost to the point where it's essential late game. Other than that IMO it's the best JRPG released on handheld since DQ IX on DS. I will say however this game actually does make it easy-er to grind with a few different functions in game, but you know grinding is still grinding no matter how you do it XD EDIT: Also it's a shame you dropped AC4. I myself haven't finished it yet either but I plan to eventually. One of the biggest problems I think is the fact there's just so much shit to do... I sometimes find myself at a loss of what I should do next, and just end up losing interest and start doing random naval battles XD
  12. Original Saku

    Yeah august 8th can't get here fast enough tbh
  13. Original Saku

    OMG it's your lucky day then, because there's actually a fan translation in progress right now for type-0, it's been going on for the past two years and they are finally nearing completion and eeven recently announced a release date for their patch, August 8th seems to be the date. this thread HERE has all the information you would ever need I've actually been following this translation for quite some time and can vouch that the end result is gonna be some quality stuff that will even rival an official localization. and if that's not enough to get you excited just watch this amazing trailer Sky and the team just put out out a week ago that shit is amazing.
  14. Original Saku

    Happy birthday CAT <3
  15. Original Saku

    I agree to disagree, because although i do like X and I thought it was a great FF, IMO XII was/is the best FF of the PS2 era and it was also up there for being one of the best looking games on PS2 since it didn't come out till the end of the console's life cycle. when it comes to X i just felt like the story was decent but the combat system was below average (not terrible but still...) not to mention the whole setting didn't really mesh with me.
  16. Original Saku

    ^ LOL actually a lot of people do care about X-2. The battle system is where it's at, the story not so much... jus sayin XD I decided to pass on X/X-2 HD for a while, will grab it later on for cheap
  17. Original Saku

    FUCK... why is Kojima such a fucking tease XD All Ground Zeroes did was make me realize how long I'm gonna have to wait for The Phantom Pain... now what am I supposed to do with this boner? Shit.
  18. Nice! Looking forward to both albums
  19. Original Saku

    YES. if you liked KLK then TTGL (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) is right up your alley. IMO it's in a lot of ways the better show out of the two which I know is a little preemptive since KLK still has two episodes left but overall so far if you compare the two TTGL is better and really no matter how great Kill la Kill's ending might be in the end I don't see it being better than TTGL's amazing ending. so in short yes. watch it, love it, and then watch it again
  20. Original Saku

    The 3min thing is actually the worst part about the show... pupa was initially supposed to air during the fall season and was supposed to have full 24 minute episodes, but then something happened and i guess they lost funding so they delayed it and now we get the pile of shit that's airing now. It's such a shame too because the show actually had great potential and I've actually heard the manga it's based off of is pretty decent as well. The whole thing was just a bummer and totally put off people like me who was actually interested in it before it aired. Now what we have is a show that goes no where in ten whole episodes and each episode's script consists of the same line "Onii-chan" and squishy fake sounding gore sounds >_<
  21. Original Saku

    I'd recommend FMA: brotherhood but that might just be my bias talking since I'm a die hard FMA fan XD wait does netflix have subbed anime? because if not scratch that REC. The FMA dub is trash and i wouldn't recommend it to even my worst enemy >.<
  22. Original Saku

    ^ Yeah Mahou Sensou is bad! There's no other way to put it other than the show is just done really awful... It's still not as bad as pupa though xD If you want to see how shit a show can get give it a watch.
  23. Original Saku

    Haven't watched it yet, but i know it's gonna be awesome! Can't wait till tomorrow xD
  24. Original Saku

    ^ yeah but if you ever get a chance you should definitely try out DSfix with Dark Souls on PC. You haven't experienced DS until you've played it at 60fps Also the various bug fixes are pretty nice too. My favorite part about DS on PC was overall the modding community, there are some pretty neat fixes / additions out there in the form of mods, not to mention some texture mods out there make the game look so beautiful that you'll never be able to go back to the PS3 version xD
  25. Original Saku

    ^ Oh yeah for sure! The PC port is fine as long as you have dsfix (a godsend!) installed but yeah a controller is pretty much necessary.. even if from software gets the port of DS2 correct I don't see them making the keyboard and mouse format work with the game. It's just not practical for a game like Dark Souls and frankly I dread the thought of using a mouse and keyboard for a game like Dark Souls XD
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