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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. great news, they both deserve it I think. I hope these minis are as good if not better than their previous albums!
  2. Original Saku

    Oh this is interesting, I used to be a big FACT fan a few years ago, but then sorta lost interest... Hopefully this album can bring it back for me, as of now they are officially back on my radar
  3. Original Saku

    Sorta a hard question since i don't listen to new vk and the old vk that i used to like, I've started to notice I don't like it at all now... but for a simple answer it would be old vk. Stuff like dir en grey, d'espairs ray, mucc, and cali gari from the late 90's to the early 00's will always be my favorites no matter how old I get or how far I get from the scene. Edit: oh and you can't forget malice mizer!
  4. Original Saku

    I can listen to lackluster vocals if the instrumentals are good, but if it's the other way around.. no way. I'll take flawless instrumental performance over great vocals any day. I'm of the opinion that music wouldn't be anything without the instruments, so therefore I can't stand people that to tend to think that vocals matter more than the actual music... :/
  5. Original Saku

    Well considering it's only been a week since this was even thought of... Me, Ito, and Zess have been talking about it and what we're gonna do with this, so I can tell you it's definitely gonna happen in one way, shape, or form, but really we're not trying to rush or anything. So yeah just chill. It'll happen when it happens.
  6. Original Saku

    lol I wish.. that would take forever xD
  7. Original Saku

    Well the first thing you have to ask yourself is: is money an issue? and the second thing is: AMD or Nvidia? If money is not an issue and you're trying to get the best possible then on the AMD side of things go with a R9 290x. if your gonna go with Nividia instead then the best right now would be the GTX 780Ti. if money is an issue and your not trying to spend a ton on a gpu then check out this video below for some of the other options you can go with. FYI I personally would go with the R9 290x... but I'm an AMD fan so...
  8. Original Saku

    This has the potential to be fucking amazing!
  9. Original Saku

    yeah that's a given. Although stuff like the gintama movie's I think could work. One thing I've been thinking about is, If I decide to do the streaming format myself we could do a week by week stream for new shows since Ito doesn't want to do ongoing shows. Which the streaming format would be way better for ongoing shows anyways. Just something I've been thinking about.. but of course we would have to wait until the beginning of a new season to do that. Just to let people know regardless of whether this takes off or not I'll probably start streaming stuff anyways so... I'll be sure to let people know about it either way
  10. Original Saku

    there is one movie that came out earlier this year. but it's technically a continuation of the tv series so there's no point in watching it if you haven't seen the series
  11. Original Saku

    Yeah speaking of anime movies, the hunter x hunter movie just got subbed! that'd be perfect for the first stream, or maybe the gintama or steins;gate movies from earlier this year
  12. Original Saku

    Yeah I've read that it's tons easier this generation so is EV training. Damn it must be nice to have perfect 6 IV ditto... sounds amazing
  13. Original Saku

    yeah I kno rite? well anyways it'll be here eventually XD
  14. Original Saku

    It's mainly something to do post-game because honestly there's not much else to do post-game... other than fill the pokedex and really that won't even take too long with the trading system in this game and the soon to be released pokebank and transfer tools.
  15. Original Saku

    ^ DA:O is freaking amazing, hands down the best western rpg in the last ten years.. what platform are you playing on? PC or console? DA2 kinda flopped for me though, it was a big disappointment... I mean it had some cool ideas they tried to make work, but overall I think they just kinda got way in over their heads on it. DA3 is looking mighty fine though so I'm in high hopes that Bioware can redeem themselves I'm currently playing the new Zelda on 3DS and I have to say it's an amazing game. It might actually be my favorite Zelda since Wind Waker! The only complaint I have is that it's a tad bit short, but hey I think it'll be perfect for speed running, so that will be interesting when people start doing that xD Other than that I'm still playing GT6 regularly. Truthfully it's been kind of a drought in video games since November which is expected, but man oh man February is looking freaking awesome... We have Bravely Default for 3DS, Danganronpa and Ragnarok Odyssey ACE for PSV, and then there's Tales of Symphonia HD Collection and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3 and last but not least the long awaited Thief for PS4 and PC! And there's actually even more than that coming out in February like One Piece: Romance Dawn 3DS game (Didn't mention this one because I've read some not so great reviews...) buy yeah if you're interested in what else is coming out early this year in the coming months then check out this link below. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/01/01/2014-video-game-release-schedule.aspx
  16. Original Saku

    Oh yeah that's amazing news Can't hardly wait xD
  17. Original Saku

    http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1otqx0/tutorial_everything_i_know_about_iv_breeding_in/ This is a good post that explains what you need to breed pokemon with perfect IV's and outlines the general process of achieving it step by step. I'm pretty new to this whole IV thing myself, but I get how to do it now. Just it sounds really tedious tbh.
  18. Original Saku

    Is anybody else interested in this? If so please reply here and let us know... even if it's just a simple reply saying that you would participate, it would help immensely in letting us know that there is actually a reason to make this more than just an "idea". We can make this happen but only if it's gonna be worth it.
  19. Original Saku

    Okay that's fine man, I'm just glad I can watch it on youtube. thanks a bunch
  20. Original Saku

    do you have this DVD uploaded here on MH by any chance?
  21. Original Saku

    Just watched the first episode of the second season of Gin no Saji (Silver Spoon), and damn it was good! I'm loving this show so much, The first season was my favorite new series from last year and it seems the second season is gonna be just as good if not better looking forward to more amazing character development in the coming episodes xD
  22. Original Saku

    yeah but really i don't think anybody gives a shit, I've seen plenty of streamers stream and archive anime on ustream and they've never had any repercussions as far as i know... and if it does turn bad well the only one who will get shit is the streamer i'm pretty sure, so it shouldn't be a legal problem for the forum.
  23. Original Saku

    Yeah i was thinking the livestream thing could be something separate anyways, and what Flame said archives are your friend! I didn't mean for us to totally make this idea into a live streaming thing but more like on the side every once in a while we could do a stream just to test it out and see how it goes. btw I'm more than willing to handle the live streaming half of things if that's okay with you Ito? It's something I was kinda wanting to experiment with anyways before all this talk started happening... and if someone like flame wanted to help me out with it, that would be awesome too also if you need help picking a good pool of different quality shows to vote for, then feel free to hit me up... you already know I'm like a walking anime database XD
  24. Original Saku

    oh okay well I'll just go ahead and say the next arc is the arc to see xD it's really good
  25. Original Saku

    oh you're talking about the manga? lol I'll tell you the same thing I tell everybody else... WATCH THE SHOW TOO! I can see how somebody wouldn't like the manga... I began with the show and then read the manga, and for me that gave me tremendous insight on the series as a whole. IMO if you're going to only do one then watch the anime over reading the manga. trust me you'll probably like it more that way.
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