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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Picked up Tales of Symphonia HD Collection and Thief yesterday. the former is going on my shelf with the rest of my backlogged games, but I've already popped Thief into my PS4 and it's pretty fun. Don't believe the reviews people, It's not as bad as they make it out to be. I'm having extreme amounts of joy from stealing everything in sight and pickpocketing foolish guards all over the place XD and despite what most people will tell you it's not a dishonored clone/ripoff. It plays totally different, the only thing in common is the first person view and even that is different in the sense that thief does it better in my opinion.
  2. Original Saku

    That's awesome Flame , I would love to see it when you're done Actually started two new shows this morning... pupa which is honestly the biggest piece of garbage I've seen in a long time... it's a shame too because it had so much potential and then they ended turning into some 4 min anime that only consists of the same shit every episode (people who've seen knows what I'm talking about). Quite honestly it's only half through but i'm pretty confident no show in 2014 is gonna be worse that this And Sakura Trick which I've wanted to watch since it started airing but had to get my priorities straight first. All i got to say is it's good. Whenever a yuri anime comes around (which is actually very rare) I always tend to check it out, but this one takes it to a new level and it's possibly the cutest shit I've seen in my life. I love the interactions between the character and the uh... kissing... yeah that shit is great. I'm also really digging the art style.
  3. Original Saku

    Woah... calm the fuck down. My point was can't we just enjoy the show without getting all twisted up over bullshit. Like seriously why does everybody get so bent out of shape over a little fan service and then try to blow the sexism whistle and blow it out of proportion? yes i said a little because that's what it is. I've seen shows that are borderline hentai that air in japan around the same time slot, so when i say a little i mean it. btw I don't take to kindly to you putting words in my mouth by quoting something i never said ("you're just looking to be offended") because i didn't say that and I wasn't directing that part of my argument at you specifically but more towards all these tards on the internet that are saying the same exact thing for months now actually. People who are to busy bitching and moaning about the fan service to actually try to enjoy the show but keep watching it none the less just so they can bitch about it some more. Secondly you obviously haven't seen enough to know that's not how it comes off as in the show (at least i didn't get that vibe at all.) I can only assume that you are taking what i explained out of context and trying to turn it against me, so let me say that yes she feels shame at the beginning of the show because obviously shes wearing a rather revealing outfit in out in public, but later on in the series as her and Senketsu bond and get closer to each other she realizes during her battle with Satsuki that she's actually feeling shameful when wearing Senketsu and that makes her feel bad because now that they have a pretty deep relationship she feels that it's wrong of her to feel that way. She realizes that she should feel proud to wear Senketsu since hes her friend and very special to her, and thus she overcomes her shame and embraces her sexuality and femininity. At that point she gets over it and it's not much of a big deal for her anymore and i might add after that episode i feel like the overall sexist undertones kinda die out completely since they've made their point. btw again i never said "accept" anywhere in my post but if i had you would have misunderstood it anyways. And when i said minor i was talking about the fan service. The point is that Senketsu is not just some monster but an actual character who has a mind and conscience of it's own and is actually one of the "goodguy" characters. Actually later on their bond gets even deeper to the point where he is probably the closest thing to a best friend besides Mako. in the end it's partly my fault for not explaining the relationship between Matoi and Senketsu in my previous post. I wasn't trying to come off hostile or anything I was just putting my thoughts out there. I especially get sick of hearing people raise the sexism card all the time, I know that it's very much a real occurrence in anime but that doesn't make me like to hear people bicker about it all the time. all i can say is i hope you give the show a "real" chance that goes beyond the first few episodes. because i truly don't think that it's intentionally trying to be controversial just in spite. there's a message in there somewhere it's just up to you on how you interpret it.
  4. Original Saku

    Please it's no worse than your average ecchi show. people exaggerate way too much about the fan service in klk. it's not a show killing aspect if you ask me, if people would pay more attention to the actual show and the story as much as they spend trying to find reasons to not like it because it has a little fan service, then you would realize it doesn't revolve around the nudity. btw that shame that you talk of is actually a part of the story and plot. Yes it's true, they bring it up in a later episode, she's supposed to feel shame in that episode on purpose because later on she realizes that she's not using her godrobe/kamui to it's full potential because she's not embracing her sexuality/femininity, that's why when Satski gets her godrobe she so much more powerful because she feels no shame and embraces her sexuality. Do you really think they would have such sexist undertones for the hell of it? I myself really don't see anything sexist about kill la kill at all. All i can say is watch and pay attention, there's a lot of hidden messages and philosophy underneath the fanservice and epic action, you just have to look for it. and tbh it's a pet peeve of mine that people start watching a show and then drop it after 2-3 episodes just because of minor details, that is in no way enough time to form a respectable and valid opinion of a show period.
  5. Original Saku

    The cliffhanger actually makes sense if you continue on to season two since they kinda explain what happened but yeah whatever your loss.
  6. Original Saku

    Is anyone watching Nagi no Asukara? because I think it might possibly be my favorite show from last year next to Gin no Saji... It's really got me entranced right now, there's only six episodes left but I'm loving every bit of it, the characters are so good and the interactions between the characters is whats driving the show in my opinion. Well that's where we disagree then, sorry but I love Lulu as a character. I can admit that originally at the beginning of R1 I wasn't very much into him either, but later on when the character development hits of boy it hits hard! He's just an interesting main character in my opinion. I like his smart ass know it all side but then he also has a different kinder side that's mostly showcased during his interactions with his younger sister. and honestly Lulu is just badass, not only is his geass fucking cool as shit, but I find one of the best things about his character is that he doesn't even have to rely on his geass to be a formidable opponent, which is showcased many times throughout the series. I pretty much consider Zero as a different character since the way he acts is a lot different from Lulu sometimes (which that's how an alter ego should act, totally different that is). I guess if you haven't finished it then their are obvious spoilers i can't/won't mention but one thing I have to say is the ending will definitely make you like Lelouch (that's just how much of an impact the ending has). btw how far are you into it anyways? have you finished R1? And all this discussion is kinda making me feel nostalgic... maybe I'll re-watch it all sometime. (possibly when the anime live stream launches?) Edit: I just realized you answered my question in your post xD If you haven't even finished R1 then you need to because Lelouch actually has very little character development in the first season compared to the second which is probably why you don't like him (Yet?) Give it a shot
  7. Original Saku

    Yeah Akito is really good, and the mecha action is top notch Although I would definitely recommend finishing the tv series since "Akito the Exiled" is supposed to take place during the blank period in between R1 and R2 so it stands to reason that something big is probably gonna happen later on that has to do with things from the tv series. The only thing that sucks about Akito is that we have to wait literally a year or more in between each movie just to see the next
  8. Original Saku

    Recently got around to watching and catching all the way up on both Nisekoi and No-rin and I have to say both shows are really good. Nisekoi is done by SHAFT which is probably one of my favorite studios. No-rin is like a less serious comedic version of Silver Spoon with some pretty great gag moments XD seriously it might be the funniest show this season, I'm kinda in love with it. Nice. Kill la Kill is definitely making big moves the past few episodes Durarara!! is also a really good show, one of my favorites from the past 5 years! Kyoukai was pretty decent and the animation is some of the best I've seen in a while, Norigami so far has been okay but I've heard it's gonna get a lot better later on... as for psycho pass it's pretty awesome despite it's flaws. It looks like you have chosen a good little crop of shows to watch, good job!
  9. Original Saku

    LOL. I can dig it.
  10. Original Saku

    Sounding great!
  11. Original Saku

    Pretty effing promising if I do say so myself xD I might just have to get this for myself as well since it's coming out just a few weeks before my bday I wonder what "great escape(alternate ver.)" will sound like?
  12. Original Saku

    Yo gungrave is seriously a masterpiece, I couldn't agree more with your REC. Actually when we finally get the streaming club rolling I'm gonna try to push this as one of the shows we should watch. It's been forever since I've seen it and it's worth the re-watch and it deserves the exposure
  13. Original Saku

    cool I'll check it out! And Gurren Lagann is great.
  14. Original Saku

    Alright It's official. Hunter x Hunter is the hypest show of the year! The last few episodes have pretty much made my year. I really have to give it up to the anime team, this adaption is so good. Like literally everything about it is superb, What's really impressive from the last few episodes is the animation and the voice work. When both are working in tandem at their best it's truly a force to be reckon with. I can't even count how many times I've had goosebumps from this arc since the "mission" started. Back on the subject of the animation I tip my hat to Tomoko Mori for this amazing animation work, the last two episodes have truly shown her at her best. This show will undoubtedly be getting a perfect ten out of ten from me, I couldn't be happier with this remake/reboot
  15. Original Saku

    Anybody excited for The Order: 1886? Possibly my most look forward to new IP for next gen.. so far it's looking really promising and the graphics are pretty impressive. Plus it's being done by First party studio Sony Santa Monica so you know it's gonna be quality. The question is will this be the next uncharted or god of war for Sony? Maybe. From what I've seen so far the potential is definitely there. Discuss.
  16. Original Saku

    Can't people just listen to the music and enjoy it and then leave it at that? Who really cares about how we should define visual kei or what it is for that matter? Why do we have to come up with a cause for why vk is what it is? does it matter? These are the question I'm asking myself as i read through this thread... also I see this is gonna go no where just like every single discussion about this topic in the history of this forum has always gone nowhere. Can't we just stop?
  17. Original Saku

    I can respect that. I'd probably give it 7-7.5/10 myself, but a 6 is fair. If it had ended after the first half it would have undoubtedly deserved a higher rating. btw interesting article, it reminded me that I've heard of the writer before and I now remember that he is known for sticking to the conventional ways. but what are you gonna do xD I just hope the second season is better. and i agree both the OP by ling and ED by egoist are amazing Funny thing is that up till a few months ago I probably would have said this was a really good show... I originally watched it week by week while it was airing and i guess that aided in making it seem better than it really was, because I ended up re-watching it when this dude that I watch live stream anime decided to marathon the whole series at once. I caught most of it over a period of 8-10 hours and it was really obvious that it wasn't as good as I thought it was xD I started noticing things like what i mentioned in my previous post. I guess it just goes to show you that it pays off to re-watch some things after a while xD because honestly before watching it again I thought this was probably the best show of 2012 XD
  18. Original Saku

    I wouldn't call it bad though, because it's not bad. yes the police aspect of it is rather formulaic but it's done quite well. You're right about the villain being the best part of the show though, actually I would say psycho pass had one of the most interesting villains in recent memory. but that's not the only thing interesting about it.. I also find the overall setting to be quite interesting and the sybil system is another aspect of the setting and plot that's really thought inducing. I wouldn't really call it disappointing but more or less a lack of good directing on the directors part. It's painfully obvious if you go back and watch the first half of the season (which I believe is amazing and was directed and wrote excellently) and then compare it to the second half. the first half overall is a whole lot more sound and well put together, It just fits and everything makes sense. and then you get to the second half and shit starts popping off and they start focusing on the main villain directly but it just doesn't feel as solid as the first half. I believe this is due to the fact that in the second half it get really chaotic really fast and instead of doing smaller arcs that connect together like in the first half they change the formula to one big arc involving the mastermind. It's almost like their was a change of directors half way through which tbh is totally possible, it wouldn't be the first time that has happened and actually some anime have different directors that handle different arcs that are planned ahead. So I don't think it's bad and I wasn't really disappointed with it because even though the first half is way stronger than the second the awesome plot and setting is still there to make up for the poor directing/writing and let's be real here... Kagami and Makishima are badass characters xD
  19. Original Saku

    No. most people where I live can't get pass the language barrier and are too narrow minded... not to mention they're all into this radio rap/pop bullshit that's popular here for some reason, so I doubt they even appreciate good music to begin with. I however have successfully converted quite a few friends into watching subbed anime over dubbed xD
  20. Original Saku

    It's a scene. no that's just silly. no and again that's silly. considering i do listen to bands that wear jeans and t-shirts and have short hair the second question is quite irrelevant to me, but to be clear, looks do not matter and should not matter to anyone. It's about the music. Otherwise why do you like it in the first place? and you are silly if you only like a band for the looks. depends. sometimes maybe. but not really. No. unless it's ridiculous and on the complete other side of the spectrum. depends on what you mean by "change"? if the band starts off vk but changes the look or sound but still plays with vk bands in the scene then technically by my standards they are still vk. This question is more for people who see vk as a genre and not a scene (which i might add imo is silly) since i consider vk a scene and not a genre of music it doesn't matter if they change their looks or sound, if they are still playing live gigs with the same or even different vk bands they should still be considered apart of the vk scene. Disclaimer: These are the views of someone who is heavily separated from the vk scene and hasn't been associated with the scene for years. Thus take these opinions with a grain of salt. thank you.
  21. Original Saku

    I believe this might be right up your alley. One thing I have to make clear that's pretty much necessary is if you start watching and finish the first season, you have to watch the second season! it's imperative that you watch both because otherwise you'll be lost. the second season explains everything that happens in the first. Without it, it would be like watching a movie halfway through and then stopping. I would also recommend watching the first OVA series Rei. since it is also relevant. the rest can be ignored unless you want to be complete.
  22. Original Saku

    yeah i can, and that's what I'm gonna do.. Just wanted to raise awareness that there is a thread for recommendations Edit: also I didn't mean for it to come off as bitching, if I made that impression I'm sorry xD I'm just glad people who don't regularly post in the anime threads are .
  23. Original Saku

    you know there's a thread for anime recommendations... http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/24078-animemanga-recommendation-topic/ just sayin... kinda made it for things like this... it would be cool if more people used it, but they don't /slits wrists
  24. Original Saku

    yeah that is bullshit :/
  25. Original Saku

    Yo that's cool as shit! and the song is pretty good as well
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