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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    I'm all caught up with "Nobunaga the Fool" and I have to say with each new episode that I watch, I'm strangely getting more and more into the overall vibe of the story.. I just can't put my finger on it but at first it really wasn't jiving with me, but as I watched it slowly but surely started to click and now i'm wholeheartedly enjoying it quite a bit one thing I have to say is after this last episode (episode 6) I'ts quite apparent that this show is making big plays very early.... Which makes me think where this show is gonna end up in the end game since it is a 24 episode series... i guess only time will tell. on another note, one of my friends that streams anime was streaming the last five episodes of gundam age last night since he had never finished it.... and all I got to say is damn that ending is alot worse than i remember it, like holy Jesus it was so bad. I hope build fighters never turns out like that.. hopefully they either learned from their mistakes or fired whoever was in charge of that monstrosity.
  2. Original Saku

    Bravely Default! Bravely Default! Bravely Default! lol.. this game has been eating up all my time all weekend since It released here in NA Friday XD I'm so addicted it's not even funny... finally the 3DS has a good turn based JRPG with a robust job system! When I play this game I just can't shake the feeling that it reminds me of Dragon Quest IX (my favorite DS JRPG). I love it If anyone else has picked this amazing game up, hit me up and we can exchange friend codes for the online features.
  3. Original Saku

    there's a new promo video out for Final Fantasy XV, It's pretty much alot of stuff we've already seen but towards the end there's a few new gameplay scenes and stuff. god why does this game look so good? like i seriously get a boner while watching this trailer XD
  4. Original Saku

    Just so people know that this is still very much alive... I was planning on starting test streaming this week sometime. So once I do a few of those and get comfortable with the setup ect. I'll be talking with Ito about scheduling some streams and what not, so I hope everyone is looking forward to it
  5. Original Saku

    yeah waiting week by week for some shows can be hell, but you eventually get used to it...
  6. Original Saku

    Well I have to say that Buddy Complex has gotten a lot better since that terrible first episode... there are still things I'm having problems with (mostly the characters) but I'm overall enjoying the mecha action quite a bit.
  7. Original Saku

    Just paste the link. it's as simple as that.
  8. Original Saku

    Do you mean a link to watch it online? (video streaming?) or a place to download through torrent? Just let me know and I'll get you the hook up on the good fansubs
  9. Original Saku

    my favorites from this season so far are: Gin no Saji: second season This show is just so good, I love it to death. anybody who hasn't seen it yet needs to pronto..you're seriously missing out on one of the best shows in the past few years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceICDWQ3ZJM Hoozuki no Reitetsu This was a bit of a surprise show for me, I had no idea what to expect going in but all in all I love it. you'll pretty much laugh your ass off watching this show and the opening is hilariously catchy XD Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. One word to describe this is... Cute. Yes this is the cutest show from this season and so far I'm infatuated with it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weftBM151b0 Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta simply great. I fell like I'm watching an anime movie when i watch this show. the animation is top tier and I love how I'm getting this really old school anime vibe from it... reminds of older shows from back in the day for some reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUYn8ygDoj0
  10. Original Saku

    He wasn't saying that the mera mera no mi was the strongest devil fruit, but that it was a Logia and the Logia type is the strongest out of the tree types (Paramecia, Zoan, Logia). And I hope Whitebeard's crew shows up again in the near future also, but I hope they never join the Strawhats... I just don't like that idea at all. I'm still struggling with the fact that Jimbei will eventually join the crew (and I actually like him as a character...) and then there's the whole uncertainty of what Kinemmon and Momo will do... I have feeling they will probably go their separate ways sooner or later though but you never know. anyways on to the newest episode. Next week the action is going to ramp up yet again, so get ready for it Also where is all the other one piece fans? I know tons of people watch this show and yet this thread is hella dead except for me and blackdoll going back and forth...
  11. Original Saku

    Started vaping back in October, I quit cigarettes on the spot and I've never looked back since. Right now I'm using a smoketech SID mod and a kanger protank 3, I'm pretty happy with it's smoke production and such. I mainly vape either menthol or fruity flavors, right now I'm vaping a fruit flavor called watermelon frost that I'm rather fond of lately. will update with pictures later
  12. Original Saku

    Welcome back! It's nice to find out when old people end up coming back The name feels somewhat familiar, but I don't have the best memory either though.. lol
  13. 『20131124~むにむになるままにJAPAN TOUR~』 <収録曲> 01. 名探偵ミスタ相棒はジョニー 02. 藤壷のキミ 03. おうさまと機関車 04. むにむにの樹のおはなし 05. いびつな愛 06. 踊れやフリーダ 07. 夕暮れちゃちゃちゃ 08. はとのさんぽ 09. 踊れや吸血鬼 10. 癇癪玉のお宮ちゃん 11. チクショー 12. ネコとおさかな 13. キャッチーを科学する 14. デカダントタウン 15. お花売りの少女 16. 部屋のない鍵 17. 涙腺 18. 夢見る少女でいたい 19. 半径30cmの中を知らない 20. ミ・ラ・イ・ノ・オ・ト アンコール 21. 今日からあなたは市長さん pretty awesome news if i do say so myself, would love to get this for myself
  14. Original Saku

    Oh don't worry the fight is coming xD that's why they cliffhangered it so hard right there at the end lol
  15. Original Saku

    yeah I love the new opening, and I can't believe it's already the 15th anniversary... but new ark started off so good though, the ending was hella intense too. I almost thought it was gonna continue but then it ended on that last roll XD although on another note the pacing in this episode was crazy slow, they barely adapted half of a chapter with this episode.... I'm not really complaining though, I know that it's nothing new with this show and I don't really mind the slowness
  16. Original Saku

    I share things usually either because I'm bored or because I want to spread the exposure of a band... It's also nice to get some thanks or gratitude along the way, but in no way does that mean i upload solely for that. Most oft the time though I just want to share awesome music with awesome people and then hear their feedback / opinion on it. It's as simple as that.
  17. Original Saku

    I just bought a pair of these AKG K 240 Semi-Open Studio Headphones last month on Zess and Sai's recommendation and I've been using them for almost a month and they are quite an amazing pair of desktop headphones for at home use, Totally loving them and for the price of 90 bucks you can't beat it. They are also extremely comfortable, I've worn them for hours on end without any discomfort or need for readjustment. The sound is also superb. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001ARCFA/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. Original Saku

    312 GB, 21,943 files, 4,267 folders that's just on one of my externals, I have another external with a shit ton of VK stuff I don't listen to any more XD
  19. Original Saku

    yeah dust is a pretty fun game, and god it's so beautiful... I love how pretty the backgrounds are xD It's a shame I was never able to finish it before my xbox died on me. I might just have to gab it on steam... I actually just started playing state of decay on PC yesterday and I'm really enjoying it so far, totally digging the survival and realism aspects it has going for it. I don't think I've played a zombie game with this sort of take on gameplay before, so it's pretty nice and refreshing for a change
  20. Original Saku

    You know I've had CIV 5 just sitting on my hard drive since the steam summer sale... don't know when I'll play it either, maybe this summer xD but in all seriousness I've heard it's awesome and really fun and addicting, but I just don't know when I'll have the time to play it... I'm kinda in a video game rut right now where I have so much stuff I need to play, but I can't seem to build up the drive to actually play :/
  21. Original Saku

    Wow that's actually a really neat way to generate hype and buzz... I'm impressed XD
  22. Original Saku

    Yeah well in my eyes one piece can never do wrong so I pretty much like everything, but I will say that the dressarosa arc is definitely better than the fishman and punk hazard arcs but then again I'm extremely biased when it comes to OP... so take that with a grain of salt i suppose XD
  23. Original Saku

    So yeah it's official... the filler is over and the Dressarosa arc has begun. Also get hype, New opening FTW!!
  24. Original Saku

    Actually yes it should, but people get caught up in discussion so what are you gonna do xD If people would like to continue this discussion further please do so HERE otherwise from this point on please try to stay on topic and discuss only things pertaining to the news at hand. ~ Saku
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