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Original Saku

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  1. Original Saku

    Thanks for the review Zess, I was already thinking of not listening to this and you pretty much confirmed my doubts. It's pretty sad that lynch has become like this... but oh well it happens all the time.
  2. Original Saku

    Too bad we don't have any of the truly lulzy stuff from the TW era XD
  3. Original Saku

    There is also these as well... basically Sene being a weirdo xD
  4. We're still plugging away! com join us :Dhttp://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  5. Original Saku

    ^ Dude there's nothing to be done about it, you can't stop people from stealing links, if there's a way then please enlighten us. Otherwise you're just beating a dead horse. I've been uploading stuff for years and I've never once had an account closed down, maybe that's due to me not uploading stuff that's popular or whatever but still... maybe you shouldn't be spending money on a DDL hosting sites and instead use a free account if you keep getting closed down, so you won't be losing money? There's a suggestion. So yeah I think we should just leave it as it is, since there's literally not been a single suggestion that will take care of this problem without bringing forth bigger problems in it's stead. EDIT: The best way to stop people from stealing links is to put passwords on them and you could also look into that MegaCrypter thing posted about a page back, both are methods that are totally reliant on the uploader though , so if you're tired of people stealing your links and getting accounts closed down then it's entirely up to you to take care of the problem. Link stealing has nothing to do with rather we change the DL forum or not.
  6. Original Saku

    I wouldn't be surprised. I'm willing to bet most popular shounen probably takes inspiration from JoJo one way or another knowingly or not since it has influenced so many different series over the years. Somebody once told me that "Trafalgar Law" from one piece, his power the op op fruit was supposedly directly inspired from a power in JoJo. I don't quite remember the details but that's pretty cool that Oda took inspiration from it.
  7. Original Saku

    Have you never heard of JoJo before? It's Currently the second longest running Shueisha manga series, I think it's been going since '87 I believe. It's extremely popular in Japan but not so much anywhere else, so it's pretty understandable if you haven't heard of it before. But yeah I would recommend watching part 1 and 2 first since there are certain things you need to know like the history of the Joestar family in part 1 Phantom Blood and the significance and accomplishments of Joseph Joestar who is one of the main characters of part 3 and is the main character of part 2 Battle Tendency. Though if you really want to get into it, read the manga! Lots of people don't realize that without Jojo's Bizarre Adventure a lot of the coolest powers and characters in other prominent anime today would never have happened. A few examples being One piece and Hunter x Hunter.
  8. Original Saku

    Yes watch it. you won't be disappointed.
  9. Original Saku

    Well I finally got around to doing a top ten 2013 anime list since a few of the shows I was waiting on ended a week or two ago... I did this mostly for fun so if anybody wants to do there own feel free to go ahead, you can use these charts here if your memory needs a little refreshing. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S ( ) I love the Toaru Index series to death and when it comes to the spinoff series Railgun I love it quite a bit too, Index will always be my preferred show but Railgun does a good job of fleshing out one of my favorite side characters from the series. There's just not much to hate here... I especially liked this season over the first since it went more in depth into the sisters arc which was apart of Index but really wasn't explained very well from Makoto's standpoint, So we finally get to see a lot cool stuff from the events leading up to the awesome Kamijou vs Accelerator fight. Overall it's good and worth the watch if you've seen the first season, now only if they would hurry up and give us Index season 3 Kingdom 2 ( ) It's no secret that I'm a huge history anime nut... I love shows that take place in bygone eras in time and work real historic events into the story and setting. Kingdom is just that, usually you see historic anime doing time periods that are significant in Japan and set there as well.. there's nothing wrong with that but usually it's over saturated with shows set in the Sengoku era, so when a show like this comes around that's set in the Warring States Period of ancient China (475-221 BCE) It really gives you that breath of fresh air feeling. I'm in love with this show. I don't really know why I like it so much, maybe it's the action maybe it's the art maybe it's the really cool and unique setting... most likely it's all of these things and then some. This season does an even better job than the first in a lot of different areas, the animation has seen a step up as well has the art which are both welcome additions. Xin as a character has really started to develop and is finally starting to get the achievements he deserves, the end of this season indicates there will be a third season soon and I couldn't be happier about that, This show is pretty under-appreciated, it deserves better in my opinion. Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen ( ) Third season of possibly my favorite series in the past five years. Kami Nomi is a show that pulls at the heart strings and makes you care about the characters a great deal. There's romance, comedy, action, tons of funny situations that crop up due to Keima's "conquests". One thing that this show accomplishes that I can't say I've ever seen another show do is at it's core it is an Harem show revolving around Keima who is pretty much the only male (significant) character but it doesn't resort suggestive situations involving the girls (panty shots, naked scenes, ect.) This absolutely not an "Echii" show. Instead it uses genuine emotions to get the point across coupled with really good comedic writing. Now that doesn't make the girls any less cuter, there are some really great girls in this show. and the character development is amazing as usual in this series I'm always impressed with how much they are able to develop the characters and make you care in just a short season. This is the third season and it changes up the formula a bit by advancing the plot a ton with the "Goddesses" and the evil hell faction (forgot the name) definitely makes for a good season. Gin no Saji: Silver Spoon ( ) Ah now we are at my favorite slice of life show in recent times, Silver spoon does an exceptional job at taking a subject like Japan's agriculture business and does a beautiful job at working it into a show. Most things about agriculture if not all in this show are true and I even learned some things I didn't know. Also the way it portrays the hardships and struggles of the industry are also very much a real thing and the writer of the manga does a great job at making that come through in the story. Now the agriculture is just part of the plot, the real story is about Hachiken and his problems. Hachiken is a very relatable character and many of the things he is going through in the show are real issues with the youth in and outside of Japan, once again the mangaka does a great job at taking these issues and making a character that's going through these things and still able make it seem believable. Pretty much this is a feel good show with a believable setting, characters, and story. It teaches you things that you probably didn't know and the characters are what drives the show. The only thing that doesn't seem to be anything special is the soundtrack but with everything else coming together so nicely I can look past that. Kyousou Giga ( ) This show is unique and interesting, not to much more to say about it than that.. the art is amazing, the animation is decent, and the characters are great. The story and setting is by far the most interesting part of the show taking inspiration from Japanese folklore and Buddhist tales. it incorporates these folklore and tales in a way that makes the show have great cultural significance. I would recommended watching the live action episode 5.5 where a few of the voice actors actually take a trip to Kyoto and a showcase a lot of the real life landmarks and places that are used in the show and touch upon the Japanese folklore used in the show as inspiration. I greatly enjoyed this show and it is one of the most unique shows I've experienced in a while. Nagi no Asukara ( ) This one is a character driven romance drama with a interesting almost semi fantasy setting. It's also another show that is mostly character driven and does a great job of developing the characters a lot in it's 26 episodes. The romance is interesting because of all the different problems that arise that affect it. The show's biggest strength is how the characters interact with each other and that is what drives the plot as a whole. I liked a lot of things about this show, but the one thing that just captivated me and still does even right now at the time of this writing is the art. OMG the art is spectacular is this show, everything about it is just beautiful. Some of the backdrops where the camera pans out into the background are gorgeous ( like this shot or this one) overall the best looking show of 2013 I think. I'm not gonna go in depth with the plot but it's good and has weight to the events happening. Kill la Kill ( ) Well this one doesn't really need an introduction and I'm not gonna sit here and write about it because chances are you've seen it and love it as much as I do, and if you haven't then chances are you either have bad taste or are on the "sexist" bandwagon. I'm eagerly awaiting the ova coming out this September so I can finally see more of my waifu Satsuki-chan (the best girl) with short hair and a sun dress! (AKA my ideal girl) Golden Time ( ) Alright this show has hate, it's a Romcom with more emphasis on the romance. People hate it because of the characters which I think is not justified because I think the characters are great and make for a very good romance story but whatever. Lots of people say the the main love interest is annoying and that's why they hate the show and while it's true that Koko is fucking annoying, needy, clingy, and stalkerish that's only true at the beginning and she actually does develop and get better with time. The same goes for the MC who people don't really like for a separate set of reasons but I'm not going into that because it would give too much of the story and plot away. Bottom line this is a good romance show and is worthwhile to watch. If I had to sum up this show in one statement it would be "Love hurts" and that's the most true sentiment for this show. Hajime no Ippo: Rising ( ) Awesome, amazing, and inspiring. The nostalgia and feels is strong with this one. Boxing anime at it's finest and they doing it up real good. My favorite "sports" show ever. Now hopefully I won't have to wait another six tears for the next season... btw the Coach flashback arc was one of the best things I've seen ever. Gundam Build Fighters ( ) Hands down my favorite Gundam in the past ten years! Amazing sound track, animation, art, characters, setting, story. pretty much everything is perfect. Honorable Mentions: Chihayafuru 2 Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi Log Horizon Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~ Samurai Flamenco
  10. Original Saku

    Sounds pretty interesting actually! My biggest problem with social games is the lack of depth and pointlessness that they usually bring to the table... like what's the point of angry birds? Is there a reason to play it? A specific goal? A sense of accomplishment? No, no, and no. But this does sound actually fun and possibly not as pointless as I would initially believe. What platforms is it on? Android? I'll check it out.
  11. Original Saku

    Social game? not really my cup of tea, but what exactly do you do in this game?
  12. Original Saku

    Actually I just watched it and yeah I agree it was pretty nice! Another new show that is standing out so so far is Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, it seems to have some pretty good quality so far. I also watched Seikoku no Dragonar but it seems to be more of the generic type fantasy show than anything else, although I really didn't have any real issues with the first episode. Will continue to watch more of the new shows tomorrow, One in particular that I'm interested in is Haikyuu!! I don't think I've ever seen a Volleyball sports anime so I wonder how it will turn out... Hopefully it won't be too ridiculous and out there, but even if it is I'll still probably dig it XD
  13. Original Saku

    ^ You're getting Star Driver vibes because it's actually done by the same exact team that did Star Driver so yeah. Finally the long awaited part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders is here and I have to say it's looking sexier than ever. David Productions has done an amazing job with the animation in this first episode you can really tell that their budget has increased since part 1 and 2 which most likely means the first two parts sold pretty well. Sadly there's no OP or ED yet but that will just make the next episode even more badass! Also the pacing in this first episode was done extremely well, I'm hoping maybe we'll get a 3 Cour season this time... fingers crossed
  14. Original Saku

    Just watched the new Natsume Yuujinchou OVA that aired back in February and... Shit I'm so screwed right now. I just can't even put my love for this series into words... it's incomprehensible how much this show just pulls at my heart strings and manages to hit me so hard emotionally. It was probably the single best episode I've seen so far this year out of any other show, and we're talking about a ova here... It's a one off episode that's not a part of any other episode or arc from the show, but it's just amazing. Fuck I need season 5 so bad right now... I better hear an announcement soon or I'm gonna go so nutz that I'll have to eventually re-watch the other four season just to keep sane >.<
  15. Original Saku

    I regret nothing... the hype is real
  16. The new MHanime stream day and time has been finalized! read more about it here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/26905-mh-anime-informationfeedback-thread/?p=328598

    1. Flame-X


      Might be there. If not, I'll at least idle in the stream.

    2. Original Saku
  17. Original Saku

    I guess the word needless is not the right word, but it's true that a lot of Gundam fans are fed up with them always killing off the likable/good characters but leaving the shit characters alive... also it's not fun seeing characters you actually like and feel for die horrible horrible deaths AGE first and second season really isn't that bad, but the third season is total trash and pretty much ruins it, it's pretty similar to SEED actually... SEED first season was alright but then they had to do Destiny and that shit was just unneeded. It's actually pretty interesting both 00 and Build Fighters is written/directed by the same guy and both of those shows have extremely strong endings that shows that he can handle his show's plots without letting them go to hell by the end, both shows were also great pallet cleansers for the previous series before it.
  18. Original Saku

    TPP will be worth it and yes it will be immensely longer and bigger GZ is more for the hardcore MGS fans anyways... the ones who like to play through the same thing over and over each time going for the better ranks and collecting everything, speedruning, and different types of restrictive runs (like no kill, no reflex, iron sights only, ect.) If you are that type of fan then you can easily get upwards of 25 hours out of the game before getting "tired" of it. And even if you aren't that hardcore into MGS games the main story will still take 3 hours to complete as long as you don't rush through like some idiot. I find all these people bitching about GZ being a demo is hilarious xD when was the last time you played a 3 hour demo with this much extra content? I challenge anybody to show me this demo! Also considering the game is only 30 dollars (ps4) and 20 dollars (ps3) for a 3 hour campaign isn't really that bad if you ask me... nobody bitches about AAA games that are sometime 2-3 times the price but only have double the amount of game play (usually 6 hours)... yet Kojima does it and actually offers a great amount of content for the fans at a great price and people act like it's the end of the world and that they should have gotten it for free... that's kinda bullshit if you ask me, It's obvious that this is a cash grab so Kojima and Konami can raise some funds for TTP but I don't think it's a unfair one in the least and I'm personally happy to help them out by purchasing the game Oh and the fox engine looks absolutely amazing on next gen... like I cried when ever I played the game for the first time, it's seriously that beautiful
  19. Original Saku

    You make a good point about the needless deaths thing, but that doesn't make it alright to kill off the only likable characters in these series... they do that shit all the time, kill off the good characters but leave the shitty character alive doesn't make no sense. and hey I agree SEED is pretty shit, but I would sit through that shit any day over the last season of AGE XD that's how bad it was.
  20. Original Saku

    Honestly if you're a true Gundam fan then you should love BF, there's so many references, cameos and little tropes found throughout the show it's hard not to crack a smile at them. The battles are amazing, and it doesn't have any death scenes so the characters that you fall in love with won't get killed off needlessly like in any every other Gundam. It also has a bit of a more serious plot interwoven in between the fun stuff, but you'll just have to find out about that yourself overall the show is just fun and refreshing. Honestly this is my favorite Gundam series in a very long time, it's better than AGE, 00, and SEED for me most definitely!
  21. Original Saku

    ^ nice! I'll definitely give it a listen when I have a chance
  22. Original Saku

    Gundam Build Fighters was so good! please please please let there be another season!
  23. Original Saku

    I can relate, since finishing SNK I've actually already re-watched it once with a friend (some episodes I've seen up to 3 times) originally on the first watch I was thinking of a 9/10 score admittedly, but I held off. Good thing I did because after watching it a second time it sure doesn't live up to that score at all. I think most people are like "OMG BEST SERIES AND ANIMATION EVER" on there first watch because simply they are blinded by all the hype action that's going on... but realistically the show is very lacking. The characters have no real development, the plot is lukewarm at best, and the animation is just decent. the only real redeeming factors are the amazing soundtrack and the pretty interesting setting that I might add that they didn't use or capitalize on as much as they should have. I saw somebody describe SNK perfectly the other day; "It's a show that you can just watch and not have to worry about the plot" which I think is pretty spot on to be honest. Just watch it, finish it, enjoy it for what it offers and then never touch it again. All in all it's not the worse time killer out there I ended up giving it a 7/10 in the end game.
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