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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    So anyone care to explain what the hell is going on in this video? xD
  2. Original Saku

    Really feeling the manga lately, shit's popping off Don't watch these video's if you aren't up-to-date with the manga
  3. Original Saku

    cool, I will also check it out when it drops
  4. Original Saku

    ^ the CGI grows on you, just take my word on it
  5. Original Saku

    Yes that was some amazing acting, It was so tense and felt so real... I had goosebumps the entire time I can't wait for the nest episode, I'm really hype now xD
  6. Original Saku

    That's fucking awesome dude! I'm probably future proof for at least another two or three years before my setup starts lagging behind on performance... I still kinda want to upgrade though xD tbh what I really need to do is get on the SSD train. btw what's your secret to dust? I've noticed your case is pretty dust free... I on the other hand have dust out the ass all over my case, almost to the point where I'm contemplating taking everything out and doing a thorough dusting of all my hardware and then reassembling.
  7. Original Saku

    ^ I'm jelly good choice btw, definitely the best card right now on the Nvidia side
  8. Original Saku

    Oh well that's pretty much a given since it's not you yourself as an individual that decides if a game is an modern classic but more a collective group of people. Pretty much the game needs to be acknowledged by more than just yourself to be considered a modern classic, and in that case acknowledgement doesn't always equal enjoyment as you pointed out. Which means that there is two ways to decide if a game is a modern classic, one; the emotion or feeling of enjoyment that you have while playing a game, and two; Acknowledgement of a game's quality whether or not you particularly like the game. But of course there is another factor, that factor being the collective agreement between many persons on the aforementioned points. At least that's how i see it, since no one person should be able to declare a game is a modern classic or not... it should be many people in agreement that should be the definite. Ah yes glad to hear it's gotten better for you... can't really say i enjoyed the "helpful elements" of the game either, I don't mind some hand holding in my games but there's a point where enough is enough.
  9. Original Saku

    Yeah I'm really hype for it since I'm a huge Type-Moon fan, I've played the visual novels to death and I loved the original Fate/Stay Night anime a lot That guy is hilarious and he always has the best reactions xD I always check out his channel when I want a good laugh and yes I do indeed believe that is a fist of the north star poster in the background.
  10. Original Saku

    btw is anybody else really hype about the new Fate/Stay Night anime coming this year? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-05-08/fate/stay-night-2nd-promo-video-by-ufotable-streamed that shit looks freaking amazing. and it's being wrote by the type-moon author (original author of the series) and it's supposed to be a clean route, technically we have no idea what's gonna happen. LOL had to post this reaction video xD this guy has some of the best reactions to shit
  11. Original Saku

    but I like Nobunaga the Fool It's so much better than your run of the mill anime... the nonsense is why it's good tbh.
  12. Original Saku

    I'm pretty sure we'll see mega evolutions in these remakes, I'm about 95% sure they will do it.
  13. Original Saku

    Ahh i see, that base feeling of truly enjoying a game and the emotions that it evokes... that might just be the best criteria for one to personally judge if a game is a modern classic or not. I think I now also understand what your definition of a modern classic is; a game that evokes a particular feeling of enjoyment and nostalgia, similar emotions that have been felt before while enjoying games that you regard as a classic. or something roughly along those lines? Which I can totally see that as being correct as I have felt the same things before. So to conclude it's not really about the games being of a similar formula as older "classic" games but the emotions or feeling you have while paying a game that makes it a modern classic. hmmm... I feel like we're getting somewhere with this breakdown of what makes a game a classic and what make's a game a modern classic discussion. Now that I think about it, whether a game is innovative or not has no bearing on whether it is a modern classic since even if it is innovative, if you don't get that particular feeling while playing it, it does not matter. I seem to have gotten off topic myself there when talking about the state of the industry since that very well seems to have no bearing on the discussion after all. Since we're at the point where the genre or type of game it is does not matter as to whether it is a modern classic, so my evolved perception theory is actually not correct when pertaining to this topic. Yes it does seem we might have gotten a bit off topic from the original discussion, however I think there is probably one thing we could definitely agree about and that would be the matter of whether Ni no Kuni is a modern classic or not in our eyes.
  14. Original Saku

    Ah good point about modern classics and classics not being the same and indeed you are correct about classic games such as Castlevania and Megaman series being widely popular and well received despite the same formula, but one big difference between back then and now is that I believe the industry has evolved past that age and is still evolving today. Whether for better or worst things are changing rapidly pertaining to all aspects of the video game industry whether it be the methods that developers use to create these games or the platforms we play these games on or even the process of how we acquire these games. Shit has changed. Basically what I'm saying is that the times have changed and with the times aspects of the industry have changed which in turn results in peoples perception of what they want out of video games to change as well. At least that's how I see it now a days... of course that's just my theory and observation as a gamer. You make a good argument though I've rather enjoyed discussing this topic with you, It seems like this could be a discussion thread all on it's own really xD
  15. Original Saku

    yeah quite disappointing honestly... if it was a real greatest hits I would definitely be willing to buy this, but I think I'll pass on this singles collection xD
  16. Original Saku

    yes my body is ready! Already prepared to watch coverage all week and all the press conferences, guess this is an advantage of being a NEET
  17. Original Saku

    that's cool i guess... will be cool to see these games done in the new engine. I'm pretty sure we'll see some actually footage of gameplay next month at E3 though, they just needed to breed hype before the show
  18. Original Saku

    yeah I do the same, Sadly I'm incapable of completely dropping something once I start... it's a curse I wish I could do away with tbh. i just think about how I watched SAO all the way through for this very reason and I so wish I just would have dropped it after the first few episodes
  19. Original Saku

    Ah well I think films and games are a little bit different in that regard but to each their own I guess. The main thing is that your whole argument about films works for films but not games in my opinion... with games it's a bit different because everybody is looking for the next big thing or innovation, people don't want to play the same formula over and over again. They'll play a slightly altered formula with a few changes here and there but usually if a game releases with the same tired mechanics and no alterations whatsoever people kinda frown upon that. one example for me would be the Dynasty Warriors franchise, which in my opinion is a rinse and repeat series with almost no merit. I know people still enjoy it because of the game play but overall it's the same thing every iteration and it's gradually dieing with each as well. The game industry strives on innovation, innovation is literally the history of the video game industry as we know it. I agree with your statement about "it only haveing to be out of the ordinary good" but that doesn't change the fact that it has to also be well liked and remembered, even among the very niche scene that is the western JRPG scene ni no kuni in particular is not very well received and mainly goes unforgotten by most people who've played it and while it might be popular in Norway, that only really results in a very small percentage of people compared to everywhere else it is not revered so highly. So I guess it is a modern classic in Norway but elsewhere or to be more exact the united states it is not? Really I don't know... when I think of modern classic and video games I think more on a grander scale than that of ni no kuni i guess Yeah here in America it's not nearly like that.... kinda a shame too. Wish it was the opposite.
  20. Original Saku

    Yes underrated. Although it got rather well received reviews across the board at release, review sites do not account for everybody else, in the end it's just one person saying they liked the game. While most people forgot all about the game after a month or two... When the end of last year came around and everybody was doing their end of the year lists ni no kuni was very much left out from most. Not to mention I've seen tons of people mention not liking it despite the great reviews... But pretty much in my book most Japanese games that make it over here to the states are pretty underrated and that's just a sad truth... but for some reason ni no kuni seemed even more underrated than others, I don't know it might just be that I've let to many other people's bad opinions about the game influence my observation. I personally enjoyed the games story and art style as well as the gameplay, even though it's not as deep as other J-RPGs that make it out here to the west I sill found it to be an enjoyable experience and I had fun playing it. I would definitely be willing to replay it here in a few more years if only to re-experience the awesome atmosphere of the world, but is it a modern classic? No not in my opinion. 9/10 and 10/10 reviews does not equal a modern classic, actually I don't know anyone who would consider it a modern classic including myself. For it to be a modern classic; for one more people would actually have to remember the game (lol) and for two, It needs a bigger impact such as a game mechanic that's works really amazing and never been done before or a great story that's uniquely different from other offerings. Most of all to be a modern classic it would need to be remembered and sadly from what I've seen nobody remembers this game and most people didn't even think it was that great to begin with, some of these people are of course posers who either one; never played the game and are just "bandwagoning", two; played the game but never got past the first few hours before quitting, and three; played the game all the way through and legitimately didn't like it. I'm sure we both know which two categories most people fall under XD But yes definitely continue playing it, the gameplay gets a little better farther in at least.
  21. Original Saku

    ^ In my experience with that game, it does get better but only so much... there will still be tons of cut scenes but that's sorta the norm. Fights do get harder and a little bit more complex, but not a ton. Really the best thing to do is just try to enjoy the beautiful art style and really good story. I still think Ni no Kuni is a very underrated game from last year... many people downplay it's existence due to the childish exterior and the fact that it's Japanese
  22. Original Saku

    Bought a copy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle Last week
  23. I found this to be pretty amusing xD http://youtu.be/6ycn5VmBUYY

  24. Original Saku

    Yo Atlus just released Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (aka SMT:III) as a PS2 classic on PS3 today!! God I'm so hyped right now, thank you Atlus for finally giving us SMT fans what we truly wanted Everyone should go buy this amazing game since it's only 9.99 and is in my opinion the best SMT and one of the best RPGs from the PS2 era!
  25. Original Saku

    Omg that Case is amazing This is making me want to build a new system... too bad I don't have the money right now for that XD
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