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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    ^ unghh... I hope there's not a sequel tbqh.
  2. Original Saku

    Good job CAT! you marathoned the hell out of it didn't you? XD Now it's time to go watch the first three episodes of Stardust Crusaders
  3. Original Saku

    well the ED theme for Stardust Crusaders is out and they deliver beautifully https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkanHSvFq3Q "WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN" Bravo David Productions Bravo 10/10
  4. setting up EAC on this computer right now... god I forgot how tedious this is :(

    1. Zeus


      Also, any feedback for the next version of the guide?

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah i know. I've done this 3 or 4 times before, but the first time on this pc.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      and no not really. the guide is pretty well put together as it is. It could however use a bit of updating when it comes to the pictures and other little stuff since some of the menu settings are slightly different in 1.0 beta 3

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  5. Original Saku

    Well look what just came in the mail Also check out my new phone skin Hehe... I thought it was rather appropriate considering the new season of the anime and the video game coming out next week
  6. Original Saku

    Just stop. the nudity doesn't ruin the series.. end of story. That's a stupid reason not to like it IMO.
  7. Original Saku

    How about we talk about the best actor in Game of Thrones, that being Rory McCann who plays Sandor Clegane AKA The Hound. Seriously probably the best actor in the show, just check out his audition tape below... Talk about powerful acting. Not to mention he was the best in the first episode of the new season, just amazing.
  8. Original Saku

    ^ yesh that OST had me hype as shit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzQ6dtf5yeI
  9. Original Saku

    Naw I haven't watched either of the OVAs, and I'm not in no particular rush to do so either... After watching the series a second time I really did come to the realization that the show is kinda bad, so I'm not really looking forward to watching more shit I'll probably wait for the third OVA to come out later this year and then get through with it all at once.
  10. Original Saku

    Hunter x Hunter episode 125.... Just absolutely fucking amazing! It's been a while since I've watched something that had me sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time covered with goosebumps
  11. Original Saku

    nope. I'm a NEET so I don't really go anywhere that would warrant me having to look presentable, plus I'm a dude so I don't wear makeup... I don't care about my hair enough to "style" it, I just put it in a ponytail and leave it at that. How often do you change desktop backgrounds (wallpapers) on your computer?
  12. Original Saku

    2/10 not much of an avatar... sorry.
  13. Original Saku

    I've heard about it, but never checked it out... I'm a fan of the Hannibal movies and I especially loved Red Dragon, So I might just give this a chance if i get some time.
  14. Original Saku

    Well then you'll be pleased to know neither Captain Earth or No Game No Life has a school setting. No game no life is based off of a LN that got adapted into a manga that got this anime adaption, but I don't think that justifies not checking it out IMO. So far it has a pretty interesting premise and I really like the two MC's and their Voice Actors, plus I was rather impressed with the art and animation in the first episode. But yeah I don't blame you for not wanting to watch anything with a school setting, that shit is getting old but I still end up watching those shows because every once in a while there's a gem... For example last year's gem was Gin no Saji which had a school setting (even though it's not really your run of the mill school) but set itself apart with actual character development and interactions that made you care about the characters. but then again it wasn't your typical school series either I suppose...
  15. Original Saku

    ^ Well since JoJo is pretty much the originator of some of those "shonen cliches" I think it would be pretty hard not to find them in the show, you got to keep in mind that it's based on a 30 Y.O. manga franchise that is still publishing new chapters to this day... Just saying. You should watch Mushi-shi if you haven't already, it's one of the other good shows from this season and the first season is really great. Other stuff that seems to be standing out from the rest this season that I would recommend would be Captain Earth and No Game No Life both of which look really promising so far. I also am digging Haikyuu!! quite a bit, but I'm not sure if you are big on the sports anime And yeah nobody has picked up Break Blade yet which sucks because I'm also really interested in it... hopefully some sub group will pick it up pretty soon.
  16. Don't forget I'll be going live with MHanime here at 5:00PM CST. So here in about five hours, If you wanna join but wasn't around last week you can catch up eitht he archives here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/26905-mh-anime-informationfeedback-thread/

  17. Original Saku

    I actually downloaded Phantasy Star Online 2 last night and went through the entire English patching process and got it set up correctly. I've been meaning to check the game out for a while now since I always hear great things but never wanted to deal with patching and all the hoops that you have to jump through. Gonna play it later tonight for the first time.
  18. Original Saku

    Oh and new JoJo OP is the shit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j64JegzWf3c
  19. Original Saku

    Soul Eater NOT! is pretty much what it sounds like... not soul eater XD If you go into it expecting Soul Eater you are gonna be disappointed but otherwise the first episode wasn't terrible and I did enjoy seeing the old characters and the little fight scene was pretty tight. But it does really suck that they changed the animation style from the original... I mean it's like night and day, check it out. I mean look at that shit, it's a bit unnerving that the did away with the awesome comic book esque animation / art style of the original series which is one of the reasons it was so awesome, but I understand this is a spinoff targeted at a totally different audience which is why they chose to go with a more clean and up to date modern art / animation style. With that said their really isn't anything wrong with the new style, it's clean and looks great but I suspect fans of the first series will probably be cringing every single time they see the old characters in this new style. I know I cringed the first time I saw Maka in this first episode, she was just too moe for me (which is something I never thought I would say about any character). I miss that blank lifeless stare so much
  20. Original Saku

    ^ Yeah I already have my copy of JoJo reserved haven't played the demo yet though... I might do that later tonight actually.
  21. Original Saku

    Yeah Izaya is cool too, but I find him to be a bit of a smart ass know it all character that needs a good beating... Ryugamine is a decent MC but is a bit lacking in the first season, but I hear he gets a whole lot more interesting later on in the LN. Anri is pretty dull at the beginning but after the Saika shit she becomes a lot more likable in several regards. Other than that I really like the Celty / Shinra relationship quite a bit in the first season for obvious reasons XD
  22. Original Saku

    ^ nice. I love Shizu-chan <3 hes my favorite character along with Kida-kun
  23. Original Saku

    ^ Yo I saw the sample of your AMV the other night during the Kill la Kill stream on shinstation, and it looks good man and props on the Gazette song! perfect choice.
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