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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    hide-zou solo project [2]
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    Preordered Grieva's new single and types B and C of Devil Kitty's upcoming single as well. I would have also added Gossip's new mini, but shipping costs $16 per box ;(
  3. They probably read this, laughed amongst themselves while high-fiving, and said "We did it, guys!"
  4. They had a few demotapes as well (like they were actual tapes, too), a couple split-single omnibuses that were live-limited, and they were on the Neo Generation Breath omnibus which is their only non-live-limited item. These are their first CD single releases. http://mizeria.jp/disco.html
  5. lamielfyler006.jpg


    found this while updating zombiexjuice and thought you might enjoy

    1. robkun


      Ahhhh great lineup!

  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    For realz, this these:
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    That L'arc~en~ciel one where Hyde walks around and just yells "ARE YOU FUCKING READY" in between lines of Ready Steady Go near the crowd, then flops back up on to the stage like a sea lion
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    excuse me, but
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    I wonder if they'll reform elsewhere. Hopefully this is able to turn up eventually
  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    That's cool. I wonder if they'll sell their collection album that they made for when they revived the last time.
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    They kept his guitar breaking in a DVD that they then wanted to sell? l o l
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Their last mini kind of started that trend I wouldn't be surprised if that's why members are starting to leave. Only the vocalist and lead guitarist are ex. Railtracer now
  13. Also, ema's career is spiraling out of control.
  14. if u rly think about it,,,,,isnt like just a big limited time period project...,,?
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    I didn't think we'd find the worst song of 2017 this early on
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    tbh that malice mizer cover should have been the last nail in their coffin. The stuff they put out when they were just about to / just after signing to Starwave were A+ (remember when they gave out free songs via email????), but more recent material is just uninteresting.
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    oophh that's really not a style that works for Z at all I imagine their cross-covers with Misaruka and Synk;yet were much better since they're more similar
  19. 3, 5, 6, and 7 for me. I do like stuff from all of them though
  20. If a Japanese convenience store doesn't carry something you want, is it called an Inkonbini? 🤔 

    1. SadMoomin


      I laughed really hard thank you LOL 

    2. Komorebi


      I actually did laugh out loud 

    3. Licio123


      LMAO! Nice one

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  21. Yes, they're currently unsigned. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce a new single under a new label within the next month or so, especially since their album did fairly well in spite of it only have 4 new songs on it.
  22. If this sounds like both bands did in 1999 then amen
  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    Inb4 rabid gyas start cutting wristbands so they can be the only audience members
  24. If Chateau Agency is going to follow in Sherow's footsteps, they may very well be completely unlike a Kamijo project. Metis Gretel, Dollis Marry, and Rushia weren't from what I remember.
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