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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    Sounds nice-- happy to see the first track is in the same vein as "雨上がりの憂鬱."
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    steampunk is awful + tacky, and not the good kind of tacky Alright, did anyone else noticed he sampled the battle music from the pokemon gameboy games in the title track?
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    I used an emulator for N64 while in college to play some games I couldn't beat as a kid. I also got one for GBA to play through a bit of Pokemon Emerald. I don't really see the harm in doing so, personally, unless it's a game that literally just came out.
  4. Without them they'd have 10 fans. Stay salty.
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    Ecstatic that it sounds like the MetamorphosiS album.
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    lmao they didn't even spell the name of their own damn single correctly in the promo
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    That's probably what their manager at PSC said when he or she saw their sales on their last trainwreck.
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted
    1. nekkichi


      "check ur able-body privilEGE, U JUDGMENTAL FURRY-KINKSHAMING, CISHET-ELITIST FEMSCUM!!!" is this me?

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Femscum is a new one for me. Sounds like something whomever made up this picture ( https://38.media.tumblr.com/3f207abad3ff2994f73c2789e3d609db/tumblr_n92sd6EUDl1rydi72o1_500.jpg ) would use.

    3. nekkichi


      homegirl needs a scruff account

  9. Peace Heavy mk II

  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    budget gackt is a hot mess live
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    They're the like 1 random brvtal beep-boop-core band that's actually good. I enjoy most of their stuff, although their Stella single was pretty underwhelming. I see that they are also doing well in terms of domestic sales, so that's always a good thing (especially for being on a very new label).
  12. Friendly reminder that you're all sleeping on Annabyss Coast.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      i am? not that i'm aware of...

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      WT I don't speak those kind of moon runes I'm sorry

    3. Wicked Teletubby

      Wicked Teletubby

      shit I was sleepy. I said I didn't think I wanted to know that. not that necessary comment though.

    4. Show next comments  408 more
  13. I'm speculating 2 new songs (one of which is 80% "Hello Catty," 10% "Masturbation"), 3 outright DEViL KiTTY covers, and 1 SE
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    I think that was just to state which tracks from his singles are going to be rereleased and that the song that is the A-side for the album is going to be "The Love From a Dead Orchestra"-tier in length. I'm expecting 4~5 other songs and possibly 1~3 SEs when the full track list is announced.
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Kamijo - Heart

    Kamijo's first full-length album. Sold in 2 editions. 収録曲 Vive le Roi Rose Croix 闇夜のライオン Louis ~艶血のラヴィアンローズ~【Symphonic Metal Version】 Death Parade Romantique 抱きしめられながら Moulin Rouge サンクチュアリ 片手に夢を持つ少女 追憶のモナムール Heart Presto(* Bonus Track/通常盤のみ)
  16. Is this different from their other distributed release named 黒い彗星-G-, or is this like a 2nd press kind of deal?
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    3 started off with a really great concept, but by episode 7 they like realized they had way too many sub-plots going on so they raced to finish each as abruptly as possible (i.e., killing the neighbors and Nan and being like "meh," but then killing off everyone else and bringing them back like 40 times to keep the story going). But they still had time for an inpromptu Stevie Nicks music video??? edit: as requested
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    It was Reita in the map room with the poison.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Vo.セフィロス(sephiroth) Dr.タコス(tacos) what is going on
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    I liked this a lot more than I thought I would: it seemed like it only rehashed Masquerade in one part and it was a lot more Lareine-ish in terms of song structure than I had originally expected. The samples of "Bastille" seemed like a huge mess though, so I am pretty concerned.
  21. TIL Pleasance is a word
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

    Both only have 1 song I really like so idk whichever was prettier I guess (which would be nightmare). I also liked "Dirty" but it was 10000x better with the Legendary 69.
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