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Status Updates posted by Cupcakes

  1. Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tokage


      I am sorry, I just don't want to now who or what your penis will penetrate

    3. fuyushita_risou


      @sai This might be the case, but truly I don't need to know every insider around and it's not possible to know them all and with that it's not a surprise that I think such a comment is inappropiate as a status update.

    4. sai


      It was from Roman graffiti in Pompeii (dirty old Romans)

  2. Really, Aki-P? Really, Togosaki-san? Demoting a first generation AKB48 member to kenkyuusei, because she may or may not have a relation? REALLY?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zeus


      I never got why preventing relationships was such a big deal to them.

    3. CAT5


      cuz it's all sick DIE DIE DIE

    4. Ito


      Zess, it is so the messed up fans can have the make believe idea that since they are single so they imagine they have a chance with them (and in turn they spend more money). It is honestly pretty fucked up, but that's Japan for you!

  3. It doesn't matter if you're just friends, or both men, you kiss and go to bed with anyone you like! THAT IS THE LAW OF THE NATURAL WORLD!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cupcakes



    3. Cupcakes


      It's a book and books are not natural.

    4. Cupcakes


      trees are natural. trees cut and processed into paper with ink on them aren't

  4. Maybe I should start my music collection from Scratch, so I don't have to put so much into Itunes ><

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cupcakes


      if I do so I can't listen to music anymore when I'm not home

    3. CAT5


      oh, right. I keep forgetting about the whole ipod deal :(

    4. Spike760


      iTunes is the devil.

  5. Still no package from the U S A

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cupcakes


      I didn't order anything! It's a present I'm getting~ Well, supposed to get.

    3. Zeus


      It's President's Day so no mail is moving anywhere I'm afraid.

    4. Cupcakes


      It was shipped the 7th, and there's no presidents day here in the nl~

  6. Why is it now the no-life top 5 instead of top 10?

    1. Champ213


      Presumably because it would go far below the bottom of the actual forum, now that the calender has been filling up. It kinda lines up now the way it is.

    2. Cupcakes


      the status updates are halfway already underneath the forum for me though.

    3. Yasupon


      Good, less reasons for me to be jealous.

  7. Does anyone have some music to recommend to me~?

    1. Jigsaw9


      0.8byou to shougeki (indie-pop/rock/weird), amber gris (artsy vk), Crow×Class (vk with traditional instruments), Droog (garage rock), Indigo la End (indie rock), KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND (punky-bluesy vk), LAGITAGIDA (instrumental rock), Lament. (dark vk), lloy (goth/post-punk), MEJIBRAY (neo vk), Miss Jelly Fish (underground vk), MUNIMUNI (vk-inspired post-punk), Psysalia Psysalis Psyche (indie/alternative rock), Strawberry Song Orchestra (theatrical rock), the god and death stars (melancholic i...

    2. Jigsaw9


      You weren't specific, so I listed a bunch of stuff, sorry~ ^^"

    3. Yasupon
  8. I am not made to be awake during the day.

    1. Yasupon


      are you an owl

    2. Cupcakes
    3. Slsr


      Yup, night time= best time

  9. Mission: Wait for the oven to be done pre-heating.

    1. Slsr


      was mission success?

    2. Cupcakes


      Mission succeeded, pizza was eaten.

  10. Ugh. Humans. And human likes.

    1. CAT5


      Humans are as beautiful as they are disgusting

    2. Yasupon


      ^ can't argue with that

  11. CAKE

    1. D.L.S


      And it's not even my birthday~ He want that cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake

    2. Yasupon
  12. I've given up on understanding straight girls *sighs*

    1. Biopanda


      Maybe try curved girls?

    2. hyura


      Maybe start with straight bananas?

  13. The Monochrome Heaven House for the Elderly People

    1. Jigsaw9


      Gathering every afternoon in the main lobby, snoozing off to transcoded mp3s of our old favorites~ (^∀^)

  14. Who had thought that my favourite album is new age/ambient house.

  15. Having an internal conflict. It feels as if I'm looking at myself from above. Having a strong urge to cry, but can't find out where it comes from. Maybe it's selfish, but I want to be happy too...

    1. orangetarts


      <3 feel better love, whatever it is thats eating you up~

  16. Either I'm buying an ipod, or I'm getting books for my birthday... what to do?

    1. nick


      I'd go for an mp3 player if I didn't have one. I read a lot of books though. :P

  17. Randomly found CLØWD's Kou on an Utaite album. Now is the question; will I try CLØWD?

    1. Biopanda


      Try CLØWD. Or rather, try Kou's previous band, the Sherry, cus they were even better :v

  18. Why doesn't the new No Name have a release date yet D8

  19. Just fell asleep behind my computer. What time is it anyway?

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