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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. However, canceling three dates... a little more reason to think they did it to go home early for the memorial service. At least, that's what I think. But won't know unless the members blog about going in the future. If it was poor ticket sales, though, I'm sure they'd have explained.

    That sucks for anyone who was going :(

  2. The Japanese wikipedia has been edited with the information too (unless that's the one you meant).

    You know, for solid proof, someone could ask the band members via twitter if they've released a song by that name, although there's no guarantee they'll reply. It would clear things up officially.

    Other than that, there's no evidence of the single anywhere apart from last.fm and here (and now some Spanish forum). I find the whole thing rather sad. To go through all this trouble? Whoever it is must have a lot of time on their hands or a very dull sense of humour.

  3. I think they're all handsome enough, and masculine. Cipher used to be revered as a sex symbol among fans. But I'm interested in them only musically, I don't care about them visually.

    They deserve to be more renowned because they're talented musicians, anyway, not because of the way they look.

  4. My friend is ordering me to go see this, but I'm indifferent about it (and most movies) I'll probably wait until it's old news and gets shown on TV and then join the rave review party when it's too late. D:

  5. The thing about bands in the same vein as munimuni is that they play a style of music that is accessible if not popular outside of Japan as well, particularly in Britain. So theoretically it's not an impossibility for them to gain a larger fanbase with the proper exposure, they just don't aim for it. Some of them probably don't even want it; they're content with their dedicated followers. But I'd say they're criminally underrated compared to some of the horrendously bad bands that are popular, imo.

    That's why I feel they're under valued. I listed either bands that should have been more popular than they were before disbanding, or those I personally believe deserve more appreciation among and outside of the people that listen to Japanese music. Unless I missed the point of the thread... :-/

    On an unrelated note, is that Ihsahn in your signature?

  6. That's essentially the case with most visual kei bands, though.

    Another one: ???????(Tokyo Michael). It's unbelievable that they're still together, actually. They take their time with releases, but have been consistently active.

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