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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. I'm totally going to a gaming convention here in a couple of months, so I hope I'll be playing all the new, upcoming releases there. Looking forward to trying out PlayStation move, new Castlevania, Fallout: New Vegas and Hunted: The Demon's Forge most. I pray there'll be BioWare announcements there.

    'Til then:

    Ninety Nine Nights

    Left 4 Dead, still


    and Dragon Age: Origins again, because I have to get all my achievements again. :(

  2. Even though I'm not a big fan of Enter Shikari, I have to confess that I love their lives. A friend dragged me to one in Glasgow at a dingy, claustrophobic venue with a roof so low you could jump and punch the ceiling. It was cramped, sweaty, the whole room might as well have been a pit. I love intense/violent lives, where the band dive into the crowd and rock out with their fans. There was strobe lighting, everyone was chanting the lyrics, everyone in the hovel of a livehouse was ordered to come up onstage to dance around with the band. I had a blast and left with no broken bones.

    We saw the band in a pub after the show, too, and they were all so friendly, which was cool.

    Um. D'espairsRay, of course, are excellent live. I love them equally as much on CD, but the majority will tell you that they are better live. The experience was ruined for me somewhat by silly sixteen year old girls who come to steal spots at the front, molest the band members, and bitch when someone so much as accidentally knocks them from behind or messes up their hair. In my opinion, what makes D'espairsRay lives so brilliant is how much the band get into it, how they interact with the crowd.

    I saw Rammstein and it was wild. Then again, I am impressed and dazzled by lights and fireworks. I went to see Bon Jovi with my mum when I was thirteen, which was quite cool. :DUUR: And Katatonia, because the atmosphere is immense and the band and most of their fans are really nice. The amount of utterly chill guys I met at their live is astounding. I wasn't expecting it.

    Finally, The Prodigy, who were fantastic, although I did get elbowed in the face that night and drank so much I fell and grew a bruise the size of a beach ball on my shoulder. Alcest and The Gathering were both wonderful live. However, I would have loved to have had the chance to see The Gathering live when Anneke was still with them. Aural Vampire, too, amazing live show.

    I expect Blind Guardian to be good next month.

    As for favourite live DVDs, D'espairsRay's murder day and LIQUIDIZE, no contest. My billy live DVD, the name of which I can't recall at 12:00am, comes second.

    And for the sake of discussion, a couple of bands I didn't enjoy live as much as I thought I would: Plastic Tree and the studs :/ For the studs, though, the fault lies with the fans.

    Shit. That got long.

  3. I was a lurker at Tonberry for a while, don't remember the year. Didn't post, didn't even download much, just read the posts, had a hearty chuckle, yadayada. That either got hacked or died and I stopped going to j-rock forums and stuck to socialising with like-minded individuals at LJ, one of which directed me to Tainted World. But I forgot about my account for a year, posted an -OZ- single once and then couldn't remember my password by the time I returned. Signed up again, voila.

  4. That's a tricky question! I wouldn't want to be, so I'd probably call it off. But I wouldn't want to upset anyone, either :(

    What would you do if you could mentally control someone and order them to do your bidding?

  5. I cant really imagine an american band releasing a song like this:


    That right there? Generic metal, buddy. The only thing that makes it "stand out" is the fact that the vocalist is singing in Japanese.

    Regardless, I agree with the above, for the most part. Particularly

    But your average japanese rock/metal/goth band isn't really that different from their western counterparts, except for the language. And some of them will do it better than some western bands and others not. And of course there are exceptions to every rule and your surely can find unique bands within these genres as well.

  6. Not specifically, no. I was referring to the original post, yours, and any that might follow. If you can't find anything unique or "epic" outside of Japan, you aren't looking hard enough.

    I guarantee most of your favourites rip off American or European bands. DELUHI, for example, borrow riffs from thrash and heavy metal acts overseas. Versailles, dozens of European symphonic metal acts. Even I'm not so oblivious to my favourite band lifting from Marilyn Manson, KoRn and Edguy. That's not "unique."

    In addition, the most unique bands I have discovered thus far happen to be from Canada, Sweden, the UK and America, respectively.

    I'm not saying it's impossible to find a good, unique band within Japan. I'm saying the examples given are bad and this post is going to breed more "no one makes music like the Japanese, ehehe" and that mentality is close-minded.

    Since OP asked for opinions, there's mine. :spin:

  7. NIER's soundtrack is the best. It's almost fact.

    Apart from that, there's also

    Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence and Symphony of the Night

    Shadow of the Colossus

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Star Fox :X

    Final Fantasy IV and VIII (fuck VII, man)

    Silent Hill 2

    Kingdom Hearts 2

    Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

    And Tekken 3 - 5, 6 sucked.

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