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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Too lazy to include YouTube videos, but my picks...

    LUNA SEA - Storm

    BUCK-TICK - Long Distance Call




    Guniw Tools - VANITY

    merry go round - G.O.D


    D'espairsRay - Garnet, Reddish-DIVA version-, ?????????????? (Sixth TERROR ver.)

    ???? - ?????

    Plastic Tree - ????

    ???? - Howling

    Yellow Magic Orchestra - Neue Tanz, Behind the Mask

    A mixture of songs from 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's. That's all I got for now.

  2. I hate it when people fap over rare VK demo recordings like it's God recording his private suite of angels singing and recording.

    In the same vein, I hate VK indies fags. I don't know why they think they're so special for buying/hoarding/trading music with 10 listeners on last.fm and less in their homeland as if not a soul is worthy of hearing its magnificence and only the ~l33t~ or those willing to trade equally monstrously horrendous music have the pleasure of doing so. I hate that they genuinely believe their rare singles aren't an abomination and I hate even more the morons that get jealous because they haven't listened to visual-indies-band-number-763048603486208-who-are-in-it-for-the-pussy and request it as often as they can until they get it or give up and forget. Seriously, they have, like, five fans in Japan. Stop glorifying them. They're rare and unknown for a reason.

    I hate the use of the term "American metal" in this thread, too.

    Minor irritation: Even though I abhor the use of VK and its subgenres tags etc. on last.fm because they infect every Japanese band ever and mess up my artist recommendations, I hate that half of the bands tagged as nagoya kei on last.fm are just there because they're a little heavy.

    Love: This thread. :DUUR:

  3. I hate D and any other visual band whose vocalist tries to be oh-so operatic and makes an exaggerated vibratto. 90% of the time it doesn't sound "beautiful" or even tolerable, it just sucks really bad. And I also hate how it is becoming a signature quality of a majority of new visual kei bands. My eyes couldn't roll any harder.
    I agreed with all of your post, but especially these points and had to second them. I'm not a hateful person generally, as I think it requires far too much negative energy and find it more appropriate to simply ignore anything I don't like, but D are a big exception. In addition, I dislike every member of the band bar Hide-zou. I feel that the band is overrated.

    I hate Versailles too. I hate Kamijo and his pseudo-aristocratic act, but I also have issues with a girl who was obsessed with him, so that could be perpetuating my anti-Kamijoness. Teru is a mediocre guitarist. I don't know anything about their drummer and I doubt many Versailles fans give a shit about him either. And I thought Jasmine was a shitty bassist long before he died but commenting on the dead's musical prowess is considered trolling or in bad taste.

    Let's see... There's ALSDEAD, and the fans that believe they're any different than the slews of Western metalcore bands who compose poorly. What irritated me more, though, was seeing a diehard ALSDEAD fan commenting on Japanese metalcore bands that weren't visual and Western bands claiming they were ~emo~ and ~gay~ and disgusting.

    Sadie. Shittastic band incapable of originality, with an egocentric guitarist and a moronic vocalist.

    I don't take osare kei seriously enough to hate it, but I wouldn't be caught dead listening to it.

    DELUHI's fanbase.

    I don't hate it when Hizumi sings in English, but I wish he would stick to his mother tongue because his pronunciation is terrible and his lyrics aren't as... poetic when he throws in random English phrases. And Zero... no hate whatsoever, but if he wasn't in the band, the music wouldn't sound much different on CD. Zero lures in clueless, sex-starved fangirls who want to follow his blogs and perv over the pictures of his thighs and face. He's the friendliest (next to Hizumi) and most fan interactive, but he doesn't compose or write anything, and prominent bass on D'espairsRay's album is virtually non existant, so if he didn't show up to record a track, no one would notice on CD. He's better live, though.

    And, finally, -OZ-. I don't hate them because I used to listen frequently and was fond of the band members, but Natsuki requires singing lessons. When he's not screaming or growling, he ruins a song. A lot of their songs are identical too.

  4. LOL

    Dark are you serious?

    The whole album is dark. The atmosphere is dark, the lyrics are dark (with the exception of LOVE IS DEAD and FINAL CALL). The album concept is dark. To argue that is ridiculous.
    Wow, you're being serious..
    Yes. And I'm guessing you didn't understand the concept of the album, the mood or the lyrics at all.

  5. LOL

    Dark are you serious?

    The whole album is dark. The atmosphere is dark, the lyrics are dark (with the exception of LOVE IS DEAD and FINAL CALL). The album concept is dark. To argue that is ridiculous.

  6. I used to be second daily top poster here and now I'm tenth. :(

    Anyway, should anyone care or notice, I am house-hopping two minutes down the street to a new apartment this afternoon and will be internetless until the weekend. But by then I'll be jetting off to the land of Canucks for my birthday, so I won't be around for two weeks.

    I'll miss you, TW! :DUUR:

    I wonder how many people will get the topic reference. Hah.


  7. As for my ratings...

    Human-clad monster: without a doubt this is the greatest song on the album. Karyu wasn't lying when he said this is essentially all of their music rolled into one. 8/10

    DEATH POINT: on par with Bullet; tremendously catchy, smart choice for a promotional track. Doesn't showcase Tsukasa's talent as well as it could. Flimsy bass, too, but it's overall an unskippable track for me. 6/10

    13 -thirteen-:  I thought this was promising when I heard the preview. Brilliant marching drum beat, but it's a relatively empty song.  It could have had so much more energy a'la Fascism (I hope it doesn't replace that at Japanese lives) Again, reminds me of a Marilyn Manson song I can't recall the name of. 5/10

    LOVE IS DEAD: Everyone has heard this song. It was love at first listen for me, unwittingly borrowed from 80s synthpop or not. I love it when they slap a nice layer of synth over their songs. Fun, flirtacious, danceable rock. 6/10

    DEVILS' PARADE: This is another one of my favourites. Wouldn't be out of place on the Queen of the Damned soundtrack, lol. This is what Tsukasa promised. Digital horror.  This must be the song they included the staff vocal recordings on, too. 7/10

    dope: This and DEVILS' PARADE make quite a pair. I agree with Furik, this is incredible. That's all there is for me to say about this. 8/10

    FALLING: Been done before, it basically could have been a single to follow BRILLIANT, KAMIKAZE and HORIZON. However, 2:38 is this song's saving grace. 5.5/10

    PROGRESS: Love the melodic layers of guitar. Although, to be honest they shouldn't have grouped this, FALLING and FINAL CALL together at the end of the album. 6/10

    FINAL CALL: Everyone has heard this, too. I could echo the two above brief reviews here. Except I loved the oriental feel to this song when it was first released and, again, the guitar work. There is nothing boring about these songs singularly to me, but they can be difficult to tell apart when grouped together like this. 6.5/10

    abyss: The preview led me to believe this could possibly be another PARADOX 5, so I was admittedly disappointed when it was more of a Screen/Kaleidoscope number. Two listens in, I was of the opinion that this was quite dull. However, this is my sixth and it's grown on me already. It's beautiful. Zero is actually audible! The guitar solo is lovely. Hizumi's voice is rich. The drums plod along placidly in the verses, then it escalates into an upbeat chrous. And it's an appropriate way to end the album, it trails off gloomily into an abyss. Gorgeous ballad, imo, very melancholic and melodic. 8.5/10

    Overall: I agree with Des. It felt a little bit short. But I'm wholly, wholly satisfied with this album. Well above average release, and it's a pleasantly dark album. No terrible songs. I didn't hate any of them, and I hated three on REDEEMER and one on MIRROR.

  8. I don't have this mentality.


    When I decide a band have lost it, I generally stop listening and hoping their new material will satisfy as much as their old music did.


    I was just curious.

  9. FALLING is... well, it mimicks another one of their songs that I'm too tired to pinpoint.

    And I perhaps had expectations too high for abyss, because it fell short. 13 -thirteen- is less exciting than I thought it was going to be initially, and it still reminds me of Marilyn Manson.

    I do want to know why people continue to download their releases when they haven't enjoyed any of them since MIRROR, though. I am sincerely curious about this mentality.

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