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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Perhaps they just want to know which bands users like the best?

    maybe they're doing some type of tournament or contest?

    I think it's more to do with OP's website, which is linked in the bottom right. Maybe they want to know who visitors would prefer to see on their layout? Maybe they want to know which bands they should borrow download links of from here and repost to their blog? Maybe it is for a contest or tournament. Maybe they're just really, really curious.

    I'm curious, too, that's why I'm asking.

  2. Oh. I don't have a question about any particular CD shop. But I do have complaints and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the following problem with CDJapan.

    Every time - and I mean every time - I pre order anything from CDJapan, they send me the item on the release date but don't extract the appropriate amount of funds straight away. This has happened to me four or five times in a row. They don't take the money until at least two months after I've received the item and, of course, I don't know about it until I get a letter from my bank saying I am now overdrawn by however much the CD is. I'm so confused and frustrated about it because my online banking account even says they took the money when they sent it out, but they don't. Do they do this to anyone else? My bank has "forbidden" me from ordering from CDJapan because they're too slow and don't take the money I owe them when they give me their goods, but wait months instead.

    Also, I've only ordered from YesAsia twice but both experiences were dreadful. The first time the two CDs were in poor condition (they were cheap, though, so I let it slide) and the second time they took more money from me than they should have.

    This is why I only order from HMV and Amazon now. :|

  3. (2) Does Puresound (http://www.puresound.co.jp/) have overseas shipping? For whatever reason, I was under the impression that they can ship overseas. I've looked on the site and I don't really see any "how-to" for overseas shipping, like brand x and closet child have. Maybe I missed it... So basically, if they DO indeed do overseas shipping, how do you do it?

    Puresound will ship overseas. If you can't find a link on the website, you might have to email them about it, if I remember correctly. However, it's been a while since I ordered anything from them. And protip: They sell their stock both off and online, so items go quickly. If it's something rare you want or there isn't much in quantity, order fast. It will disappear fast. Sometimes they don't update the site to state an item is out of stock, either, so you won't know until you ask them.

    ETA: I see someone provided a link. Nevermind that part then!

  4. Bored. D'espairsRay without make-up.

    Karyu and the boys from Vidoll.



    Tsukasa (and Zero)





    More Karyu (his phone camera isn't as cool as everyone else's :()




    Hizumi (and Tsukasa)


    I had to remove some because the post contained more images than is allowed. Oh, well. This will do!

  5. No. I'm not into shallowness, although I am tall enough to be one.

    Are you so allergic to something you might get severely ill (or die) if you ate/drank/touched/swam in/whatever it?

  6. SUBLIMINAL. . . I love your avatar.
    Thanks :)

    I would cut off my ears if D'espairsRay started making music like Dir en grey. Where did that come from?

    Also, "I know despa will balance well melody with hardness, but seriously, fans should understand that heavier doesn't mean better all the times. anyway"

    Quoted for truth too.

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