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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. I understand it's more difficult for someone who lives in, let's say, Australia or New Zealand or... Africa or something. And yes Europe tends to have more live performances from VK bands. I have no problem with you guys complaining because, hey, you never get Japanese bands that are this good (lol gtfo BLOOD).

    But it's not neccessarily easy for us either. There was so much drama over Americans who basically thought, for instance, a German could open their front door, navigate a corner and OH SHIT THEY'RE IN ITALY SEEING D'ESPAIRSRAY IT'S SO UNFAIR THAT THE COUNTRIES ARE SO CLOSE AND EUROPE IS SO SMALL WHY DO THEY GET EVERYTHING BAW HAW HAW

    It's not. Europe is huge. It's bigger than North America. And expensive. You guys have trains and subways and buses and cars and planes too. It's not as if Europe is some ultra new age, out of this world cyber continent with VAST UNEXPLAINED MEANS OF FASTER TRAVEL. It's not always easy to travel around Europe. Why? Because D'espairsRay chose a shitty route that any European backpacker would wtf at to fit in Russia. It makes no geographical sense. And the band aren't playing the UK this year, so I have to hop on over to Hungary and France. In theory, getting to France from England should be a breeze, unless you factor in that I live in a seaside village in the North of England, in the middle of nowhere, and it costs upwards of £100 to get to London for a start. And I have to get to Hungary first, which isn't included in any useful Eurail pass, so I have to fly there, and then fly to France, and then get the train to London, then pay to get home again.

    I'm not going to rant about paying for Canada too, since I'm not going there to see them, it's just a bonus.

    It is difficult for everyone in different ways. :(

  2. I didn't listen to the preview so I downloaded this with no expectations. DELUHI haven't impressed me as of late, but I still find myself wanting to hear their new material in the hope that they'll compose something that wasn't as obscenely terribad as REVOLVER BLAST.

    That said, I don't hate The farthest. But it's so sloppy. And the insertion of ~BR00TAL~ heaviness is so pointless and misplaced, imo, it sort of spoils the melodiousness of the rest of the song, and it trails off at the end as if it has no place to go and they couldn't quite figure out what to do with it without making it another minute longer. It needn't be as long as it is. Solo was lackluster to me, might have been nicer if it hadn't bled into nonsensical instrument battery.

    I enjoy Juri's vocals though. He is one of the few visual kei vocalists in the industry today that I can actually stand to listen to. On second listen it's slightly more tolerable, but they've definitely done better, that's for sure.

    Not disappointed, not surprised.

  3. EA's job application website.

    I spent the last hour altering my CV into a million different formats so I could upload it and properly apply as a QA tester at BioWare in Edmonton but they wouldn't accept any of them. Even formats they said were required. Microsoft Word document, plain text (my last resort because it's unprofessional) or .PDF. I tried them all, and none of them would upload.

    I am now tired and pissed and too annoyed to apply to anywhere else right now.

    Plus the Dragon Age 2 screenshots look shitty.


  4. Ghana - Uruguay was dramatic on this end because I was at my mum's in Newcastle and a family from Ghana live two doors down. Throughout the entire game they were screaming and bellowing and cheering and then when Uruguay won, they bled out in the streets and were ranting about how unjust it was!

    Golden glove for Casillas, too. All of those awards were well-deserved.

  5. Holland were too aggressive.

    Plenty yellow cards should have been red. How many were there in the end? Seven for Holland? At least two or three should've been red. That would have had them down at eight men. Three yellows for Spain? I don't know, the Spanish played reasonably fair considering how they normally play.

    The Spaniards are divers, but the Dutch seemed to forget they were playing football and not kick boxing. I mean, didn't one of them break an American footballers leg in a friendly?


    Either way, so proud my home country won the World Cup. ? Would've been better if there were more goals scored by them overall, but eh.

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