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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Default ringtone ? D'espairsRay - LOVE IS DEAD

    Best friend/waifu/love slave ringtone ? Ayreon - Cosmic Fusion, because it's her favourite band.

    Best friend #2 ? Lady Gaga - Teeth

    Younger sister ? Example - Kickstarts

    Boss ? GLaDOS - Still Alive, because I work in a video game store and he loves Portal. :DUUR:

    Text tone ? I:Scintilla - Prey on You or Blaqk Audio - Semiotic Love, mainly because they're the loudest songs on my phone and I can hear them from three rooms away at full volume.

  2. I bet I'm echoing the vast majority of albums already posted, but these are albums I believe everyone (newcomers, oldfags) should hear or should have heard...


    D'espairsRay - [Coll:set]

    夢中夢 - イリヤ-ilya-

    BUCK-TICK - 極東 I Love You


    downy - 無題3

    Presence of soul - Blinds

    Dir en grey - Withering to death, UROBOROS


    deadman - in the direction of sunrise and night light

    merry go round - merry go round is dead



    Plastic Tree - Puppet Show, Chandelier

    sleepy.ab - palette

    DEATHGAZE - genocide and mass murder


    Yeah, that'll do.

  3. When: 2000/2002/really got into it 2003 onwards.

    Where: I was forever desperate for new music. I didn't want to have a small list of bands I was interested in, I wanted to experience as much music as I possibly could at the time. I discovered my first Japanese group via a television show (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actually, herp derp), my second as I hunted for similar artists (although they weren't similar at all) and my third, fourth and fifth simultaneously when a friend sent me files via MSN, which is when I really started to delve into Japanese music.

    Who: The first band was Cibo Matto, who are based in America and, like I said, featured on a television show so they were found with ease. The second was noodles. But I credit LUNA SEA and Dir en grey as the two bands to truly lure me in. A friend was obsessed with Japanese "culture" and force fed me the files over MSN. She sent MALICE MIZER, too, but I have never been a fan of them. Later that year, I was sent D'espairsRay, then I began exploring more bands on my own and buying what I could. Mostly because we stopped chatting in 2004 altogether, but I'll still always be grateful she introduced me to the bands she did.

    First songs: Forgot this before I posted! Cibo Matto: Spoon and Sugar Water. noodles: I listened to the whole Long Long Chain album. I haven't listened to them since, wow. Dir en grey: Hydra, ??, which is my favourite to this day, and FILTH. LUNA SEA: STORM. MALICE MIZER: Cannot remember. I didn't like, I know that much. And D'espairsRay: murder freaks.

  4. strawberry song orchestra - for being one of the most 'original' bands I know of, their combination of traditional stuff ( both western and japanese ), harder rock and theatre is amazing and i love 'em for it
    Second this, maaaaaan. Their music is thrilling to listen to!

  5. Los Angeles:


    02. dope

    03. Going on!

    04. LOVE IS DEAD

    05. 13 -Thirteen-

    06. PROGRESS

    07. Human-clad monster

    08. MI?ROR

    09. Infection


    11. abyss

    12. FALLING

    13. SIXty?NINe


    15. Angeldust

    16. Hollow

    17. Garnet


    01. TRICKST?R

    02. ????????

    03. KAMIKAZE

    San Francisco:


    2. Angeldust


    4. Human-clad monster

    5. dope

    6. Ark in the storm


    8. ???????

    9. BORN

    10. Infection

    11. MI?ROR

    12. SIXty?NINe

    13. 13 -Thirteen-


    15. abyss

    16. Hollow

    17. Garnet

  6. I'm not a gay man but I love Cher. Have since I was about three years old. If I were gay, she'd be my diva.

    I think if you listen to Gaga, you shouldn't be searching for lyrical or musical substance. I like her because listening to her music is enjoyable for me. I like her because she doesn't appear to be shallow to me, she spreads love in spite of hate. I like her because she does have a nice voice, although she isn't using it to the best of her capabilities. I like the music she released before she became "Gaga."

    From what I've seen, she is absolutely lovely and appreciative of her fans, which is rare in pop music. So I disagree with the remark about her not being human - there are thousands, millions of kids who relate to her outside of the music. I wouldn't personally claim to relate to her, but I agree with a lot of what she stands for and find her involvement in equal rights campaigns admirable, especially since the industry she's in is so corrupt and greedy.

    Buuuuuuuuuuuut that's just my opinion. Whatever, whatever.

  7. D'espairsRay: I couldn't express the extent of love, but I'll mention them regardless because they've been my favourite band for seven years and their existence makes me happy, haters gonna hate. I admire Karyu, too. He's overcome so much and is still an extremely passionate, independent individual. Also, when life is flinging shit at me, something D'espairsRay-related happens that instantly cheers me up. And I've enjoyed each of their albums in different ways.

    ???: for being comprised of brilliant musicians and sounding utterly unique, and for having one supremely skilled vocalist. They need more fans.

    BUCK-TICK: twenty years of solid music that has yet to become stale.

    Lillies and Remains: best new band there is, without a doubt.

    emmurée: vastly underrated band who deserve much more love.

    BOØWY: for timeless music that never fails to make me smile or dance. Also for producing one of the greatest Japanese guitarist I've ever heard.

    ??: utterly enjoyable chill-out-electronica, also require more fans.

  8. And yet you're not embarrassed about Jeffree Star or Nicki Minaj? D:
    You should never ever be embarrassed by what you listen to, no matter how ridiculous it may seem!
    Ah! My comment was actually geared toward the fact that he(?) said he was embarrassed about listening to My Chemical Romance, of all the artists listed, who are probably subjected to more ridicule than MCR at any rate. It amused me. :DUUR:

  9. So this has only been a recent problem. It happened a day after I got internet at my new apartment sooner than I'd anticipated, although I doubt that's to blame. Basically, my computer lags more than it usually does. I had a virus named Virtumonde that ate all my memory previously, gave me hundreds of pop ups and would never let me use google, but I rebooted and reinstalled Windows to get rid of it, so I don't think it's that one come back to haunt me because Spyware S&D picked it up last time and now it says there are no threats whatsoever.

    However, I'm getting the same pop ups, regardless of whether I have my browser open or not, that lead me to websites I can't exit. I have to shut the browser down via Windows processes. When I google something, I get redirected to one of these pages as well. Sometimes it will let me browse normally, but in particular when I google computer tech problems or for help with this problem, it refuses to let me view the page. Spyware Doctor found three threats, all of them adware, but I "fixed" them and it never picked them up again.

    I've moved everything important to an external hard drive just in case my computer is infected with malware or something and I'm prepared to reboot, since that's the easy option, if I can find my Windows install discs, but until then... could anyone help me figure out how to get rid of it? I'm guessing it's a Google redirect virus, but obviously I can't access websites on how to kill the damned thing when I get redirected elsewhere.

    Help? :(

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