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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    D'espairsRay is, naturally, the only one that stands out as they've come to be my favourite band. The first song I heard was murder freaks, back in '03 when a friend forced an omnibus they happened to feature on upon me. I wasn't at all impressed. It was too... "much," too strange for me as a fifteen year old (who had only been introduced to the kaleidoscopic world of visual kei only a month or two prior) to digest. But it was parasitic. And I kept going back to it at the most peculiar times. I'd find myself humming it and asking myself why because I was sure I had disliked it and eventually, finally, the song and the band burrowed their way into my heart. ♥ murder freaks is also one of my favourite D'espairsRay songs now. On the flip side, the more I listen to Dir en grey (one of the bands I credit with getting me into j-rock, alongside LUNA SEA) lately, the more I dislike them. Kyo is really starting to grate on my nerves. I wanted to hate Merry, too, but they ended up growing on me. At least their older material. I'm not a fan of nor do I pay attention their newer releases.

    Stupid bitches.

    Does anyone know of one for Linux?

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, listening to the soundtrack while I play

    Whatever, man, I loved Karma and I'm going to see them again because they were one of the best live bands I've seen. It sucks that I'd have to go to France if they add no UK dates, but I'm willing to endure.

    I wasn't that scared by the first one, but I didn't find it bad. I had a blast scaring my sister because we watched it in the dark and I snuck off to get a drink and stomped my foot as loudly as I could on the way back upstairs. She shrieked with fear which was hilarious. This one could be cool.

    Nope, I think a couple have been. D'espairsRay included.

    I wish these bands would stop doing anime conventions, it completely squashes any and all credibility they might have had as a legitimate band.

    I remember being so into their vocalist. Anyway, these bands are short-lived for a reason. The only one on OP's list is I agree with remotely is as.milk, the rest are extremely awful. Especially Dirmu Not and THE RUDIE SATAN PARK, what the hell. So bad. All I can think to suggest is Jaguar, Kalimero, tosinn, ShaGIRL and Kazoku unfade were sort of cool and didn't hang around too long.

    Eh, might go for the experience.

    I'm tripping out.

    My limited edition Lords of Shadow is on its way right now, and I'm playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night while I wait.

    Love them. Mike's death was devastating, but the new vocalist is excellent too.

    From worst to... least worst Kyo - Juka - Ruki - Kamijo - Juri - Satoshi/Hizumi

    Those are snake bites, the picture you posted, yes. The studs under the lips are still called snake bites. Spider bites are "double lip" piercings, like

    Well, yeah . . . Just wondering, where specifically did you hear about that rumor? Do you have a link or something to the Japanese sites where it says that? It was on tanuki. I don't understand why people are so upset about it, it's just a rumour and it's not like I started it. Why is it perfectly acceptable to discuss how he might have died until suicide comes into play? Anyway, I'm glad this was moved to the rumours section. (I thought it was when I originally came in here, hah!)

    Do you know how fickle visual kei fans are, though? If it's a band who has been around for a couple of years and is an indies band, there is no guarantee their fans will stick around while they wait for an album. And it should take over a year to create an album worth listening to. The only reason Moi dix Mois can do it is because everyone knows who Mana is, for some reason beyond my comprehension because I find him musically talentless, and he has an enormous following. DELUHI need to be certain no one is going to go anywhere while they hide out between albums. I agree they should become an album band, but Leda strikes me as a perfectionist (clearly, since he wants his bandmates to actually, y'know, learn how to play their shit) and I suspect, like all the bands who become album bands, they'll wait until they're sure their fanbase is solid and will wait, rather than just throwing songs together to appease their demands every twelve months. I mean, it took -OZ- and D'espairsRay up to five/six years to finally release an album. I get the impression this hiatus is for the impending release of an album, and not just to improve their overall skill but to see who stays while their activities are paused. Like a test? Hm.

    Does it matter if piercings on girls aren't attractive to you? I know I didn't get piercings to make myself more appealing to other people. I got them because I wanted them for myself.

    Lol, I don't even like Versailles, but since everyone else was speculating...! I wasn't expecting the rumour I posted to be so controversial!

    Oh my god! I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that they were planning on firing him. And why weren't they allowed to attend the memorial live?? Who knows! They also say they were planning on firing the drummer, too, but decided not to after Jasmine committed suicide because of it, this is why allegedly Versailles lost a number of Japanese fans and why Japanese Jasmine You fans hate Hizaki and Kamijo. As far as I know, Versailles didn't perform at the memorial live at all, they weren't part of the line-up but old friends of Jasmine's were, and the members weren't invited to the funeral. It is just a rumour, but I figured I would contribute to discussion!
  21. According to the twitter of the band's staff (@awoi_STAFF), Awoi are releasing a new single on the 24th of November, their first release as a five person band!

    I love all your ear piercings, Lily.

    Japanese rumours sites suggest he comitted suicide because he knew Kamijo and Hizaki were planning on firing him, which is why Versailles weren't allowed to come to the funeral or perform at the memorial live.


    Welcome back, Tony!
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