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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    I think it's pointless to have a dozen sub boards when there's no proof that they'll be frequently used. Not everyone here is interested in Japanese fashion. A thread or two would suffice, in my opinion. I don't even know if having its own category is required.

    I don't know, guys. Katamari is really addictive. I still say never.

    Well, Aggy is a mediocre bassist and Sujk is overrated. Also seconding Champ's post. Still amazes how the GazettE haven't burn out yet, to be honest. Most of the bigger bands take things relatively slowly.

    Just came here to post this. Hopefully they'll learn how to make better music again, since they seemed to forget for a year or two.

    Blindman have new songs?

    ^ I loooooooooooooooove Monkey Island. One of my favourite series of all time. And I wish I could afford Mass Effect 2's DLC spent money on Dragon Age DLC instead, Lair of the Shadowbroker hnnng And I am playing God Eater Burst demo right now, also to tide me over 'til the new Monster Hunter, since it's basically Namco's rendition of MH, anime ver.

    Lol, Dir en grey fans.

    Preparing for the Japanese release of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd by re-acquainting myself with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the PSP.

    Karyu is a big, big D'ERLANGER and BOOWY fanboy. CIPHER I think is actually his favourite guitarist. He was never a huge X JAPAN fan. Most VK guitarists tend to be hide fanboys, he's one of the few I've seen who isn't. As I understand it, he respects hide and likes the band's music well enough just not as much as everyone else seems to. He used to have a bit of a thing for SUGIZO, too, who I believe either taught him how to play the violin or inspired him to teach himself, but he doesn't mention him or LUNA SEA anymore. Tsukasa is stupidly in love with Yoshiki, though. Both Hizumi and Karyu are Cocco fanboys. A friend of mine went on a FC trip and Hizumi bought some super limited edition of one of her albums and clutched it to his chest like it was rare treasure. Don't know about Zero, although he likes Lady Gaga. All of them are gay for Marilyn Manson and flailed about getting flowers from him for their anniversary. Uhhh, 90% of indies bands are Dir en grey fanboys. Or Gazette. Except BERLIN, who were so obsessed with D'espairsRay they performed covers of their songs live. Uruha and Sakito = also SUGIZO fanboys.

    I wish people would stop saying music like this is even remotely jazzy.

    Pretty much, yes. Mine healed over in about eight hours, though.

    No pictures because lazy buuuut so far I have my septum pierced (which was probably the most painful because I psyched myself out before I got it done), my tongue (taken it out because it's nothing but a nuisance), and my ears three times (helix, lobe and conch.) My friend just bought a new piercing kit, so I'm going to ask her to do my lip again, probably snake bite studs and my nipple. Clavicle piercing might be cool, but painful. D: Oh, or a nape piercing but my hair is too long right now.

    I JELLY. Aural Vampire, The Birthday Massacre and Dommin? Lucky Americans.

    I prefer having the original Japanese copy. In fact, the only reason I bought the European edition of IMMORTAL was for the DVD. The perfectionist in me hates having the rest of the discography I own in Japanese and then one CD with poorly written transliterations slapped on the back. I filled out the survey in German until I'd answered about five or six questions and realised I wasn't even half way done and then thought "screw it, I only buy from Gan-Shin when I have to." That survey is way too lengthy and some of the questions are just irrelevant. Although, when they asked me to pick my three favourite bands from Gan-Shin, I sat there for like five minutes going "... I only like one of these bands." And aren't GaGaalinG disbanded now? I don't know. I ended up selecting D'espairsRay, heidi and Dir en grey even though I don't listen to the latter much. If I had bothered to slug through the whole thing I'd have recommended some better bands, but I don't see the point. The masses are just going to recommend -OZ-, Lycaon, ALSDEAD and DELUHI and no real worthwhile changes will have been made. I do like that they're trying, though!

    This whole thread is an abomination.

    I like Spotify for music that isn't Japanese, but it perpetuates bad scrobbling and the tags are all horrific.

    No videos because I just woke up (long trip home x_x), maybe I'll edit it later. Utada Hikaru Shiina Ringo Hatis Noit (Mutyumu) Yuki (Presence of Soul) Kyouko (Inugami Circus-dan) Chako (Jack or Jive) Yuko-Kat (lloy) Haruka (Antikaruna) Shione Yukawa KOKIA Chihiro Onitsuka I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but that's all I can think of right now.

    She can't scream, she's only doing clean vocals.

    >Sadie >Since 1889 >DEATHGAZE >brutal Pick one. You's trippin.
  20. Wish I was back in Canada right now. :/

    OP seems to just be listing shitty nu-metal bands with screaming.

    Isn't this news like a month old? Either way, I'm looking forward to the new album!
  23. Ayreon thread? Tainted World is complete. My life would be much sadder if there was no Arjen in it. Into the Electric Castle is one of my favourite albums of all time. It's... superb. 01... is a close second solely because it features two of my favourite vocalists and hearing them duet melts my brain. Another edit! To add that I've been obsessed with Trauma and Pain (as well as Stream of Passion's cover, which isn't as awesome but with its own merits) from The Human Equation. I'm sure I'm infuriating my neighbours playing them over and over and over and you get the idea.

    Meat Grinder is vastly superior to Saw, in my opinion.

    How is this series still going?
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