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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    Oh, shit, is it? I better erase it from my vocabulary then because Will thinks everyone 12-year-old "kids" and beneath him. I guess I didn't realise you were quoting another user since you didn't use the quote tag and what you said was disparaging regardless. "Herp derp overreacting made up diseases I don't believe you have XX syndrome, enjoy your influenza." I don't even care if I get banned for this, but what an absolute twat you are.

    I love your pseudo know-it-all comments. "Fancy" diseases, what does that even mean? It's a legitimate condition. Guillain-Barre Syndrome can be caused by any number of seemingly minor things. Anyone can get it. I guarantee if Kyo announced he had some rare, bizarre disease you didn't happen to know of it would be the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT not lol fancy diseases j-rock artists are immune to and are obviously being flippant about. This is serious shit. Poor Ryuutarou. How horrible.

    Well, that's ominous.


    ??山田壮平 = Oyamada Souhei 藤原寛 = Fujiwara Hiroshi

    I do. I am actually convinced a spirit is following me because I have the same paranormal experiences wherever I am. I don't know if ghosts can be bound to one person or if it is one at all, but I do see figures at the foot of my bed. Right now I'm sleeping on an air bed in my mum's living room in a completely different city and I saw the same figure in the corner of the room. I've seen it dashing by my bed, and another time coming very slowly coming toward me until it's face was right in front of me. I hear scratching near the walls, banging and footsteps when everyone is sleeping. My dogs bark at seemingly nothing too. The most frightening experiences involve sleep paralysis though, which in this case is my mind waking before my body does and still happens from time to time. Not nearly as often as it used to. Once, I was frozen still (obviously there are realistic explanations for this too) and felt fingers on both of my ankles pull me for about fifteen seconds before letting go. Then I squealed, thrashed and fell out of bed. So I believe in ghosts and spirits and guardians. I also firmly believe in aliens. There are other lifeforms out there after all. EPS-telepathy-psychics whatever I do not trust. Especially the self-proclaimed mediums who prey on the devastation of those who have lost loved ones.

    This too, definitely. And I get where you're coming from, ficsci, because I dislike Bright Eyes in general, but pretentious means one is demanding a position of undeserved distintion or importance - music can't do that, so it can't "sound" pretentious, in my opinion. A man can. His (their? I don't know) music isn't extravagant or showy, it's just a guy with a guitar. People use the word a lot to describe music and I've never understood why, is all.

    That's why I removed mine, even when it was healed and the fit snugly, it was still sort of bothersome and I hadn't realised how much I missed eating normally until I took it out.

    For Japanese artists: Dir en grey. I can't hate them - mainly because they certainly don't deserve detesting. They were one of the first Japanese bands I heard and I still love Macabre and Gauze. I thought Uroboros was a fine album and they are not talentless musicians, but the more I listen to them, the more I can't stand Kyo. So I was a relatively big fan and frequent listener once and now I put off doing so or skip a track because Kyo just grates on my nerves and I can't wrap my head around the fanatics who insist he is the greatest vocalist of all time. -OZ-. I realised most songs sound alike, have no "spark" and was put off by Natsuki's "singing" voice. In VK a lot of people are impressed by heavy music accompanied by growling, but in the case of -OZ-, Natsuki is simply better at it than he is at singing, so it's not a "NOT HEAVY? NOT GOOD!" issue. Although this is the automated response from the -OZ- Defence Force whenever I so much as mention him needing vocal training. RENTRER EN SOI. Sphire Croid was fantastic, in my opinion, then I felt they detiorated. Self-titled was alright, but I hated The bottom of chaos. 12012, too, I lost interest in but [6]party remains one of my favourite songs. I was still sad when they announced their disbandment, though. And MERRY. I don't care for their new music at all and as such have sort of avoided listening to older material. Don't know why. As for artists/bands from the rest of the world, Lacuna Coil. Everything after Unleashed Memories- no, Comalies, is boring. Maybe 16Volt too. I think that's about it. Most of the bands I used to listen to I still dig out from time to time, even the ones I grew up on, for nostalgia if nothing else. I've never understood how music can sound pretentious.

    I am so bad at renegade. I have to force myself to select the bitchy mcbitch option and always feel terrible for being mean afterwards. Aaaand playing Fatal Frame.

    Bills, rent, food, what have you. Every couple of months I buy myself a treat.

    You basically said everything I want, Prism. I was a bit thrown off by the beginning of the Mass Effect 3 premiere, in a "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY AND WHY IS IT IN LONDON" sort of way. Then I saw Shepard and all was right with the world again. As for me: the games you listed x 1000, The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings, I Am Alive, Hunted: The Demon's Forge, Max Payne 3, Catherine, Diablo 3, Dead Space 2, Gothic 4 (because for some reason Wikipedia and Amazon said it would be released in October, but it isn't being sold anywhere I can find it yet :/), The 3rd Birthday, BioShock Infinite and The First Templar so far. I want the HD Shadow of the Colossus and Ico "remakes" too.
  13. How dare you, Miasma? Dir en grey are the most divine, unique, brilliant, unimitatable band that ever existed. Do not disagree with Will, he's an advocate sent by Kyo himself to spread the knowledge and chant the Dir en grey mantra. No band will ever be as worthy of his dedication.
  14. Steven Spielberg says, "I will accept video games as a story-telling medium when someone can honestly say, 'I cried at level 17.'" And it got me thinking about how many times I might have cried during a video game and the scenes that triggered it, so! Has a video game ever moved you emotionally? A particular character, story arc or scene? Let's dispute Spielberg! Feel free to provide clips. SPOILERS PAST THIS POINT! 01. Shadow of the Colossus - Agro 02. Lost Odyssey - Kaim and Lirum There are more, but I figured I'd give you guys the opportunity to share yours first.

    Spain born here. Summer baby. White. I fucking hate the cold. I literally cannot deal with it. Bitch is stupid. What concerns me more is how she is spreading this "knowledge" And I hope she never mates.

    Oh my god, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. They were so tenacious and stuck around for so long even though they were never hugely popular! (_ _) Sad times.

    Three big bottles of Volic fruit-flavoured water D'espairsRay cheki, namely Tsukasa Ross Noble - Things DVD Vivienne Westwood perfume as a Christmas present for someone roxie - 皇女??王冠, just because it was cheap A bundle of D'elsquel goods

    Someone link me to a Japanese song that uses steel drums.

    I pretty much haven't been able to get to work or visit my mum this week because of all the snow in the north of England.


    I studied German at school for about eight years, got stuck doing French at some point during the middle of high school and hated it, continued learning German on my own when I left then tried Dutch, but decided there wasn't much point in that since most of the Dutch know English Started studying Japanese, I can read it better than I can write it because kanji requires a certain artistic finesse, I think, that I don't possess. Typing/listening/speaking is fine. Wouldn't say I was anywhere near fluent. Considered taking Thai lessons too, don't know why I never got into that. I wouldn't mind learning Russian or Swedish.

    Always expected.

    Slechtvalk - Way of the Ancients

    No one can stand to be around me when I'm on mine, which suits me fine because for three days straight I basically hate anyone who gets in my face. I also cry a lot a day or two before and after for seemingly no reason at all. Yay PMS~

    If the lyrics showed up I would write them out for you. I don't know of a way to bypass that copy-paste block, though. Firefox normally ignores it for most sites, but it doesn't on that one.
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