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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Actually, I did. Until around 2005 when things went really downhill. I didn't mind Fu-ki either, though he never was brilliant or anything.

    I always thought they were on par with... um, who was it, Noir Fleurir in terms of horrificness. But Noir Fleurir had a quirky absurdity about them that sort of made them fun. :hyper:

  2. Also, Fu~ki from Blood. I don't see why people who like Blood are upset that he's not their vocalist anymore (although their new one seems to be on the same level).

    people who like Blood

    people who like Blood

    people who like Blood

    people who like Blood

    These people exist?!

  3. I think they're focusing on what they know is actually going to make them money/profit after the embarrassment that was XIV (XD), which is maybe why a sequel to a relatively popular game is being released rather than something they can't guarantee will sell as well? That's my theory anyways.

  4. He doesn't mention it much in updates, so the best thing to do is assume that the break is doing him the world of good.

    He seems pretty happy, though. And he's going to be in the upcoming issue of Rock & Read, no doubt he'll answer questions about it then!

  5. NIER isn't technically by Square, though, that's why it's so great! Sadly the company who created it (along with another one of the best RPGs of all time, also published by Square, Drakengard) is now defunct. :( If I remember correctly, NIER is supposed to be the "spirital successor" to Drakengard.

    The soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard, too. And the story/characters were amazing. It really is an incredible game and underrated, I agree. :(

  6. Left 4 Dead with my crush all day erry day :B Seriously need to get around to buying Left 4 Dead 2, but all the additional melee weapons and "aids" intimidate me. I am not prepared for getting used to Jockeys either.

    n+ because I am a masochist and scream/cry/rip my hair out like a bitch. I should have listened to my brother when he told me not to get this or Super Meat Boy as I get frustrated easily and I'm bound to throw the controller at the TV :(

    And Divinity II sometimes.

    Waiting for Dragon Age 2 demo, so stoked.

  7. No. I would never, ever cheat on anyone I claimed to love. I value honesty above all else. If someone cheated on me, it'd be over on the spot. As soon as I found out, that'd be it. Done. No second chances.

    However, when I was drunk I slept with someone who had a girlfriend. And have been crushing on/flirting with someone with a girlfriend to the point where she wants to leave her for me. D:

    I don't know where that puts me on the betrayal scale. Probably around the hypocrite area. But at least I'm still honest about it.

  8. According to the band's official twitter and their OHP, 12012 have ultimately decided to continue as a four piece unit, to make a fresh start.

    Vocals: Miyawaki Wataru

    Guitar: Sakai Hiroaki

    Bass: Enya Tomoyuki

    Drums: Kawauchi Tohru

    @12012_OFFICIAL: 12012始動決定??宮脇渉・酒井洋明・塩谷朋之・??内亨??4人編????????心機一転??始動??る事??決定致????????。今後??も暖????応??をよ???????願??致??????。 http://www.12012.jp

  9. Bookmarking that. I'm using Mai right now, since I've ditched Muku (as have most of my friends due to impoliteness, threats and general unprofessionalism), and while I love her services and her speed, she can be quite pricey. And Celga sucks.

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