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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. A shameful, shameful amount of D'espairsRay alone. I'd embarrass myself by revealing that guestimate on top of the cost of releases by other bands I like. 2011 promises to be quite expensive, since dozens of these bands are releasing new material and D'espairsRay are still draining me dry while they're on hiatus. Jerks. :|

  2. Just bumping the thread to let any fans know that the band are still doing interviews during their vacation and Hizumi is still designing band merchandise. Maybe that will abate some of the disbandment worries.

  3. Most members of D'espairsRay I find very unique looking.

    Agreed, but I wouldn't call any of them hot, they all have unusual features and are attractive in their own right, but... "phwoar" hot? Coming up with anyone was really difficult for me too!

  4. *becomes all starry-eyed and melancholic*


    Plus makes me grow a hope for actual band reunite.

    I mean for more than 3 nights shows kind of reunite, y'know.

    This. :cry:

    I actually wish Ray would drop Nega and whatever the other band is and reform Aliene.

  5. I forgot this thread existed.

    I have a recent annoyance. Random bands no one cares about doing one-day revivals as if they were worth mentioning when they were active. Is this some sort of new craze or has it always gone on and I haven't been paying attention?

    Calmando Qual's new music being musical sewage.

  6. And roaming a massive world, trolling dungeons, exploring, getting into the role, which I couldn't do with XIII. There haven't been many exceptional JRPGs lately. Lost Odyssey was amazing, because the gameplay, story and characters were enthralling, like they should be. :oro:

    yea right.

    Dragon Quest IX

    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

    Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadows

    and those all came out within the last year, and just off the top of my head... maybe you should pay closer attention :-P

    I pay plenty of attention! I only liked Dragon Quest IX out of those :( Even so, three is still not many! I guess I've become disenchanted with JRPGs in general.

    I liked Resonance of Fate too. Even if the gameplay was tricky. Lost Odyssey was seriously amazing. Because it was created by the guy who did the best Final Fantasys. :D The Last Story is probably going to be good too.

    Haven't played Tales of Vesperia because it's so expensive. I don't even know why.

  7. I didn't think XIII had a good story, authentic characters OR a motivating battle system. But fair enough. :(

    And that is basically why people whine about XIII. There is so much of it for a reason after all!

    Then again, I'm picky about my JRPGs and partial to the older ones, when it wasn't about graphics or sequels for shallow characters and more about the tales and the characters with a backstory that was actually interesting.

    And roaming a massive world, trolling dungeons, exploring, getting into the role, which I couldn't do with XIII. There haven't been many exceptional JRPGs lately. Lost Odyssey was amazing, because the gameplay, story and characters were enthralling, like they should be. :oro:

    Never played XII, so I don't know about that...

  8. From what I've heard about Born This Way, she goes on about dance beats dominating the album like its something new...

    Ah, well, I understand where you're all coming from in that case, but I quoted this just because everyone and their grandparent is doing it lately and the fad is getting to be a bit boring. So if there's no change and the album is sloppy or lazy to please the masses rather than outrageous or fresh, then, yes, I'd be disappointed too.

  9. Came in here to ask what's with all the one-day revival nonsense and suddenly FUCK YEAH RARA. I'm so out of the scene I didn't even realise he had another band after ブレア, or that this new band had anything to do with UCP! I miss Rara, I used to stan him so badly. If this Cu[be] are any good, I might actually buy their releases to complete my Rara-related-discography.

    Are they? Someone on last.fm said they sounded like chariots and I didn't like them. :/

    You know who else needs to come back? Gyackmen. Why can't they do a revival?

  10. Does anyone actually listen to Gaga for the lyrics?

    I'm still into her, mostly because I don't pay attention to the media, so if she's behaving like a douchebag I would never know. Even if the fame has gone to her head, I couldn't care less. Music is still catchy and fun? That suits me just fine.

    That aside, I want more of her songs to reach number one because, frankly, there needs to be more music about (homo)sexuality, transexuality and powerful women in the charts. And I'd love it if I could listen to the radio without hearing anything Rihanna or David Guetta, so she better not have worked with him on the new album.

  11. Definitely wouldn't use the word garbage to describe her music personally. It might not be as raw as demos or acoustics, but it's still fantastic. She's capitalising on the popularity of electronic music now, but I don't think it lessens the beauty of her songs one bit. It presents them in another way entirely that I still find enjoyable, but that's just me.


    She's wonderful live too.

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