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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. I blog all over the place! Some haunts I'm more active in than others.

    tumblr. Nothing interesting there.

    livejournal. Used to update a lot more than I do now.

    twitter. Which I suppose isn't blogging so much as spamming.

    I have an ameba account too but that's private, an abandoned dreamwidth account, and have been meaning to use my blogspot for video game reviews.

  2. I'm not so sure about SUBLIMINAL, I get the feeling that her 'expression of opinion' might feel like an insult to some, as I've seen in various topics. Or maybe the people who took it hard were just retards. But then again, it's their problem.

    I like that you put quotes around expression of opinion.

  3. I'll come back and explain the whys and whats later, but my personal favourites are puppet show and Chandelier. Short explanation right now: Chandelier was the one I started with and I feel it has a nice balance of heaviness, melodiousness, grittiness and... balladness. It's also the one I've had friends who don't listen to Japanese music borrow, results show most of them enjoyed it, so maybe it's more accessible in terms of listenability than their other albums. B-sides from this era were excellent too.

    puppet show because Circus

    More reasons when I get back I guess.

  4. I'd like to be a mod because I'm a raging lesbian and probably more masculine that Will could ever dream of being.

    Also I don't talk down to the rest of the userbase.

    What about my self nomination?

  5. Anomie said:
    Poor pigs :(. But people are retarded everywhere, all nations torture animals in some way, so it's not only Koreans...

    You're right, but not at this scale. And especially when there was a more humane, cheaper method of killing them off. Besides, burying them alive could cause the infection to spread - if they are even infected - to the nearest water supply and contaminate it. It was a really stupid, disgusting decision on their part. It's sad that this is the method they chose, is all.

  6. Quote
    South Korea has been heavily criticised for burying up to one million pigs alive as it grapples with a foot and mouth disease outbreak.

    The South Korean government has so far refused to vaccinate pigs against the disease and is now slaughtering them in record numbers despite appeals to stop.

    Since the first case of the disease was confirmed in November the country has embarked on a mass cull.

    Foot and mouth disease affects all cloven hoofed animals such as pigs, cattle and goats, and any country that has cases of it is unable to export the animals' meat.



    On January 4 in one area of Gangwon-Do, 33,900 pigs alone were destroyed, according to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

    Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) told Sky News Online that South Korea's actions contravene international guidelines.

    Michele Danan from the organisation said: "Live vaccinations are the best route but if they do have to kill them we would prefer that they were at least slaughtered humanely."

    The pigs may not even be infected

    The estimated cost of the cull so far is believed to have reached around £230m when a mass vaccination programme would have cost an estimated £63m.

    Some animal rights campaigners have criticised the government for putting economic considerations ahead of animal welfare.

    The Republic has begun inoculating cattle in some areas and the OIE reported on Thursday that sows and boars are starting to be vaccinated but only in a few locations.

    It is believed the live burial of pigs began at Christmas and the figure is likely to climb far above the one million mark.

    Joyce D’Silva, Director of Public Affairs for CIWF said: "Compassion in World Farming is appalled that the Republic of Korea is throwing pigs into pits and burying them alive. "This is totally contrary to international guidelines on humane culling, which the Korean government endorsed five years ago.

    "We urge the Korean government to end this horrendous practice at once and to ensure that, if animals are culled, this is done humanely."

    More pictures can be seen here. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Really, Korea? Really. Seriously, this is so fucking barbaric.

  7. I think you're defining the word clean too literally; "clean vocals" is a common term in music, particularly (or exclusively?) in rock and metal. It means anything that isn't gritty, screaming, growling, screeching or whatever. Anything "melodic or clear" (see: this reference. It might not be a term widely used enough to have its own wikipedia page, but it is fairly common.

    But if I were to use your defintion... I'd still probably list most of the same people but remove any that smoke or drink. I don't know which ones do, but I suspect a lot of them. :? For "pure and undamaged," Hatis Noit is it for me.

  8. I love that the subject is Japanese music in general and not solely VK. So my picks too...

    • Hatis Noit (夢中夢)
      櫻井敦?? (BUCK-TICK)
      ユーキ (カリメロ & 蜂-biene-)
      慎一郎 (ホタル & ジュリィー)
      HIZUMI (D'espairsRay)
      想 (emmuree & …。)
      FULL (a dozen different projects)
      紺 (NightingeiL, RedCarpet & La'Mule)
      眞呼 (deadman & kein)
      手鞠 (amber gris & Ruvie)
      YUKIYA (JILS, D≒SIRE & Kain)
      The guy from ROUAGE, name escapes me.
      Maybe KYO (D'ERLANGER) too. Maybe.

    That's all I've got so far, they're my personal picks.

  9. I've been a little apprehensive about the freezer trick. I mean, I've heard it works and all but is there any chance of ruining it further by sticking it in there? Making the data irretrievable or something? I'm tempted to give it a go, I just don't want to damage it anymore than it already has been.


    I googled around and apparently a clicking noise is the "sound of death," which thankfully isn't what I'm hearing, so it could be shock, since the floor was carpeted and the fall not too high.

  10. Well, it's not so much a problem as a FFFFFFFFFUUUU- I'm fucked disaster. Basically my precious 500GB external fell from the desk while I was fiddling with it and the laptop. It was running at the time. I have a lot of files on there, not the least of which is thousands of albums and pictures, as well as personal documents, translations, school work, what have you.

    As it was running when it fell, I realise that chances of fixing it are slim. I assume I "jarred" and damaged the head, although the drop was only about two-three feet. When I plugged it back in, it made its usual whirring sound to signal start up, as if it was trying to work, then the noise died out. I left it for a minute, the noise started again, died out. I unpluggged it. It didn't show up under my computer when plugged in.

    I'm posting this here to ask for suggestions on what I should do. All I have is take it to PCWorld and ask them to recover my data, which is a costly £100 or more, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do in the mean time. :emo:

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