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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Yeah, this can't be scientifically explained by natural law at all.

    Anyway, they just recently found another 1000 bodies washed up on the beach in Minamisanriku, which is one the towns that has been virtually washed off the face of the earth. :(

    It's the sixth largest quake since we've learned to record and measure earthquakes, which hasn't been for a very long time. I thought I'd just point that out.

    I'm sure I meant to write since record's began, but was a little annoyed by the insinuation and just... let myself write. So, yeah, that's what I meant! That said, various news articles keep swapping and changing between fifth, sixth, and seventh. Most stick with sixth, so I wonder why some go to fifth and seventh.

    Update: "Low risk of meltdown, the three containments are holding up well."

  2. All this nuclear news on foreign news broadcasts is two days old, they are full of errors too and massive misinterpreations. Quote: "they show a distinct lack of fundamental and basic understanding of physics and natural law."

    The Japanese won't give updates about it. But I doubt it's a case of no news is good news.

    EDIT: Japanese press conference right now. Radiation levels are still very low ("at this point radiation level within the area of the plant was way below the cautionary level, the numbers have not changed") and two of the people exposed to radiation released statements today saying they were fine. Radiation levels continue to decrease. There should not be any health concerns about radiation, but Japan is taking precautionary measures by evacuating residents within 20km of the plant. "You'd be more at risk to radiation undergoing a CAT scan or flying from New York to Narita than you would standing near one of those plants."

    Apparently there is no serious problem with the levels of radiation. There is no radiation activity in Tokyo whatsoever other than what is natural.

    Still trouble with the reactors to battle with and it's going to take a while until everyone knows if things there are stable or not, but it sounds as though, according to various articles, "the biggest problem is going to be power shortages, operaters continuing to vent the water steam to prevent a pressure build up (which is what the explosion was before), and the third containment of Fukushima's nuclear reactor, which is built to contain a core meltdown, will be sealed to allow the meltdown to happen without releasing any radioactive material."

    If there is a nuclear incident, it would be similar to 3 Mile Island and nothing at all like Chernobyl.

    EDIT 2: They're going to be deciding whether to release vapour from each of the plants (2 & 3) in the morning at 3am and 6am to cool down the reactors. They might be letting steam out of plant 1 again this afternoon.

    EDIT 3: "The effect of the sea water to help cool down the reactor did not go as planned." Apparently because it evaporates faster than they can fill it up.

    Sorry, I've been following this a lot lately because nuclear physics kind of fascinates me. :P

  3. She doesn't make them up herself, though. She translates them from posts on 2ch and tanuki, where Japanese fans spread "facts " (read: rumours) about musicians they a) have slept with, B) want to sleep with, c) hate. Most of it is simply rumours, but on plenty of occasions there have been pictures to prove what they're saying.

    Everything is exaggerated gossip on tanuki, some of it based on the actual experiences of girls who do sleep with bandmen. What you choose to believe or not is up to you, but it's not the girl who runs that LiveJournal writing it, she just translates. :P

  4. Overall now there is little to no risk from Fukushima's #1 power plant.

    1 person died when Indonesia what hit by a tsunami, they were swept away by it

    1 person died in Crescent City and six were swept away by the tsunami but were rescued.

    UK, US, France, Germany, China and others send rescue teams of doctors, firemen, search dogs, etc. to help search for the thousands lost. All of them have been deployed already as far as I'm aware.

  5. What bit are you asking about specifically? Because some bandmen are known for sleeping with women in exchange for money, some of them have plenty of mitsus and tsunagari, but her blog is not unlike tanuki, which is where she gets most of her information from. Over exaggerated gossip and to be taken with a grain of salt.

  6. Let's all blame the entire population of countries everywhere for something their great (great great great great etcetc) grandparents did years ago and forget the many, many horrific things our own country has done. Let's show the world how historically intelligent we are.

    Every German is a descendant of Hitler.

    Every Japanese person bombed America

    I am Stalin's child.

  7. Fucking hell, I got my DA2 a day early and had literally NO time to start it until today. And then I spent like an hour making sure I had all of the additional content available. The amount is just overboard. Way overboard.

    Besides that though, enjoying it immensely. Lady Hawke is way better than beardy Hawke.

    Could basically quote all of this.

    Maging it up, bro.

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