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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Clearly you made a mistake, idiot is on the playlist!

    Asagi - not really bad, maybe even tolerable for some . . . but he does particularly grate on my ears

    Wow, I didn't expect someone may mention him here... he's one of the best visual kei vocalists in my opinion...

    And I think he's fairly bad as well, so that makes two. D:

  2. inb4 every vocalist you like/omg how dare you he's my favourite/your opinion is wrong/all vk vocalists suck now/bicker hate bicker hate


    • Natsuki (-OZ-), when he's singing can be terribad
      Miku (An Cafe)
      Shou (alice nine.)
      Asagi (D)
      Mao (Sadie)
      Genki (Vanessa)
      Jin (Nega/that twin band he's in)
      MAKI (ALSDEAD), thought he was bad in DICE AND JOKER and, while he has improved, still dislike him.
      Guy from DEPAIN.
      Mashiro, I forget what band he's from.
      Some random indies guys, see crappy indies bands thread and/or similar artists on last.fm

  3. [*]marry of the blood (particularly the MaVERiCK recording - there was just something a bit more raw about it)

    Agreed actually! I like that... raw, rattling sort of guitar at the forefront of the song, it sounds angrier than the BORN version! And thank you for kick-starting the thread again! :P

    As for mine... This is a bit tricky, but!

    • 01. PIG
      02. 「モノクロ??????????最期??日 (Sixth TERROR ver. for the same reason - it's more "raw." I really have to get around to sharing it.)
      03. Marry of the blood
      04. in vain
      05. ‘‘Forbidden’’
      06. Angeldust
      07. quarter void (which I feel is vastly underrated)
      08. MAZE
      09. 密室ノ中…「イカレタキミ??ノ旋律
      10. Closer to ideal
      11. DEVILS' PARADE/PARADOX 5/アベル??カイン/DESERT (I guess whichever song comes last is basically interchangable... :lol: )

  4. some predictions for the line-up

    Luna Sea and/or X

    Sads and/or Kuroyume

    probably most of the PSC line up as always

    I predict LUNA SEA and/or X too.

    Maybe Versailles again.

    Probably D=OUT.


  5. They were doing so well, though, so I hope they don't announce disbandment. :( I thought they were going to be on hiatus a bit longer, but it would be cool if they revealed they were going to be working on an album. Something actually worth buying.

  6. Sujk isn't that great of a drummer/is overrated? Are you stupid?

    I'm a drummer.

    That's cool and irrelevant. So am I. And I might be stupid because I don't lump members of bands I like automatically into the SUPER TALENTED YOU CAN'T DISAGREE WITH ME category.

    Drummers like him are a dime a dozen. In fact, if they secretly changed their drummer, took no new pictures and released no live footage, I guarantee most of you wouldn't even notice Sujk was gone. Nothing about their music would change drastically if he was kicked out, so you'd be missing out if you stopped listening to them.

    No need to get all defensive or start throwing insults around because someone thinks your precious drummer is less than stellar, which I've noticed people do a lot around here. Generally when someone uses insults to challenge a statement or an opinion, they can't disprove it. :)

    come on. let's stop the drama people.

    It was simple discussion until insults were thrown around! Everyone else has either accepted or politely disagreed with my opinion, but there's always one... :oops:

  7. They are probably hidden away in indies land..

    Mostly, and obscure.

    But bands I know of that are influenced by the post-punk movement... aside from PLASTICZOOMS and Lillies and Remains, there's debatably Psysalia Psysalis Psyche, Pills Empire, Buffalo'3, JACK OR JIVE (often Cocteau Twins vs. Dead Can Dance-esque), 百蚊, GHEEE (I think are especially good), in the clockworks... Hm. Most of them can be found on YouTube.

    CAT5 could probably give you a better list, I'm assuming. :)

  8. D'espairsRay



    Strapping Young Lad

    Electric Light Orchestra

    Stolen Babies

    Blind Guardian

    Adam and the Ants



    Soft Ballet

    Tin Hat Trio



    Aural Vampire

    Lots more.

  9. sujk not that great of a drummer? in my eyes he's one of the best and one of the reasons i like/listen deluhi

    it would suck big time if he left

    He's overrated, in my opinion. He's sub par. No one would remember Sujk and Aggy if they left, they'd vanish into VK obscurity because they're nothing special at all. I love the band well enough, but as musicians only Leda is worthy of as much praise.

  10. Sujk isn't that great of a drummer anyway. I wouldn't be too sad if he left, but where are people getting it from? Did he mention something? Is he not getting along with the other members?

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