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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. With ignoring I mean I wouldn't directly talk to her but if she would ask me something I would normally answer, I won't be a bully on her. I hate bullying. I was bullied for about 9 years and it fucked me up pretty bad, so if someone's going to insist I'm a bully I'll probably become pretty pissed.

    But if you'd been bullied for nine years, you'd know how awful it feels to be ignored by your classmates as well and that it's as bad as outright being mocked by them. Do you know how lonely it is to not have any friends and to be laughed at by an entire classroom? As someone who has been bullied through most of her childhood and teenage years, I would never, ever treat anyone the way everyone is suggesting here.

    SUBLIMINAL, I absolutely agree with you. Such cold responses of almost everyone in this thread make me sad, I feel really bad for this girl and everyone bullied in your class/workplace, etc, people.

    I don't think anyone else will, but thank you. It's nice to see someone does.

  2. Not surprised by the sheer number of "derp I'd ignore her" responses here. Some of you are so fucking petty.

    A ridiculous weeaboo she may have been, but if the shoe were on the other foot (I'm sure with some of you, that's not far from being the case) and you were the one being bullied because of your ~obscure~ interests and general obnoxiousness, you wouldn't want to be ignored and/or mocked by all of your peers.

    I don't care how much of a "white knight" it makes me, being a jerk is not cool, edgy nor funny.

  3. What I yet wonder... I can imagine, how Jasmine joined rabbit orgies with Kamijo, Kisaki and even my beloved Satsuki. They all were friends, right? Remembering about Kisaki's healthy state and understanding how big decadence can rule desires such sensitive and ambitious people and musicians I'm afraid, we can lose another one's of these wonderful group of talents too.

    What the hell does that mean? I've heard a lot of shit come out of this fandom but that just takes the cake.

    Maybe s/he means copulating like bunnies, but still... I don't even

  4. I've been following her since she debuted King of the World and unabashedly think she's fierce as hell. I love her. I can't wait for her to actually release something, and I'm pleased she hasn't abandoned her original sound altogether and become a replica GaGa.

    I don't know where people are pulling this "too poppy" thing from already, considering most of her songs are a mixture of ("bubblegum") pop and industrial rock. I've always likened her music to a more aggressive Jakalope.

  5. I cry over a lot of songs for a variety of reasons, but off the top of my head...

    D'espairsRay - Angeldust, the end of Tainted World, 闇????る奇跡 (the live version especially), Kaleidoscope, Screen sometimes.

    夢中夢 - 焦燥空下言外ノ調

    Plastic Tree - クリーム

    BUCK-TICK - Long Distance Call

    deadman - this day.this rain.

    A lot of downy and ア??モ??.

  6. Here's one I bet every girl gets a lot.

    Why are girls never straight forward?

    Example, if you ask them if they're ok, and they say, but everybody knows they're not, why don't they just straight up say it? And it's not only this, it's like with everything.

    The short answer is: women want you to know how they feel without having to ask.

    but men are not psychic D:

    well, not much a problem for me,

    but my straight friends keep saying this thing makes women most confusing :lol:

    I bet their relationships would be much less confusing if they were psychic! If you learn to read a woman's emotions, it's smooth sailing from then.

    But women want to feel appreciated, like their boy/girlfriend is attuned to their emotions and understands them perfectly. It's flattering to have someone know off the bat that you're not okay, even when you say you are, and in my experience it always cheers me up a bit. :wub:

  7. Here's one I bet every girl gets a lot.

    Why are girls never straight forward?

    Example, if you ask them if they're ok, and they say, but everybody knows they're not, why don't they just straight up say it? And it's not only this, it's like with everything.

    I can answer this because I subconsciously do it too. The short answer is: women want you to know how they feel without having to ask. They don't want to tell you they're upset, they want you to pick up on it and react accordingly.

  8. I wonder if that has anything to do with Isshi's vocal problems.

    I had never heard about this, elaborate please.

    He lost his voice before a live, which had to cancelled, then he had to undergo medical treatment for a while and nobody could figure out what exactly was wrong with him. He was improving, though, from what I gather, so this announcement is shocking.

  9. How much it hurts depends on your pain threshold. I''ve had tattoos done on my foot, wrists, back and the nape of my neck so far and none of them were particularly sore, only uncomfortable. If you have piercings, you should be able to handle it. The only way I can describe it is... it feels like being stung by a bee repeatedly and very quickly. The most painful part for me was the shading, which is like a hot scratch.

    Tattoos don't scar often. They bleed a little as they're being done, but not enough to cause concern. Then they scab over while they heal. As long as you don't pick at the scabs it should be fine.

    What do you want a tattoo of?

  10. Seriously boring, generic, overrated band imo. Everything they've released recently has made me "eh" and nothing more. There's never more than a single song that stands out to me. But at least this is a step in the right direction, as opposed to VERSUS which went nowhere and was one big, long medley. Actually I find myself often preferring the tracks toward the end (because it's finally coming to an end? Who knows)

    And I maintain they need a new vocalist or singing lessons for Natsuki.

  11. D'espairsRay is, naturally, the only one that stands out as they've come to be my favourite band. The first song I heard was murder freaks, back in '03 when a friend forced an omnibus they happened to feature on upon me. I wasn't at all impressed. It was too... "much," too strange for me as a fifteen year old (who had only been introduced to the kaleidoscopic world of visual kei only a month or two prior) to digest. But it was parasitic. And I kept going back to it at the most peculiar times. I'd find myself humming it and asking myself why because I was sure I had disliked it and eventually, finally, the song and the band burrowed their way into my heart. ♥ murder freaks is also one of my favourite D'espairsRay songs now.

    On the flip side, the more I listen to Dir en grey (one of the bands I credit with getting me into j-rock, alongside LUNA SEA) lately, the more I dislike them. Kyo is really starting to grate on my nerves.

    I wanted to hate Merry, too, but they ended up growing on me. At least their older material. I'm not a fan of nor do I pay attention their newer releases.

  12. Whatever, man, I loved Karma and I'm going to see them again because they were one of the best live bands I've seen. It sucks that I'd have to go to France if they add no UK dates, but I'm willing to endure.

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