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Posts posted by SUBLIMINAL

  1. Also he wasn't the best singer technique wise, but he had a cool raw voice, could sing in tune(most of the time at least) and had some screams that sounded great. But who am I to question the opinion of someone who likes black metal vocalists, they're obviously great at singing.

    Someone who goes on about emotion being more important than skill or technique, no less! I'm not a fan of Kyotaro specifically, but I wouldn't say he was the worst singer I've ever heard.

    As for doubting the opinion of someone because they listen to black metal, that's unfair too. Some black metal vocalists are great.

  2. snubnosedsneezingmonkey.jpg

    A new monkey species in Burma, South-East Asia, is so snub-nosed that rainfall is sad to make it sneeze—but that's the least of it's problems.

    The only scientifically observed specimen (pictured above) had been killed by local hunters by the time researches found it, and it was eaten soon after. Local demand for monkey meat is but one reason the new species is already considered endangered.

    Scientists first discovered "Snubby"—as they nicknamed the species—from hunters in the remote, mountainous Kachin state in early 2010, according to the U.K. based conservation group Flora & Fauna International (FFI), which announced the discovery Wednesday.

    The hunters told the team about R. Strykeri's fleshy lips, upturned nose, and odd respiratory issue: rain falling into the monkeys' noses possibly causes the animals to sneeze, so they often spend soggy days with their heads tucked between their knees, the hunters said.

    "We were surveying during the rainy season, and we were asking, 'Does it make sense to survey these monkeys in the rainy season?'" said Frank Momberg, FFI's Asia-Pacific development director. The hunters said, "'Of course! It's much easier to find them due to the sound.'"

    "Hunters hunt them more often in the rainy season, because they are much easier to locate—normally they're too quiet."

    Eventually other members of the team did find live snub-nosed monkeys, but the creatures escaped before pictures could be taken. FFI has, however, released a photo composite of the dead R. strykeri's face on the torso of a live monkey of a different species.


    Other snub-nosed monkey species are known from China and Vietnam, but R. strykeri is the first known species in Myanmar (Burma). Ranging across about a hundred square miles (270 square kilometers), the new species is also distinguished by its wispy white beard and ear tufts as well as its relatively long tail, according to FFI.

    Generally preferring bear meat, the local hunters don't usually target the snub-nosed monkey, Momberg said. But "when a hunter comes across a monkey and there's nothing more delicious, he will shoot it." The bush-meat trade is just one of the pressures facing R. strykeri.

    Chinese logging companies, for example, are encroaching on the new snub-nosed monkey's habitat, FFI says. And with logging comes more than habitat destruction.

    As trees are extracted, so are the roots that anchor soil to steep mountains, leading to increased landslide risks. And as logging camps proliferate, so do guns, traps, and demand for bush meat.

    Based on talks with the Lisu hunters, scientists estimate that only about 300 of these monkeys remain—few enough to qualify R. strykeri for "critically endangered" status on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species, FFI says.

    But if the new species' noisy sneeze gives them away to hunters—and presumably other predators—why did R. strykeri evolve its odd face? To find out, Momberg said, "we would need to habituate a group of these monkeys [to humans] and then observe them in the wild. That would take at least a year."


  3. 1. Have you ever bled from your privates for 3-5 days straight?

    2. Hormone levels are higher, women are less likely to be patient. We'll cry, scream and bitch more.

    3. Adrenaline is released when progesterone levels drop; progesterone helps regulate blood sguar. This causes irritability. Some women have to eat every couple of hours when they're on their period to keep their blood sugar levels in check or they'll get weak, anxious and start sweating and trembling.

    4. It's gross.

    5. It hurts. Everywhere.

    I'm sure if that happened to you once a week every month you'd be bitchy too! :o

    Your best bet is to be extra sensitive and attentive while she's on her period or avoid her altogether because there's little you can do to make a girl feel better when she's going through it. I know when I'm on mine I get over emotional, cry over any silly thing that shouldn't be offensive and stay in my room for three days.

  4. tl;dr

    I don't remember much about being bullied at school, although I know I was and that I hated it so much I would skip classes with the people I used to find particularly intimidating to hide in the girl's bathrooms. Often times I would avoid going to school altogether, I was simply too afraid to deal with being picked on. I make an easy target because in spite of my height, I'm relatively thin and gangly, geeky and quiet. I know I had things thrown at me (chewing gum in my hair, food at a suede coat). I was called names, shoved around. A lot of it was due to my family's nomadic tendencies. My parents could never settle down and we were never in a city or a town for more than a year and I've moved all over Europe, never fit in.


    One thing I don't think I will ever overcome, though, is my dad. He's an extremely strict man - he's enormous, over 6ft he towers over even me. He's spoilt, misogynistic and brash and can never do wrong. He has this booming Scottish drawl that frightens when he shouts. I was only ever yelled at or hit with a belt when my mum wasn't home, she was usually there to take the brunt of it. But when she eventually left, I became the oldest and most accessible woman for him to bully, so he was always running me down, telling me how much of a mistake I was, how he wished he only had my brother and that my sister and I should get lost. He'd ignore me constantly until he wanted to yell at someone. Most recently he used my name and got me in thousands of pounds worth of debt, the stress from that is the only thing I have ever wanted to comitt suicide over. But I've always been too scared to go to the police to tell them it wasn't me because it's been burned into my mind from such an early age that I am not allowed to defy him. :\

    I don't live with him anymore but he still has some impact on my life because he's so close by. I won't be truly free until I move to another city and he never finds out where I am.

  5. I've dated obnoxious "cool" guys before. One punched me because I wouldn't sleep with him and the other (26) cheated on me with girls under the age of consent because they were impressed by his car and his big house and weren't as opinionated as I was.

    I'd prefer the nice guy or the sniveling weirdo in that scenario, to be honest.

  6. I agree with you. Luckily there are some more traditional/original band anyway. But not so many :/

    Would You be so kind to give some examples? Do You (or maybe anybody else) know any (neo)folk Japanese band? It could be in same style like European bands, I mean acoustic guitars and all this stuff like Current 93, Death In June and many others, or just true modern reflection of ancient Japanese music with traditional instruments etc... Does anybody be able to find something like that?

    Kiryu and Kagrra, are not "neo-folk," though, so the above recommendations are inaccurate. Kiryu and Kagrra, are rock bands with traditional Japanese flair.

    Notable Japanese (neo-)folk artists include: 三上寛 (Mikami Kan), 因幡修次 (Inaba Shuji), 山崎??コ (Yamasaki Hako), Slap Happy Humphrey, Goddess in the Morning, RIKKI, and Umekichi

  7. What's the point of it? So if they succeed it will be down for a few hours (what's tumblr anyway? And why was it singled out?), and then the poeple will have fixed it and life goes on, such as it is.

    What a waste of time and human resources.

    Tumblr in a nutshell: One user posts a picture. Ten thousand people "reblog" the same picture. The cycle continues.

  8. Imminent generalization here but...: I can't find a girl that's good for me around here. I hear it over and over again that I'm not enough of a "challenge" and that I'm too nice of a guy and that no girl will ever go for me because I don't conform to stereotypes (I also hear "don't give up!" a lot too so save it).

    No girl will go out with you because you're too nice? What sort of dysfunctional relationships do these women want? Do they want obnoxious college frat boys who party and shove them around? What ever happened to being attracted to someone who actually respects your gender? :oro:

    Not opposed to relationships, but its going to take someone AMAZING to change the fact im single.

    Pretty much this. For now I'm in love with myself. :D

  9. Allllll the single ladies (and men), put yo' hands up.

    I've been in a fair few relationships and I've had my share of regrettable one night stands.

    In my opinion, relationships are not all they're cracked up to be and for several years now I haven't been interested in them. My last two were the final straw, really. My ex was controlling, patronising and... to be frank, she was everything I do not find attractive in a person. She would flip her shit if we didn't speak every hour of every day, would accuse me of thinking and feeling things I wasn't, of not being devoted enough and would go on and on about how she couldn't love someone who didn't love her explicitly. If I so much as expressed affection for a friend, she would be furious and I ended up resenting her. Eventually, she had the gaul to cheat on me when she was drunk and I told her I didn't have the physical or mental energy to put up with her.

    This was a catalyst, combined with past abusive and destructive relationships, my friends attitude toward promiscuity and fidelity, my parents divorce and other personal matters. It's safe to say I'm turned off relationships for life.

    That said, I find it disconcerting how much young girls rely on relationships. All I hear them talk about is boys, as if they're the be all and end all. The amount of girls wanting to have boyfriends, husbands, babies so young is appalling to me. One of my sister's friends is fifteen and pregnant, she wants to be a full-time mother and have as many kids as possible. It's all everyone, especially girls, seem to care about.

    To be honest I have never been so content as I am focused on myself and my happiness. I work, I study, I socialise with friends and I don't need a significant other to validate me. I've been called pathetic for it a couple of times and my grandmother believes I should be married and settled down by now (at twenty-two!) but I have a hard enough time dealing with my own idiocy and over sensitivity, I don't want anyone else's baggage. I don't want to get married and I don't want to have children (later in life I might adopt). I want to live, travel and be happy. :P

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