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Status Replies posted by Spectralion

  1. Suddenly I crave for Two-Mix's music, but I don't know where to find? :|

  2. Re-watching all of Eureka Seven. Ten years later and I love the show even more. I see many things in new ways as well. Will watch AO as well. At first I didn't like that show, but then in the later episodes I started to see it a different way, and it was really amazing.

  3. mom go fuck yourself and leave me me alone

  4. Why am I still can't change my avatar? It said like file is too big.

  5. That's not the news I like waking up to. :(

  6. My NoGoD's VOYAGE is arrived in my home yesterday and I'm still far away from my home :"

  7. Whoa, I am behind the times... FinalFantasy Dissidia for Arcade as well as Star Ocean 5, as well as a new FFXIV update, AS WELL AS Rampage Land Rankers with Nomura designing. Things are heating up!

  8. Whoa, I am behind the times... FinalFantasy Dissidia for Arcade as well as Star Ocean 5, as well as a new FFXIV update, AS WELL AS Rampage Land Rankers with Nomura designing. Things are heating up!

  9. Memento Mori ships tomorrow, yay.

  10. Memento Mori ships tomorrow, yay.

  11. Drunk status: Maria i love you.

  12. Busted my @ss for days straight helping someone set up their new biz, think I pulled a muscle in my neck so now all I can do is sit, chill, watch something (hopefully) interesting, and write long rambling posts on here.

  13. That feel when you decide to take your dragons up to the next colliseum difficulty to play with the Big Boys, and get REKT.

  14. You can find THE TURTLES JAPAN'

  15. You can find THE TURTLES JAPAN'

  16. noob problems 101 but how do you change the title of a topic you've made? thanks in advance

  17. There's still time to join Flight Rising and play with badass dragons. :P

  18. GOTCHAROCKA's "Emotion" is the best ♥

  19. I was only into A for Rookie Fiddler, but god damn, Nimo's "au revior" cover is lovely! He can cover all of Merveilles as far as I'm concerned.

  20. i will NEVER stop being SALTY over RES breaking up

  21. Hope that Kiryu MV get uploaded today

  22. Some thoughts on latest releases: New Codomo is really nice, more like Children`s Dope; Vistlip is really good, expresses emotion very well in a certain signature way, great lyrics too; new ALSDEAD is great, love the first track but the second track is so amazing, great guitar tone and delivery, overall amazing sound; new Blu-Billion is solid as always, love the disc design so much too; new UNiTE is great, they went back to the sound of the first two albums more, love it. Listening to BORN no...

  23. Some thoughts on latest releases: New Codomo is really nice, more like Children`s Dope; Vistlip is really good, expresses emotion very well in a certain signature way, great lyrics too; new ALSDEAD is great, love the first track but the second track is so amazing, great guitar tone and delivery, overall amazing sound; new Blu-Billion is solid as always, love the disc design so much too; new UNiTE is great, they went back to the sound of the first two albums more, love it. Listening to BORN no...

  24. I got so fuckn addicted on Wonder f∞l people that i couldnt even pay attention to the class.

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