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Status Replies posted by Spectralion

  1. Mobile bill usually around £12. Incoming bill amount text message this time shows £50 total. Prepare my burial guys, it was nice knowing you.

  2. HALP! I can't stop listening to Tokyo Jihen's Adult :"

  3. 摩天楼オペラ's JUSTICE First Press limited edition is the most beautiful physical CD in the world, period. Merry Christmas meeeeeeee!!!!111

  4. ugh so many releases to check out, can't keep up with everything D;

  5. I think ALIVE from Royz will be my 1º song to listen in 2015 ♥

  6. Those new Meto and Mia pictures....*dead*

  7. If someone called you by your username across a crowded room, would you notice/respond?

  8. My grandmother is in the hospital and she's having surgery wth is happening .__.

  9. finally back D: wtf happen

  10. So, it's pointless converting .m4a to .mp3, then how about converting flac to alac? Is it a pointless thing to do too?

  11. So, it's pointless converting .m4a to .mp3, then how about converting flac to alac? Is it a pointless thing to do too?

  12. So, it's pointless converting .m4a to .mp3, then how about converting flac to alac? Is it a pointless thing to do too?

  13. FLAC rip of ARCHE deluxe on jpopsuki. FUCK YEAH!!

  14. Someone to share SUPERNOVA for us? ♥

  15. Cause of Fickleness is the biggest joke of the year. Pathetic.

  16. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?

  17. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?

  18. Love that new Royz. Soft song but has just enough attitude to get my blood pumping.

  19. Love that new Royz. Soft song but has just enough attitude to get my blood pumping.

  20. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?


  22. so happy about not giving a single fuck about that Star Wars thing.

  23. I hate when my head hurt after 5 hours-ish anime watching marathon.

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