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Posts posted by Tony

  1. The seizure lights are a bit painful on the eyes, but I really like the colours, especially the scenes of Kanye on top of the police car. But it could have been so much better.. promising start and then its wasted.

    Rihanna boobies. She's always used her sex appeal really well.. but here she moves around like a cheap slut? :P

  2. Is one of the worst pop songs I've ever heard.

    This song is really a 'Love it or hate it' thing, but if you say that, either you haven't listened to a lot of 'artists', or you lack of ears.

    "given its profile" is very important - you can't take my sentence out of context.

    I have to admit - its domination of worldwide charts is pretty impressive, but expected. There was no doubt the first single of this album would shoot to #1. Hype does wonderful things.

    Her album will do the exact same thing, no matter if its good or bad. Her legions will buy anything she comes up with.

    Who likes S&M? That's some catchy stuff there, and the video clip.. <3

  3. I think you're trying to grasp at straws. There is a line between influence and copying. But Lady Gaga is an international superstar, she shouldn't need to walk that line at all. She would have producers lining up to work with her. She's been influenced by Madonna from day #1, so why at this stage in her career are we seeing a song which lifts so much from another artist? She's supposed to reprsent being different and unique. The lyrics of the song are all about that, but the tune itself really couldn't be any less original. It makes the whole song seem insincere.

    And its 2011. Every singer and band under the sun has gone back to the 80s. She was the pioneer of electropop with RedOne in the mainstream, but now she is lagging behind. Even behind Britney Spears, who at least showed some progession with her dubstep-influenced single. When's Gaga going to try do some dubstep instead of crappy, dated, 2nd rate music?

    In conclusion - Born This Way is terrible, and given its profile, is one of the worst pop songs I've ever heard.

  4. Why did they ruin the end of the album with overture? birth in the death is like.. one of their finest moments ever.. and the flow from that is completly destroyed!!!!!

    early thoughts - this is the best stuff they've come up with for years. I gave up on them after the last album.. but this is a return to form I wasn't expecting! The 2nd half of the album is much stronger than the 1st. The 1st half is sorta what they have been doing for a while now - but its tight, and the production is flawless. After the interlude in the middle, that's when the album comes alive for me. Those GEMINI songs are fantastic. Yes, a lot of Muse influence (I hear Stockholm Syndrome?) but they managed to make it into their own.

    The Muse inspiration is what has made them come out from behind the medicore, major-label VK band they had become to something a whole lot more.

    Back with a full review in a few days when I absorb it more.

  5. After 5 albums, I am officially sick of their formula.

    While none of the songs are unpleasent to hear, its just the same thing over and over. Their past 4 albums have all had some form of natural progression in their sound. I've loved all of their albums. But the songs here are just bland, rehashing the same tricks they've had up their sleeve for too long now. For a first time listener, they might like this album. But for someone who has been a fan since 13s reborn, these tracks simply do not cut it. The redeeming moments and very few and far between. And when you think you've found a track that sound alright - "Inochi no Ki" - you remember that it sounds exactly the same as "Suiren" from NOW.

    I think they need to take a break, find some inspiration and come back better than ever. But we know that's not going to happen, and this tripe is going to keep coming thick and fast until they get that major contract they seem to so badly want.


  6. How does Kyo sound VK? He has the one of the most unique voices I've ever heard. His range is amazing. He makes noises I didn't even know could come out of a human being and be interpreted as singing. If VK singers decide to try to copy him, how does that affect his singing capabilities or make him a visual kei singer if the vocal style originates with him?

    And if you compare his vocals now to 2005/06, he has come a long way. He has almost reinvented his vocal style. If you claim that from 1997 to 2011, he has not changed his vocal style, then you are a fucking idiot. (excuse the language)

    How does Kyo sound VK? He has one of the most unique voices I've ever heard.
    He has one of the most unique voices I've ever heard.
    I've ever heard.


    Yep. ONE of the most unique voices I've ever heard. So hard to believe? Instead of sitting here trying to patronise me and other members, try making some form of valid point.

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