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Posts posted by Tony

  1. That might not be the case. Many bands tour new material before its officially released.

    I'm gonna bet a September release date.

    Well the band specifically said summer, so that's what I'm going off of. And Dir en grey has never been known to follow traditional practices. There's really only one or two cases where a band played songs before their release (unless the tour was to build support for the album. i.e. The Rose Trims Again). I remember Dir en grey playing STUCK MAN (then called Third Time Does the Trick) practically a year before UROBOROS, but that's all I've really heard of.

    I believe they played a lot of VULGUR before its release as well.

  2. Once again, great video. It doesn't feel over the top/overdramatic like her last few videos have been. Its like a... back to basics video gaga style.

    And even with the religious theme.. it doesn't feel like its supposed to be controversial at all.

  3. I doubt the announcement will come late summer as much as the release itself. The band has set up a tour around that time, and plan on doing full lengths in the US and Japan as well. It's a promotion tour, and a band would not tour the world to promote a single. We'll get an album in August the latest.

    That might not be the case. Many bands tour new material before its officially released.

    I'm gonna bet a September release date.

  4. I love both old and new DEG. I love the Gauze sound as much as the next person, but I don't want them to turn around years of progressing their sound to making that music again. The nostalgia feeling would fade after a couple of seconds.

    What I don't like is when they take songs from that period (Zan) and make them almost indistinguishable from most Marrow of a Bone tracks. They completly butchered that track for me and was by far their worst remake.

    Some remakes have been really good though (undecided, Hydra-666-, Vulgar track they did).

    I like where they are going now though... the two singles released have a nice amount of variety to them. So who knows what to expect with the album! And that's why I love this band. No idea what's next.

  5. Well, not everyone is seeing her "faults". You're the first one that i've seen pointing them out, so..

    goes pretty well with

    I'm starting to realise that most gaga fans denote the words "incredible" or "amazing" to everything she does. She could take a shit on the middle of the street and gaga fans would say it was incredible. Open your eyes.

    lol, i quote because I like this.

  6. I think most people have predicted this would happen to gaga at some stage in the career, but I didn't expect it so soon.

    Well, not everyone is seeing her "faults". You're the first one that i've seen pointing them out, so..

    Really? General consensus from what I've heard and read is that these first two singles aren't as strong as her previous stuff. I have to agree with that. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not read or heard one negative thing about her music since "Born This Way" came out.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone here - I don't hate her or her music. But obviously, I don't like her as much as you guys haha. I want to like this second album, but right now, everything is only "ok" when it should be better. Here's hoping...

  7. You cannot compare the Judas live to something like, her Paparazzi MTV performance. My point was, not everything she does is perfect. To me, its very very clear the faults of that live, so to hear people say it was 'incredible', I can't understand that.

    RE lip syncing - no, she didn't lip sync. She relied heavily on the backing track though. I dunno if its just me, but I prefer my musicians to sing and play instruments, no dance to the point that they can't even sing their own song. She's usually has a great balance of all three - but it was totally off in that performance.

    It was by no means bad, but she set her bar so high early in her career, I think she's struggling to keep it. Both in the singles we've heard and in the lives I've seen which are average by her standards. I think most people have predicted this would happen to gaga at some stage in the career, but I didn't expect it so soon.

    The performance was "fine", "good", "decent". "Incredible", no.

  8. How was that "incredible?" She didn't even sing half the song, relied too much on backing tracks so she could do whatever the hell she was doing.

    I'm starting to realise that most gaga fans denote the words "incredible" or "amazing" to everything she does. She could take a shit on the middle of the street and gaga fans would say it was incredible. Open your eyes.

  9. I don't understand people who claim dir en grey is now not metal - um, have you listened to their music? The metal genre is very wide, its not limited to death/black/thrash/elitistasshole metal. Get your heads out of the ground.

    No matter how much people hate on this band - they're still relevant, and probably still the most exciting band in the j-rock scene. Douche-y fans doesn't change that.

  10. Had a holiday to japan booked for July with a couple of friends.

    Once the earthquake happened, we decided to wait it out and see what happens.

    But now I'm thinking - should we cancel the whole thing and get our airfare money back? It would give us time to plan a holiday somewhere else. I don't see the situation changing much from now until July. My mind is still open to the whole situation, but my friends are basically against going...

    Would you still go? Should I get my refund now or wait it out?

  11. What did everyone think of it?

    I'm really enjoying it. Its the first girugamesh song I've been able to get into for a while. And it being for a great cause just makes it better. Uplifting melody instead of moapy and depressing.

    Sure it is recycling their old formula to an extent, but for 4 1/2 minutes you can forget that and just enjoy what you are hearing.


  12. I haven't listened to any singles off this album, so every track here is new to me.

    慟哭 - good

    JUGGERNAUT - good


    砂漠??シンドローム - not good

    棘 -toge- - good, very poppy for Sadie.

    deathtopia - boring, sounds like a tryhard Meisai.

    Dress - good. very good. great arrangement. best song on the album.

    Graceful Angel - not good.

    霞??消??る?? - good. anyone get a D'espairsRay Trickster feeling from this track?

    GIMMICK - very different sound, does drag on for a bit but i like this. like the simple use of synth.

    Cry More - eh. its ok, nothing special.

    瞼??憂鬱 - another ok track.

    Dress (unplugged) (bonus track) - its pretty. mao's got a voice, and he proves it here.

    I stopped listening to Sadie after Kagerou. Never bothered with the new singles because of so many bad reviews. But I think we were all wrong to dismiss them. Strangely, its the heaviest songs that are the weakest here. Before, it was the softer tracks they couldn't master. This album isn't perfect, isn't good as Master..., but they've still got it. The variety here is nothing short of outstanding.


  13. Downloaded it based on all of these good reviews... boy was I disappointed. This is not good at all. Almost the same idea throughout with pretty much no variation. The guitars have the same tuning in every track, it got on my nerves very quickly. The beats are nothing special.

    I'd give it a 3 or 4 out of 10. There are a few interesting moments, but execution is where the album suffers.

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