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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Chianti, why respond to nonsensical critisism about an album he has never heard? Don't waste your time.

    Anyway, been listening to the album, I'm really liking it. Took a few spins to grow on me though. People expecting another MBDTF will be disappointed, this feels more like a traditional rap album. Much simpler beats than I expected.

    Big winner here is Frank Ocean, his career is really going to take off. The two songs featuring him are standouts to me, as well as Lift Off (feat. Beyonce), Otis and Niggas in Paris.

  2. Haven't had any weeaboo moments for a long time. I guess the worst was going to weekly anime club screenings and attending anime conventions back when I was 16... *shudder* But once I got over anime and into the music, not really many weeaboo moments. Never tried to look VK. I did put eyeliner on a few times, but that was for a Marilyn Manson concert. :P The pain of getting it off was so bad to make me never do that again.

    I was actually thinking of studying Japanese though - only because I really want to learn another language well, and I have some sort of grounding based off the years of japanese music I've listened to. It was between Japanese, French or Spanish. Will this be my latest weeaboo moment?

  3. The whole live has been uploaded on youtube.

    Technical difficulties at such a big festival spot... bad, bad luck for the band. Plus they don't look like they're playing anywhere near their best. DIFFERENT SENSE, LOTUS and OBSCURE was especially bad. Got better towards the end, CONCIEVED SORROW and DOZING GREEN sounded amazing and the crowd finally started getting into it at this point, just wished the whole thing was mixed that well.

    Personal highlight was Merciless Cult. The song sounds amazing with Kyo's current vocal range. The screams, the clean sections, everything about his voice sounds better compared to the withering days. His voice has done a total 180, still gets me everytime I watch a live.

  4. This album keeps growing on me. With every listen you notice more and more of those little intricacies of each song. The attention to detail of every instrument, every sound is really amazing.

    I might have to revise my initial 7/10 review, I think its worth an 8.

  5. Most of their PVs have looked cheap lately, to be honest. They almost seem like an afterthought now, like they are making them just because they have to for promotional reasons. The good ones are few and far between.

  6. From memory, most diru albums sell high on the first day because a lot of the sales come from internet pre-orders that are shipped out and counted on the first day toward the chart. It falls from there..

    Decent first day though, I remember UROBOROS selling around that much on its first day.

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