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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Have loved his music since I can remember. Probably my first introduction into metal and industrial music.

    High End of Low had some decent songs on it, but no, doesn't come close to his peak. I think I enjoyed "Eat Me, Drink Me" more because it was a departure from what he was used to making.

    New album has me excited.

  2. Blossoming Beelzebub was one of the better previews. Diabolis had a similar sound as well. Almost like noise-rock...

    Can't wait for this, its already shaping up to be one of their better albums.

  3. Listened to Goblin a couple of times recently and overall i don't care for it too much, but some individual tracks are great. Moving on to the older stuff, since it's supposed to be better anyway i guess ( ? ).

    Nope, Bastard (his 1st album) is hit-and-miss too. I like Goblin for the individual tracks that are amazing (Yonkers, Radicals, She and Sandwitches), but there is also a lot of filler.

    I need to hear the whole EARL album, his rapping is probably better than Tyler's. Has a way with words. I love the beat in the song EARL though, that distorted electro-noise is freaking amazing.

    Frank Ocean is worth checking out too, have heard a few of his tracks from his mixtape, pretty good.

  4. errr.. i didn't mean to offend anyone and i apologise if I did. My previous post was pretty clear - using "gay" and "faggot" in a negative connotation is offensive and I don't ever do that in real life.


    I just wanted to make a thread about an artist I like musically and to talk about it with other fans. I don't like to think im promoting homophobia by listening to his music. Or rape. Or murder. Or disrespect to women. I don't take it seriously. That was my whole point. And I certainly don't deserve to be ambushed for making a thread on Tyler. I was just stating his response to the homophobia allegations.

    Back on topic... I love "French" too! Bastard is pretty good as well, need to check out the whole first album.

    Another good song - Earl Sweatshirt's "EARL". Awesome stuff.

    Anyone who wants an introduction, watch this:


  5. lmao @ this heavy debate again. Almost every dir en grey thread has one douchebag who comes along and decides to call them 'not metal' or 'not heavy'. roll fucking eyes.

    Back on topic...

    I was listening to the 3 singles today, and I have to say it might be one of the strongest single-combinations they have come up with.

  6. He's responded to the homophobic comments but saying that he uses those words with negative connotations to describe, not that he is actually against gay people. eg. "that's gay"

    Its still offensive, but not necessarily homophobic. Who knows if he's telling the truth though.

    And if you are going to take everything he raps about so seriously - I think there's worse messages to worry about eg. KILL PEOPLE, BURN SHIT, FUCK SCHOOL from the song "Radicals" and constant references to rape and murder. Yet Tyler's use of gay and faggot is the most controversial?

  7. That's true, just that the review said there was none - that's why i raised that point.

    Although, I'm kind of expecting that not every new track is going to be without a chorus or hook of some sort.

  8. That review has got me excited. DIFFERENT SENSE seems to be a representation of most of the things he/she has said about the album a whole.

    as for no "singalong choruses" - I don't really agree with that based off the album's first two singles, which had pretty clear chorus sections.

  9. OFWGKTA.png

    Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, often abbreviated OFWGKTA, are an American alternative hip hop collective from Los Angeles, California. The group is led by rapper/producer Tyler, The Creator, and includes rappers Hodgy Beats, Earl Sweatshirt, Frank Ocean, Domo Genesis and Mike G, producers Left Brain, Syd The Kyd and Matt Martians and other non-musical members.

    Tyler has said that there are over 60 members in the group. There are three groups inside the collective: MellowHype (Hodgy Beats and Left Brain), the Super 3 aka the Jet Age of Tomorrow (Matt Martians and Hal Williams), and EarlWolf (Earl Sweatshirt and Tyler, The Creator).

    Anyone a fan? I heard 'Yonkers' a couple of weeks ago and haven't been able to stop listening to Tyler's music since. Some of the most amazing hip-hop I've ever heard.

  10. Different Sense is amazing. I love almost everything about it. I love the transition from heavy to melodic, their last 3 a-sides show they are becoming masters at this skill. its disappointing that people are put off by a song that's structure is not verse-chorus-verse-chorus. - 9/10

    the b-side is terrible though. completly unimaginative next to different sense.

  11. I'm really put off by those amazon samples. But they always seem to pick the worst part of a song to sample.

    Kyo's growling is great and all, but there just doesn't seem to be anything else going on there. No idea how this sample and the other two will fit together. The structure is sounding more like hageshisa as we go.

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