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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Any orgy fans here? I got into them last year although I knew their cover of Blue Monday since I was a kid, very good industrial rock band. Favourite songs are probably Eva, Stitches, Blue Monday, Opticon.. and a lot more. :P

    Although I bought "Punk Statik Paranoia" a few days ago, their sound is completely changed on it. More heavier nu-metal and less industrial. Caught me by surprise.

  2. I have the full single in 320kbps if anybody wants it.

    Representa is great. I don't think it's their best song or matches up to the greatness of "favourite song" but it's still pretty damn good. This band does industrial rock/metal very well. It's more funky and danceable than D'espairsRay and BERLIN.

    It sucks they re-recorded THIS NEW ORDER though, it didn't need re-recording. Chainsaw did!

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