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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Not what I expected at all. Need more time but this is going to divide fans again. Electronic elements are barely there.. I was expecting them to have more of a precense than on their other studio albums.

    I'll be back with a better review.. this is not an album you can judge quickly.

  2. So tomorrow I'm flying out to London to start my 3 months of backpacking around Europe.

    I think I will have internet access in most of my accomodation, but will probably only have time to come on and grab new releases for my iPod.

    I'm going to my first (real) j-rock concert (D'espairsRay) in Milan which should be awesome :D

    See you all when I get back in October!

  3. Blot's chorus was the best. I think that's actually my favourite song of theirs, and that Butterfly/Blot single was their best release.

    That's why I think they should stick to singles. Its what they're good at - releasing a couple of really strong songs. VERSUS was that same couple of good songs surrounded by a whole bunch of medicore ones.

  4. This song in two words: a mess.

    It has some great ideas in there. Those piano melodies are fantastic. But the execution of the song is terrible. I didn't expect that from a band who has successfully created so many songs that blend the soft and hard elements so seamlessly. The chorus makes me cringe.

    I'd give it a passing grade, 5/10. Great ideas, but better luck next time.

  5. I updated on the old TW that they have a new album "Pins and Needles" coming out in September. Today they put up samples of 3 songs on their myspace, vampirefreaks and facebook pages. All the samples sound EPIC. The album has a heavier feel to the other two, which I think a lot of fans of songs like 'Blue' and 'Red Stars' will like.

  6. No one's written about Muse since 2007?

    Well, I'll admit that I love Muse. Hoodoo is my favourite.

    We had a thread over on the old TW.

    They are amazing, one of my favourite bands. Going to see them live in December, apparently bringing their full arena show to Australia for the first time.

    I liked United States of Eurasia. Not the strongest song on The Resistance but its not bad by any means.

  7. Well that's the case anywhere if you have controlling parents or no money. But if I like in Australia and have neither, and you live somewhere in western Europe without those problems, its much closer and cheaper for you to see a lot of bands since major cities are much closer than they are here. Like you said, a lot more opportunities.

    I mean, seeing the band in Paris and in Strasbourg is so easy and relatively inexpensive to do in 2 days!

  8. I wish I could afford to!

    Originally I was going to do Hungary - Italy - France, but I'm going to Canada to visit a friend for my birthday, and the Toronto date is a day after, so 8D

    Shame I can't go to the Italian venue, though. I've heard the venue is awesome, so I hope you enjoy your first j-rock band concert! :D

    Thanks. :D

    Would have been awesome to meet someone from TW! I'm all by myself in a foriegn city (splitting from my friends who are going down to Sicily) so hope I make some friends who can speak English haha.

    Knowing D'espa they are going to play a different set for each gig, so you're going to hear some rare songs live.

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