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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Maybe he has one of those electronic drum kits?
  2. Tokage

    mainly been playing death road to canada in co-op mode lately, it's surprisingly fun tfw you will NEVER go on a zombie apocalypse road trip to canada with Jason & Garfield...
  3. Tokage

    analog instruments are for grandpas, synths are the future of music
  4. Tokage

    no ; )
  5. new The Novembers album titled 'Angels' apparently announced. . .

    1. plastic_rainbow


      sounds like another light album........

      well, looking forward to it nevertheless

  6. Tokage

    wew i might actually be getting my first commissioned art project soon? fingers crossed
  7. Tokage

    that cover art is absolutely AWESOME, anyone know who did it? the songs just seem like standard by the numbers kiryu at this point sadly, their gimmick is kind of starting to grow stale for me
  8. Tokage

    MIYAVI vs Samuel L. Jackson is literally the climax of Visual Kei as a whole
  9. CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM (i'm still hoping they'll one day release a cover (mini)album...)
  10. are there any other bands like la'veil mizeria and crucifixion currently active? 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      it's because he uses a bunch of stupid accents in his name lmao


    2. Tokage


      oh this sounds p good too actually!

    3. merchenticneurosis



      Check out my channel for full Marvelous songs!

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  11. Tokage

    GO TO WASH [3] anyway took them long enough! hoping this won't end up just being a singles compilation cuz there's always the danger of that kinda stuff happening, but otherwise this should be nice
  12. Tokage

    Yeah, the new album is pretty good! It might help that I haven't really listened to the previously released songs all that much, so they managed to still sound fresh even though some of the 'singles' are already kinda old
  13. Tokage

    so phase 2 was a tour and phase 3 is.... another tour? ok
  14. genuinely surprised that so few VK bands have latched on to vaporwave/synthwave aesthetics tbh

    1. IGM_Oficial


      .EXE's "Delayt" has some unintentional aesthetics



    2. Biopanda


      Has any VK band done that stuff at all? The only band that really comes to mind is kinda THE HAKKIN.

    3. Tokage


      only thing i can think of that comes remotely close to that whole '80s retro wave' aesthetic is the gazette's Falling PV, but that's just in terms of visuals 

  15. Tokage

    At this point I feel like no matter what these guys will ever even do, they'll constantly end up being compared to Dimlim, kinda like a Sadie / Dir en grey thing
  16. Tokage

    bring back the raw christmas music covers x
  17. damn :/ who are all the other people in the pic in that case?
  18. btw did Takken ever come back? I recall hearing at one point he was gone or something but idk
  19. Tokage

    Girlfriend and I tried to do the whole '1 horror movie a day' thing throughout October again this year. Only managed to get to around 28 movies in the end, but considering last year's attempt ended after exactly 2 (two), that's still an improvement. These are the ones we watched (in random order): Beyond the Darkness Dollman vs Demonic Toys Mystics in Bali Burial Ground: Nights of Terror Chopping Mall (rewatch) Slugs (rewatch) Leprechaun Madhouse (the 1981 one) The Dead Zone Carnosaur Killer Workout Body Melt (rewatch) The Stuff (rewatch) Friday the 13th Friday the 13th IV Friday the 13th V Friday the 13th VI Friday the 13th VII Friday the 13th VIII Freddy vs Jason Bride of Chucky The Abominable Dr. Phibes Basket Case 2 Basket Case 3 The Eye (the 2002 original) Sleepaway Camp II Necronomicon: Book of the Dead (rewatch) Night of the Living Dead (Tom Savini remake) There was no real set plan made in advance to select which movies we'd watch, I just decided to go with whatever I happened to already have lying around. In general, I can say that I enjoyed most of these in some way, as objectively clunky as some of these movies may have been. Many of them at least partially redeemed themselves either through good use of practical effects, a neat soundtrack or just straight up balls to the wall cheese (Burial Ground is legit one of the most absolutely ridiculous zombie films I've seen so far). The ones I ended up rewatching were movies I'd last seen nearly a decade ago, so I figured I'd give them another shot to see how they held up (spoiler: they held up pretty well). After this semi-marathon through the majority of the Friday the 13th series (skipped parts 2 and 3 cuz I'd seen them relatively recently) I have to say I don't really get why part 8 is so hated. It's definitely a step down in comparison to the previous ones, and the whole 'lol we only actually get to Manhattan in the last 30 mins' thing was lame, but I still feel like Friday 5 and, hell, even the original, were simply less entertaining to me personally. The Basket Case sequels turned out to be way more fun than I initially anticipated. It's definitely a massive shift in tone in comparison to the original, but this kind of maximalist, over the top approach worked quite well for us. Same goes for Bride of Chucky, I can totally see why it didn't gel well with people, but I ended up appreciating this kind of more comedic approach considering Child's Play 3 didn't really work for me at all. I really liked The Dead Zone, but I legit do not see why it's labeled as a horror movie at all.
  20. wonder how many of these are gonna turn out to be re-rcordings (or re-rerecordings) :^)
  21. fuck whoever initially pointed out Values of Madness sounds like a Merry song cuz now I can't unnotice it anymore

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